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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by Pretsy

  1. A bit tricky pairing there despite the logical origins - both playing midwest emo-ish stuff and whatnot


    But even so, Cinema Staff has lots of stuff to boast about (not to mention their legacy thanks to CS-lite bands nowadays) while Chanty does not unfortunately provide the most sufficient image of their palette with their yet otherwise minuscule, incomplete repertoire.


    So based on this unfortunate sizing and legacy bias alone,  I will go with Cinema Staff.


    also completely unrelated reason:


    I sometimes pretend inside my head that La'cryma Christi would have been doing this shit (honestly, I could imagine this guitarwork in their songcraft too)


    Instead of bland pop rock and glam schlock they resorted to later on after 2000 album but yeah, it's also about personal leanings really.

  2. While people get downright frantic about "insult generators" (to put it bluntly), there is a *smooth* transition going on from selective, damaging policing to even more surveillance and doublespeaking/"newspeaking" by courtesy of upcoming administration (not a fan of current either but the recipe of even more massive disasters is already in front of your eyes).


    So yeah, guys - any kind of solution on its way instead of being crybabies there? "Fresh, millennial thinking" is far off from being promising as of now. So ditch blameshifting and think of the way to increase consciousness on appropriate actions against damaging policies.




    Let's draw a line between real world dilemmas and twitter/facebook mini-triggers for a moment, okay?


    (share love etc. and all that shizz - this is not related to MH btw)

  3. 47 minutes ago, Takadanobabaalien said:

    As December gets closer, I thought this would be a fun topic. Let's post some of the greatest christmas theme/christmas related vk songs! (or simply songs that makes you relate to christmas)


    I'll start with two classics:




    Dude, you forgot the most unexpected VK christmas cover ever (and from your favorite band too):


    (the first song)


    The original




    Also the song every Merry fan hates for some reason (yes, it's *A BIT* out of place on Under-world but it is cute nonetheless)



  4. I remember enjoying Jessica hardcore when it came out during November (yup, still saying it - my first VK song) and sorta cringing when I heard "Cocoon" by Pierrot a bit later on (I think it was a november single too) - meh.


    Also, how can one dismiss these obvious new romantic Glay fanboys?








    Penicillin! Lovely song too.


    edit: herpes likes gokusai? The more I know today...

  5. 38 minutes ago, patientZERO said:

    She's told me that she has met some friends from other countries, but nobody from America. She's got some friends from Australia that she said she's talked to before.

    We've "gone out" twice now and have plans to spend the day together again this weekend, so I guess this is good news. The more time I spend with her, the more I am attracted to her, which I didn't think would happen to be honest. I'm also not one to jump into things (I'm not a very forward person) but goddam did I want to hold her hand today ... I'm just a sappy hopeless romantic.

    Pro tip:


    Give up on "sappy hopeless romantic" idea you have inside your head.  You should not let anything hinder you in case you are really dead serious about it - and by doing so you ought believe there is a "right" moment somewhere - considering your situation it could be VERY close. Who knows? (I don't know that but you know it better yourself, right man?)


    I ain't the guru or the man of all good knocks but I had to comment on your situation since your current thinking sorta reflected the situation I have been stuck in for ages - " will she treat me like a foreigner? Am I too "alien" to her? Can there even be chemistry between us as in mutual sense?" questioning has turned me into miserable, skeptic fuck but let's not get too personal and dramatic with these details:


    Just get this "Gaijin" thing out of your system. The more you think about it, the more  you are braking your own progress there. To be frank, thinking akin to "how should I go since they are white/black/Japanese/asian/slavic/african/trans/etc. etc." is completely irrelevant if you do honestly sense there is some real stuff going on between you and "the one" you may cherish etc.


    Current year, guys - it's not a meme. Current year.


    Inb4 another guy making a skit out of my performance. Yes, this is sad but "please clap".

  6. 2 minutes ago, patientZERO said:


    I honestly don't know her friends at all, since she doesn't talk about them very much, but the way she talks with me, she's eager to spend time with me (and I the same with her), but don't know when (or if) to make a move ...


    I do think she's a bit more mature to just be pretending to be dating a gaijin as I don't think her friends would give a damn. I guess I'm just more concerned if she's just spending time with me because I'm a gaijin and it's new and fun, but has no romantic attraction to me at all. I am so bad at this ...

    Give it some time and go with the flow for now (considering the complexity of this situation). It's no fun to rush with these things, especially when it comes to such vast differences (I presume that may be the first time she is having this kind of close chatter with "gaijins" like you, no?)



  7. From most avid music theorists and listeners I mostly heard peeves about unorthodox structures (verse - bridge - verse - bridge - chorus, even though this is not unique in J-music), not-so-palatable vocal approaches (either baritone vocals set in unusual contexts or *warbling*) and completely different approaches toward melodic accompaniments (see: Marty Friedman's talk about differences between American and japanese music). Otherwise it has been mostly all about the language, heh.




    Check the ending part he is playing and try to justify that as "pop music" to your music hobbyist friends. They won't dig it.

  8. 2 hours ago, patientZERO said:

    ^ well, to make matters worse, I'm an American in Japan, so there's all sorts of cultural differences ... Like I don't know if she was interested in me or just interested in the fact that I'm a gaijin.

    The worst case scenario might be the situation where she would just pretend to be "dating" with you to her own friends (out of being such a special snowflake) while just keeping terms anything but intimate with you due to more likely lack of "cultural understanding" or "touch".


    So you shalt consider the latter before anything but who knows? Maybe it is rather different and actually more genuine in JP (cross-culture/ethnicity dating) than it is in SG, KL or TW...


    (Regards, the man with this experience)

  9. 3 hours ago, saishuu said:

    Also in regards to AN CAFE, I don't say this too often, but their first full-lenght (色彩モーメント) was GREAT. I'm not sure how it holds up these days (haven't listened to it in forever), but I freaking loved it back then. マグニャカルタ also had some pretty cool tunes (mostly the singles, but still - スマイル一番 イイ♀ is a gem).


    ETA: @r...you know you want to contribute to this thread.

    Why do people look over their first mini though? Not that it's stellar but some surprising koteosa songcraft from them:



  10. As much as I don't really get behind La'cryma's later era of poppiness and non-vk fauxdom (Magic Theatre was the last decent one, methinks - and no, not a fan of those single collection-based singles), La'cryma is still my personal go-to and in this case the obvious choice of mine...


    Monkey Majik is in overall very questionable except okay,  they may of course inspire Nihongo learning circles (especially those residing in the states and with some gusto and interest in developing stronger, mutual relations with eastern buddies) but I have my own ways in being "real nihongo weeb".


    And fuck X Japan's "Without You" and fuck anything this overwraught necromancer called Yoshiki is messing with post-Hide mortem.

  11. 2 hours ago, Saishu said:

    Remember when Stuck Man was called Third Time's The Trick?

    We all do




    Also, shocked reactions when there were notes about Dir pulling out "softie stuff" during their later Marrow leg (which turned out to be - quelle surprise - Glass skin!)


    And what else is remarkable: these new songs will NOT BE leftovers for sure - let's not forget that they used to have a lot of early singles for their albums churned out from leftover demos of their earlier album sessions - take say, Myaku,  THE FINAL,  Clever Sleazoid, Dozing Green (demo version), Hageshisa (yet to be confirmed though)...

  12. Okay guys (who have been to Japan for helluva while) any thoughts on Hiroshima or do you personally find it as idyllic/picturesque/"comfy" as some may perceive it to be. I just wanted to inquire about this since Tokyo may be too much to me if I planned to hit there first in regards to accom etc. etc. etc.


    also: a bit picky about pricing - is it true that Chiba and possibly Kobe are *FUCKING* expensive?

  13. 3 hours ago, Tokage said:

    It's been a while since they last performed several new songs without any official studio recordings announced/official previews being released, hasn't it?

    Uroboros era was the last one I think (Stuck Man, Toguro) - and as in the present day, we still *KNOW* that the album is supposed to be out in months (not a year lol) or so

  14. So for now I am stanning only for that intro song (omg) and okay-ish shoegaze song...guys, tell me where else I can hear songs like that intro?! I have been missing this kind of music style for a while


    Every.single.goddamn.time. (ever since Dona Dona with that post rock song, then MBV tribute on Ammonite etc etc)


    Dammnit Ryutaro, why you have to be like this?!


    Also: is it true that he is still closely cooperating with té members (ever since his Neji-project)? This guy gotta step it up even with people like these...

  15. 32 minutes ago, DREAMON DREAMER said:

    the essence of the whole america... :>
    but i think it's a way better than that sht last 15+ years... time will tell everything.



    Trump promised trade wars with China.


    You do know that this concerns Russia too? I don't acknowledge most of Putinisms but imho he needs to get a new PM instead of gullible numale Medvedev to secure Russia's trading positioning as of today. But since he won't - the big Don will persuade the little Dim to practice 90s-friendly policies and facilitate another revival of damned "russian liberalism". This will domino-effect Finland ie my homeland so i am dead srs.


    This is already a call to arms in economic sense. Prepare to see artificial manipulations of currencies and trade protectionism...


    And as you may see, i am not happy about both candidates either.

  16. Just now, DREAMON DREAMER said:

    today is the only time when i'm useful as economist / political scientist :>

    it was a choice between two evils, and i'm really happy the choice was made correctly.
    i really, really hope the direction of american foreign policy will change,  and friendly relations with russia will be restored.

    we don't need any conflicts, we are always open for dialogue. all goes to good!



    Pence and other ppl behind Trump are stone cold anti-Russia hawks.

  17. 34 minutes ago, Tokage said:

    cant wait for the inevitable tumblr and buzzfeed mass suicides lmao

    (i mean i wouldn't have minded seeing the alt right eat itself either, both options are just as good)

    This amount of overreaction is killing polling sites and other portals due to failed projections as well.


    Now guys, stop overreacting and evaluate the whole process again - what exactly did lead to this situation? Was confrontation necessary? Was discussion possible? Was name-calling necessary? Was pretending to be "ultimately wiser" and overlooking issues of your present and past smart move?


    Of course, the "conspiracy" theory about them being aligned together in reality may still be sufficient in this case, but the main flaw here is that people who voted...


    forgot themselves, their individuality. You are not the one to depend on the government (Ameribros, take a note) or some movement (BLM, LGBTQ*) - you are the one to build yourself as a person and gain better outlook of yourself by understanding and "agreeing to disagree" with those opposing your schools of thought. So let's lay off this emotional triggering and assess things beyond trendy concepts like "Mexicans again" or "racists/misogynists/xenophobes":


    Real problems are still being overshadowed by emotion-driven mentality of today's voter majority. How the fuck do we ensure that we could balance millennial-favored fields and STEM to the same degree as it was in better days? How do you ensure the consistent flow of funding in areas of infrastructural development, health care, education etc etc.? How do you ensure that there will be less "sanctuary cities" or even "sanctuary states"? How do you ensure that legislatures and regulations in your country remain justified and "democratically acceptable, civil" without the wake of bloody contacts, riots etc.? How do you ensure that the risk of "bubble economy" won't be nearing your household as well? And the list just goes on and on but all you guys state can be purely rooted to those sites akin to Buzzfeed etc.


    Man, I miss at least a tinge of Ron Paul-ian/Perot-ian thinking (bias, I know) in our today's political "sociosphere".


    *to clarify:


    These movements SHOULD NOT be politically driven. You ought to acknowledge and agree - in spite of your disapproval - that people you may usually automatically lump into these movements are in reality in no way willing to be in these "silos" and prefer to be acknowledged, idk, AS PEOPLE - INDIVIDUALS. So in the light of both parties exploiting your movements - learn to think outside of your identity - be it race or sexuality-based - and try to wrap your head around talking points I provided above.





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