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Posts posted by Seelentau

  1. There's a spoken word version of Sangeki no Yoru, some covers (INSANITY, Shinainaru DEATHMASK, etc.), an unnamed vocal solo and a song with literally no information. Also, Setsuna changed a lot before it became UDaL. Oh and the name is Ranshishoku, not Ai Murasakiiro^^

    Perhaps they also played other songs during the lives w/o terekos, but there's no way to know that.

    And if you count the indies versions of all those songs as well, then there are two or more versions for each song^^

  2. http://kyotakumrau.tumblr.com/post/170196951257/20180127-ハロウィン殺しの深闇の儀-first-will-come-a


    2018.01.27 ハロウィン殺しの深闇の儀


    01 piano intro
    02 グニャ結論。そして血眼。
    03 襞謳
    04 scars like velvet
    05 純朴、無垢であろうが
    06 マニエリスムな冷たい葬列者
    07 new song 💋
    08 首吊り遊具
    09 されど道連れ
    10 要するに
    11 艶
    12 zephyr
    13 黝いヒステリア
    14 leather field
    15 斑人間
    16 死霊のアリアナ
    17 dunes
    18 vandal
    19 anima
    20 嬲り

  3. It's probably not the only song by them that you've never heard.^^'

    And I absolutely suck at describing music, sorry. I can't even read sheet notes. :D

    But I will try (28.10.97 ver.) : It (always) starts slow and melodic (4x dun-dun-duun...), then picks up the pace with a simple drum pattern, then about 30 seconds into it, the actual song starts and after about 70 seconds, vocals begin. Basically, the song builds up until here and then becomes slow again.

    After the first vocal part, it picks up the pace again, then repeats the slow part with the next vocal part, which is longer than the first one. At about 180 seconds in, it's really slow and only guitar is really playing, along with the drums. Then there's some kind of du-dun...du-dun...du-dun... (sounds like when they show sneaky steps in a cartoon, kinda), I think it's the bass? Then there's another guitar part, this time more up-beat and then there's vocals again. Kyo is singing really normal by the way, no screaming or crazy stuff, the lyrics are clear-cut into verses and if the quality was better, I could probably understand the lyrics, even.

    So the song is mostly a little faster, but with breaks of slower melodies in-between. There are three or four times at the end of a longer note where Kyo and the music stops for a second, only to start again.

    In total I would probably call it a ballad, but then again, I really have no clue about music. Oh and the longest versions are actually only 8 to 9 minutes long, it's just the whole file that's longer because my contact left in the part between songs (fangirls, MCs etc).

  4. I actually gotta correct myself. They played 新曲2 (Re:birth) at least on five occassions:






    No idea why my contact randomly told me that they played it five times, as if it was new information. He had even sent me the five terekos months earlier. But then again, his own setlist file has it wrong... ^^'

  5. Yes, the DEG wiki is my work. The concept titles can be found on various pictures and back in the day on their OHP blog, I think..


    This one, for example.


    Edit: Yes, that one xD

  6. 33 minutes ago, Nowhere Girl said:


    We can trade, if you have any terekos I don't have. :]


    17 minutes ago, Saishu said:

    Sounds like a troll to me. 

    Why would I ruin my reputation for a troll, though? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one here who has DEG terekos, so maybe others can confirm my words?

    The song was known as 新曲2 on setlists, my plug said that Re:birth was used once in an interview, but I wasn't able to confirm it so far. According to someone from batsu, it was a fake title, though.

  7. Yeah, it has become quiet... my plug randomly messaged me after two months, only to tell me that they played Re:birth not four, but five times. Now he's quiet again and I don't even know when they played it the fifth time. Meh.

  8. "Uroboros" is a transcription of ウロボロス, which in turn is the Japanese writing of οὐροβόρος (based on its pronounciation). "Ouroboros" would be the direct transcription of the Greek word. :)

  9. 16 minutes ago, Saishu said:

    Well, Arche is actually Greek :grin:

    "Arche" is English, the Greek word is "Arkhē". So they used the English word, but the Greek pronounciation (arkhē is pronouncedアルケー in Japanese).

  10. ARCHE is "Aruke~".

    GAUZE is "Ga~ze".

    MACABRE is "Makabura".

    But since they're all English loan words, you can just pronounce them like you would in proper English.

  11. It's absolutely not hard to know the pronounciation of the titles if you know Japanese, tbh^^

    ARCHE is アルケー.

    GAUZE is ガーゼ.

    MACABRE is マカブラ.


  12. On 12.1.2018 at 1:36 AM, Seelentau said:



    Hopefully this arrives soon~ (although I already own the upper two)

    Also, on Saturday, a tape player will arrive that can digitalise those tapes. Wanna see if they sound any different ^_^

    Finally got these from customs. The next one is on its way already:



  13. Protip: Anyone can write a book, too.

    I don't know if you think wikipedia is some kinda lawless wasteland, but it's certainly not.

    Also, we never spoke about why DEG chose that title, stop moving the goal post please.

  14. 19 minutes ago, Alroy said:

    Anyways, no drama llama and that's a good thing.


    I just wanted my comments, especially Rasetsukoku one with some links I attached, to be validated, corrected or disproved. Kyo before TMOAB seemed to be less vague and faux-philosophical about meanings of his titles and lyrics, so I was just curious about the actual origins of titles and some keywords within lyrics circa MACABRE.


    Wikipedia barely cites any sources, which leaves us to speculate and hard-google some stuff about possible connections to actual mythologies, history, legends...


    Just see where "Rasetsukoku" sends you in the Chinese wikipedia: https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=羅剎國

    It's an archaic word for the Western countries, especially Russia, and comes from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakshasa

    That's all there is to it, really.

  15. Sure, if you want to hold an "Intellectual" discussion...


    First of all, please see the ", right?" at the end of my first sentence. It was meant to be a way of asking if you, as the original user who posted the information regarding [KR]Cube, might know more about its origins. Not with one word I described your claims to be "iron-clad" or "error-proof" or addressed them in any other way, so please don't put words in my mouth, if phrasing is oh so important to you.

    Second, my information about the word "Rasetsukoku" was simply meant to educate you on its meaning, as that is what you were asking about, if I understood your post correctly. So no, the term does not have to do with Japan's geographical location, but with its neighbours to the West. Skimming over the link you provided, the website deals with archaic Japanese geography (as in, the way Japan saw their surrounding world), where Rasetsukoku obviously is a part of.

    In regards to the Russian imagery: Deity is not a Russian-titled song. I said that the term "deity" phonatically resembles the word "deiti", which is the Russian word for "child(ren)".

    Then, to answer your new question: What is a "foreign country theme" to you? If it's just the title, then there are a lot of foreign country themes on all albums, since no album is strictly Japanese in its song-titles. If it's also about the lyrics, then there are no foreign country themes on GAUZE, because there is not a single song that has entirely non-Japanese lyrics (if we go by "Deity" being the basis for having a foreign country theme).

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