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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by Pretsy

  1. Just wanted to ask guys whether doing a thread for political compass-like things is too much for this forum, whatcha think?


    As much as "political identification" would  low-key segregate and kill friendships sometimes (not often though), I thought this would be somewhat a great way to envision the diversity of our community on different fields...


    And no, I am not baiting - just wondering whether this idea would be "palatable" here...

  2. On 03/11/2016 at 9:17 PM, Tokage said:

    Is this a fucking joke?! holy shit this is embarrassing



    Very touching lyricism right here.


    And I am pretty sure "pussy in the white house" was totes intentional with those cat clips right there





    Tuesday (Wednesday here) is coming, you freaks.



    If Hide was basically the Dead (that Mayhem guy) of visual kei


    Does that make Yoshiki the Euronymous of visual kei?


    (reasoning for the latter: both paved stellar career beginnings for certain prominent acts we know to this day, and both have been equally dickish and unsympathetic individuals in regards to the rise of scenes they represented)

  4. I actually forgot to link Laruku performances, gomen:



    (In original it's only Hyde singing)


    Kinda funny how they switch roles there





    Longer and angstier version of the original song (extended intro + extended interlude w/ Hyde wailing over)



    Hyde basically sings audience-accompanied version until the end of first verse's 1st half and restarts the whole song but with fuller arrangement


    Self-explanatory (again)



    Much more audience-oriented version than the studio version (a lot of DUNDUN interludes with industrial mess)



    Extended intro with PV's Carousel theme


  5. 20 hours ago, Hakoniwa said:

    I saw that on twitter, but what's that about?? lol

    It's just Terry Tate's anti-Trump advert manipulation AFAIK


    But regardless of all the media hulabaloo, the *first* female president will step in anyway no matter what kind of campaigning is done around here tbqh. It's a real goddamn shame that folks over there really bothered to forget the fact that both candidates literally KILLED all the chances for 3rd party candidates to step in. So where was the promising Libertarian majority? Where did Ron Paul voters go (to be honest, I still respect him for staying true to his positions)?


    I am not gonna play politics here but I do really think that there's the idea of "a plant" being more or less legit here - discrediting GOP's voters much? It's rather suspicious that voters are being put to HATE each other and especially those being stuck on the middle ground ("one vote for x is one vote for Clinton/Trump etc."), what the fuck guys?!


    But there is no hope for a country with no centrists anyway (Perot may have been truly the last kind of figure), methinks.


    (regards, grumpy hybrid centrist/left libertarian)

  6. So are we limited to VK or are we free to touch any Japanese act?


    Anyways, L'arc has been doing different rearrangements of their songs on various occasions - as P'UNK-EN-CIEL (Punk alter-ego), as "L'Arcoustic" lives (e.g. gorgeous acoustic version of Kasou) and role-switch versions (Trick, Revelation).


    Kiyoharu did helluva lot of rearrangements (self-covers and own songs too) back in his early solo days.


    Also, the queen of constant rearrangements: Ringo Shiina (and her 'backup' band Tokyo Jihen):











    (the latter song basically has concerto, jazz and rock versions so far...


    She is basically rearranging songs every now and then when she has a chance to do so (unless it's some sort of staple song like NIPPON)

    Basically this is the prime reason why I have her WHOLE DISCOG - including latest dvds of her eras I don't really care about anymore.



  7. On 12/10/2016 at 5:13 PM, Carmelzors said:

    I presume Yoshiki made rather rushed assumptions when he clicked on one MT PV off the 90s(I suppose

    this one, kek) and thought that "hey, they *USED* to be VK too!!!1!"


    Do they even have a significant fanbase there in Japan though?

    3 hours ago, nekkichi said:


    album he refers to has an... interesting cover



    Their 1999/2000 era was rather interesting in general lel + that Eurovision PV (also: note the quote)

  8. On 12/10/2016 at 4:57 PM, Anne Claire said:

    Apparently, Mumiy Troll is a visual kei band.


    Idk but seems like they *intentionally* opted borderline 12012 kei looks there for a moment but yet still


    obvious oddballs of that show regardless  - just what Yoshiki was thinking?


    edit: Ok, the frontman explained the reason - rough translation off that certain excerpt:




    - As far as I have understood, the management staff of this festival thought of inviting some foreign groups. They (*COUGH* YOSHIKI - carm's note) had plans on globalizing this whole event. The thing is that our first visit in Japan kinda affected the musical and visual direction of "Tochno Rtut' Aloe". We had PVs in anime style and with some Asian themes. Around that time we even used to be called "Russian Glay" by Japanese press. We have played with acts akin to Rose of Rose, Sharam Q, Sex Machineguns. I have brought Dasein to Moscow, and in each and every V-ROX (Vladivostok-based rock festival with rather surprising headliners each year - e.g. Tsushimamire and Love Psychedelico attended latest V-ROX events - Carm's note) event I personally invited various popular Japanese acts to perform in Russia.  I guess  for these last 15 years I have brought a lot more Japanese artists on my own initiative to Russia than any other professional promoter or so-called "Gov(-funded) programs". In our repertoire we have also songs in Japanese as well.  Seems like all of this has played its role well.





  9. On 12/10/2016 at 9:57 PM, blackdoll said:

    is this really sexist and racist? according to the comments

    Not necessarily 'sexist and racist' in our current society per se since our mediums have already stigmatized the exact reverse situation of this kind of picture (imagine if it was some popular male rapper doing the same to naked chicks), while praising the shit out of this setting instead.


    Makes you think (off-topic) - why do I have to take accusations against "locker room talk" seriously (yes, it's tasteless on Trump's part but hear me out) when the most eager folks to advocate against it publicly - e.g. the First Lady - happen to admire skanky figures akin to Beyonce or even Minaj as seen above as "THE role models"? Should we cut down on this equally tasteless lyricwork like "First both of my legs go back on your head, and whatever you want, yeah baby, I'm bad" as well while we are at it? It's not about "UHH MUH SEXISM AND RACISM IN ACTION" - it's about the fact that hypocrisy and severe double-standardizing happen to be the staple features of our millennial generation. We blame certain groups for things we could be easily targeted for in the same vein.


    And no need for "well they are not running for president duuhh" - I think some users here even agreed on the opinion according to which people like this DO BEAR certain political effect in your decision-making - while not being politicians ofc. So in that sense, it makes no difference really if we stick to this beloved Buzzfeed/AJ+ script. What a Topsy-turvy world we are living in...


    What we should learn: know exactly what you endorse or admire - and don't be a shitty, trigger-happy hypocrite.

  10. 16 minutes ago, Anne Claire said:

    Apparently, Mumiy Troll is a visual kei band.

    I presume Yoshiki made rather rushed assumptions when he clicked on one MT PV off the 90s(I suppose

    this one, kek) and thought that "hey, they *USED* to be VK too!!!1!"


    Do they even have a significant fanbase there in Japan though?

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