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Posts posted by qotka

  1. My favorite band from when I was a kid just dropped a new single and I'm torn between totally loving the composition and feel of the track and being kinda iffy about the lyrics (which sucks, because Tim Wheeler is one of my favorite lyricists ever). I'm ignoring that last part for now and having a blast.



  2. On 2018/1/29 at 2:21 AM, BrenGun said:


    It doesn't translate into 'with no end', it's 'indefinite'.

    期限 is used when talking about expiration dates, so think about it as a hiatus without a set 'expiration date' :)

    Of course there's always room to speculate, but announcing a band has disbanded before they'd announced anything is not something that should be under 'news'.

  3. 4 hours ago, doombox said:

    Tatsuro has improved a lot over the years, so maybe you'll like his voice more this time around? 

    This is 100% true and it surprised me so much. At age 38, he sounds a lot better than he did most of his career. The vocal training is so noticeable, both when you listen to the re-recorded versions of tsuuzetsu and homura, and when you compare how he used to sound live vs. how he sounded this year. I think the best way to see it will be to listen to his performance of 'kuchiki no tou' from the 2006 Budokan live and compare it with how he performed it at the same venue in June last year (WOWOW broadcasted it so it's been uploaded to places, but I sure hope it's included on the huge DVD boxset they release this year :P ). There was an element of being rough around the edges that I find very appealing in his older performances, but his range and his technique have improved so much that it's inevitable that now it'll all sound 'cleaner'.

  4. - MUCC will drop a new release two days after they go back from hiatus and go on a European tour

    - Kizu will release an album and it's gonna be great but not extraordinary 

    - Xaa Xaa disbandment/hiatus (I hope not but they've had their share of struggles this year)

    - or just release some very mediocre singles before getting their shit together?

    - Some DEZERT-related drama - seems like the industry is expecting a lot of them these days

    - or they'll just release a half-assed album

    - or the best album in the history of vkei lol

    - Yoshiki will step up his social media celebrity game and start a vlogging channel 

  5. 13 hours ago, -NOVA- said:

    Does anyone know if their last one man on 1.20 will still be taking place? 

    Yes, it says they'll be holding tree last lives before disbanding:


    1月6日(土)名古屋MUSIC FARM
    1月13日(土)大阪 MUSE
    1月20日(土)高田馬場 AREA


    Kinda makes me wanna go to the Takadanobaba one, if it's even possible finding a ticket at this point. ok i've over-estimated them, they're still on sale lol

  6. On 2017/9/22 at 12:46 AM, Tokage said:

    legendarily bad vocalist

    OK I admit I felt not worthy of being there because I didn't know much about most of the performers, so I felt kinda bad thinking 'wtf is wrong with this dude he's really bad, and why is everyone screaming his name like he's Jesus reincarnated'. But if it's common knowledge I'm relieved.

  7. 1 hour ago, Jigsaw9 said:

    When Kishidan came on I was like "hey why do they get to perform one of their own songs? oh wait." XD

    They totally made it sound like it's their song. I mean, yeah, it had that kinda vibe to begin with, but they also made it their own (unlike what they did on the Plastic Tree cover album, which just felt... weird).

  8. I haven't listened to the whole single yet, but I have to say I really like the direction they're taking with Kawazu. Lime's vocals are really fun - sweet nostalgic power metal done right. I also really like that white-noise like sound they use - sometimes as 'micro-intermissions' throughout the song, and sometimes layered with the other instruments (idk how to really explain it?? but it sounds cool).

  9. Name: qotka/kat

    Age: 30

    Years studied: 6 years at uni, 4 years of self study. I could be fluent by now if I had any discipline lmao

    Estimated level: Moderate? I can read by my conversational skills are lacking.

    Knowledge of Hiragana/Katakana: All

    Kanji: 1000~

    What is your main goal with studying Japanese?: Be able to have normal conversations with people around me. After a year and a half in Japan, I'm only just getting over my anxiety and starting to talk with people. I do end up making really silly mistakes and making up grammar, so any extra chance to practice is a treasure. Also be able to read faster.

    What materials have you used before?: Genki, WaniKani (nice for kanji!), random JLPT prep books.



  10. @Duwangthanks! I'm pretty new to them so I wasn't sure where to look up who was playing with them after Roji departed. I could hear something was off at the twoman with Kizu, but I was like 'oh well just a session drummer, won't see him again!' - oops!

    Roji was definitely the strongest link the one time I saw them live before that, so I was sad to see him go. But I'm glad to hear An's slowly catching up. Maybe it'll be fine with enough practice! 

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