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Posts posted by Seelentau

  1. Yes, from what I heard, they remastered the original UROBOROS tracks. No idea why they didn't simply use the R&E versions.

    But I can't really hear anything of the supposed remastering, tbh. The only thing that stood out as new was the ending of Myaku (or was it MASK? one of those two).


    The gifs with Gara are from the mode of GAUZE extras, iirc.

  2. meh, there goes ma last hope of a different version of the new tracks...

    they should've done one-takes, then we'd maybe have better versions of those songs ._.

  3. wait a minute

    the leaks we got from VOS are the three songs that are on each of the CDs, right?

    then what about the videos on the DVD? are those the same songs, just with a video?

    afaik, they decided against the one-takes, right? so they're PVs?

  4. New release earliest at the end of 2018, I'd say. First will be the last mode of DVDs. Then a single, then the album.


    I really like the end of Beautiful Dirt. I agree that the missing HAHA is sad, but how they pick up again after slowing down for a second is nice.

    Fukai is, compared to the live versions, disappointing. I was really looking forward to it, but meh. There's too much difference from the live version.

    It's just nice to have the lyrics, finally.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Saishu said:

    Technically they didn’t remake anything, they just re-recorded those *two songs. I don’t think they were looking to do drastic changes considering this is a best of compilation and all. 


    And na, those are remakes, not re-recordings. A re-recording would be simply recording the original tracks with upgraded gear/technic.

    But since they entirely changed the sound and sometimes even the lyrics, they're remakes. At least in my book. I don't think there's any official definition, though.

  6. Quote

    DIR EN GREY decided that the bonus footage, planned to be a Shot In One Take performance of the re-recorder songs, will feature an edited performances of the 3 re-reordered songs, not an one-shoot performance as planned, in order to bring all their fans with the best quality possible.







  7. 5 hours ago, Ro plz said:

    It wasn't until Easy Make that I finally realized what you saying. Its gotten to the point where I can't even listen to it unless its at home with my speakers because at least then its not as bad. 


    Fukai is a pleasant listen, and its not as blarring on the ears but my only complaint is Kaoru's part on 2:36 to 3:02. Could've done with out whatever effect he was messing with. I don't think I can forgive the fandom as a whole for collectively deciding the other two tracks were plausible candidates for remakes. I doubt i'll do more than 1 initial listen to both.

    The fans didn't decide on the remakes.

  8. aCIUz8D.jpg



    hmm, in 2017, I have deleted a lot of bands I've had scrobbled over the past years. I think that messed up the stats a lot, because my actual record year was 2012 with 14,258 scrobbles.

    It's a new record for DIR EN GREY, though. The previous year, I had 5,675 scrobbles. :D

    Also, lol@MC. It comes from the tereko, I don't even have Blitz 5Days in my last.fm catalogue because it always scrobbles as Blitz 5 Days... -.-




  9. 2 hours ago, Saishu said:

    I mean, to be fair, Kyo has been singing Fukai this way since, what, the Vulgarism tour? It’s not new at this point, just finally committed to a studio version. 

    iirc, he sang the normal version back in Berlin, 2015.

  10. They also played one or two new songs yesterday.


    New songs are:

    • こうも違うモノなのか、要するに (the new single)
    • kisses
    • WHO

  11. Hi all, I'm seelentau and I love DIR EN GREY.

    So if you have anything rare/interesting that I might not know/have or any questions about them, hmu.

    I don't really listen to other Japanese bands, I didn't even know who ToshI was when sukekiyo collaborated with him, lol.

    But I enjoy listening to MtH, lynch. and coldrain every now and then. The rest is boring and same-sounding.

    And yes, I'm aware that DEG is somewhat like the poster-band of jrock, and I do hate the "aaahh kawaii kyo-sama tocchi-chaaaan" idiots as much as anyone.

    Rant over. Any questions? You can also find me on last.fm and pretty much every other social media as seelentau.


  12. Spoiler

    Kyo wants to embrace (lit. hug?) his past self and tell him “You really did your best at that time”. He acknowledges that he was really angrier back then, notably during Withering to death, and while he is still angry, the expression of it has changed, become more organised. 

    Whereas for the UNRAVELING ”rebuilds” he did not even listen to the original songs before re-recording the lyrics, this time he really wanted to ‘respect’ the songs more and try to understand his past self’s intention. 

    Despite coming close to accepting his past self, he still feels like it committed something against his present self. 

    For him, the goal of the BEST ALBUM is to help get new people introduced to Dir en grey and his voice. He still cannot believe that, at all the tributes and collaborative shows he performed, there were people who were only hearing his voice for the first time. 

    For Kaoru, the goal of doing the BEST ALBUM is to give both new ears and previous fans something smoother and broader to listen to, like a stepping stone, rather than asking them to listen to ARCHE  from the get-go. He tought that those who attended the “mode of” tours had not necessarily had the opportunity to listen to the whole range of their sound. 

    He revealed that it was Kyo’s idea to redo Fukai. 

    Kaoru said that Dir en grey was a troublesome band. 

    He wants Dir en grey’s next album to be something that people never heard before, that nobody understands. He believes that, doing the “mode of” tours will cause the other members to get inspired by their older sound for the next album though. 

    Die described that he used to write songs more emotionally, thinking that he was good and he was just very excited to make sounds come out in the recording studio. However, now he thinks more and considers working in unison with Kaoru’s sound now. He still gets to have his single, special lines, but they connect and back each other’s sound more compared to before. 

    With DECAYS, he used to be conscious about what he did, not to sound like Dir en grey, but now he does not worry anymore, as he thinks more of it like “what is a human being named Die doing at that moment”. 

    If I understand correctly, Toshiya had some apprehension to join four other members in the band. He did not know what to be, how to be himself. He feels that it is only on stage that he can be free to express his identity. 

    Like Kyo, he seems to be ashamed of the past, but he wants to confront it because that is how you make a better future. That is somewhat what the BEST ALBUM represents for him. 

    He worried that the BEST ALBUM would be something that “had to come out”, for the same reason as all other bands do that; basically, forced by the label. However, it was necessarily different because of the fans’ input. (Somehow, he is the only one who mentions this.)

    As for Shinya, he felt that mode of THE MARROW OF A BONE was the tour that he appreciated the most, because he had hated it so much when it was released, but now he was able to enjoy those songs. 

    In 2012, there was a break and he used it to view his performances and decided to change himself a bit. The sound is more consistent, essentially he gave himself more stamina to deliver with the same strength for a longer period of time. 

    Again (like in BURRN!), he talked about how he wishes that Dir en grey recorded songs like every other band, with the melody laid out first.

    Apparently, Shinya wanted to be like YOSHIKI so much that he carried a video deck and watched X Japan’s performance before he himself went to do lives. 


    from https://yridenergyridenergy.tumblr.com/post/169250059834/phy-vol-11-dir-en-grey-interviews


    Edit: Okay maybe new Fukai isn't that good. There are lots of weird random noises all over the song, I think? And it could've used some more power. Hmmmm... I wonder how the other songs sound...

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