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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. I just realised, the PVs for Cuartet's "Sexuality" and Nightmare's "Gianizm Tsuu" were probably filmed in the same place. Both have the knock-off Cambodian Angkor Wat statues lol

    1. IGM_Oficial


      I wonder why bands don't tell where they shoot their music videos. Because of the retarded fans, probably?

    2. Himeaimichu


      Probably so lol. I imagine some of the more dumber fans would've graffittied "Saki please have my babies!!!" all over the set lol. 


  2. The riff to the new Kiryu song reminds me of Ookami Shounen by Mi'ze:lia (one of Mitsuki and Takemasa's earliest bands)

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      They're probably getting to the point where they need to subtly recycle things to keep up with their release schedule

    2. Himeaimichu


      @Peace Heavy mk II Yeah, I noticed their stuff has been kind of a sample-fest lately. Muku was practically just them reusing the bridge to Meikyou Shisui to somehow connect to the chorus of Oboro. 

  3. I may upload some Memento Mori stuff in lossless soon. My partner has almost their entire discography (minus their full-length and their demo tape) 

    1. IGM_Oficial


      What? They have a demo tape?

    2. Himeaimichu


      @IGM_Oficial It was called "Nigatsuyouka no Shitsumei" and was released some time in 2012, around the same time as Haikei Haranbanjou Biyori. It's extremely rare, and it never appears on sales or auctions, but it is confirmed to have existed. 

  4. Happy Birthday!

    1. Aferni


      Thank You! ❤

    2. Himeaimichu


      You're welcome!

  5. Even after this band fizzled into the nothingness, this song still fucking slaps.


    1. yomii


      i love ai shinkirou by them! was going to embed youtube video but it was yours ww didn't know they had a pv...i find vocals questionable a bit but it's not bad, and their instrumentals are very pleasant.


    2. Himeaimichu


      Yeah, Kurona was never the best vocalist, but he was a pretty good song-writer. I just wish this band released more beyond their first album. Lots of unreleased stuff they only played live lol.

  6. Happy Birthday!

    1. For my dears

      For my dears

      Thank you 💙

    2. Himeaimichu


      You're welcome! I hope everything is going well

  7. Can the members of Nicolas just go back to that traditional Japanese meets early 2000's Vkei shtick they had with JyuLie? The shit they made as JyuLie was really cool sounding and I wish there was more Vkei like it. 

  8. Happy Birthday!

    1. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Oh thank you! 😺

    2. Himeaimichu


      You're welcome

  9. IDK who needs to hear this, but Little Richard finally released an album for the first time in years.


    I hope he's away from that church that made him denounce his sexuality. I know the church made him denounce rock n roll music, so the fact he's back to making music is probably a good sign that he's away from all that

    1. Jigsaw9


      Not gonna lie, I thought he's been dead for years, lol.

    2. Himeaimichu


      Same lol .I assumed he died already and the news just didn't say anything before I found out about the album. Apparently he's also touring Australia?

  10. I just realised that Kikei no 2chan Neraa by Devil Kitty is more than just a cover of Smile/Kikei no Egao, but is also combined with two other Kar'Maria songs, Dokuzetsu 2chan neRAA and Karma. both of which were released on the Maria single.


    1. Himeaimichu


      It also seems that Kar'Maria had multiple different versions of the Smile/Kikei no Egao song they played live, as they preformed it when they revived for the Eternal Last Gigs event, and the version they played has almost a completely different structure, and uses elements that would later be seen in the Devil Kitty song

    2. Himeaimichu


      Also, the Kar'Maria 2chan song also seems to use elements from Chateau's Schizophrenia

  11. I tried out a little more of 2015 Devil Kitty, and I found this song titled "Surrender", which I' can't find anywhere else, and it's essentially a cover of Schizophrenia from Chateau la Tour. EDIT: Apparently it's actually a Gokiburi song? That would actually make more sense, tbh. Except for the pic of Devil Kitty


    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      It's on one of Gokiburi's live distributed singles. That YT account is their guitarist's, and he posted a couple of demos that later became DK songs (namely, guitar and bass-focused instrumental versions of "Mugen Loop"). 

    2. Himeaimichu
  12. I think Youtube is gonna bring back the star rating system soon. They just asked me to rate a video I watched a super long time ago.67901381_427907467810101_443827552844041


    Now if only they could bring back the old youtube in full lol

    1. psychonnect_rozen


      I remember the shitty notepad tutorials with Paralyzer playing in the background 

    2. Himeaimichu


      I know right? I remember the various "youtube national anthems" made by 009 Sound System that everyone hated, but I liked lol

  13. Since all this meming about whether Chick Fil A and Popeyes is better is going around, can I just ask? Why does Chick Fil A act like they own fried chicken put in between bread?

    1. colorful人生


      I mean, Chick-fIl-A chicken sandwiches are some good shit, and while they're a national brand, they're particularly concentrated in the Southeastern US. While brining their chicken in pickle juice and pressure frying create their chicken's unique flavor, they claim that they invented the actual "chicken sandwich" in the 1940s. It's an unsubstantiated claim, and hot chicken between two slices of bread certainly existed long before them.


      As someone from the Southeast, Chick-fil-A is leagues beyond most of the fast-food options in the region when it comes to service and food quality. They invest a lot in integrating with their surrounding communities and are fast-food havens for the upper-middle class (who can justify the price hike relative to McD or BK for quality.) When I was part of my youth town-council several years ago, we worked exclusively with them for community events.


      On the other side, Popeyes has been perceived a lot differently compared to Chick-fil-A, with deep-southern influence and a lower-class demographic (relative to CfA, McD is the most affordable tmk.) While their new sandwich comes at a premium relative to other items on their menu, having something on-par with CfA's "pride and joy" has stirred a lot of interest. It contests with CfA's cushy spot as "America's Restaurant".


      There's, oddly enough, some "political" nuance to this related to CfA that I'm clearly dodging b/c forum rules. If you Google it, you'll find a ton of stuff.


      As for my opinion, CfA's quality is pretty much the same nationwide, and they have pretty high ff standards (for both sanitation and food.) I usually seek them out if I'm on-the-road while traveling. That consistency is attractive to me, but local cuisines/"hole-in-the-walls" are always my first choice if I'm familiar with the area.


      I've had Popeyes only a few times b/c they're not as common where I'm at, but they're pretty damn good as well.

    2. ahnchc


      i thought i'd be able to bring out that one tweet. because above poster beat me to it and with a much better explanation than i would have offered simply from observation, so i'm going to say it anyways.


      everyone's talking about that popeye's chicken sandwich but yall never look into your pop's eyes and tell him you love him

  14. The back cover of Fukou Jiman from Devil Kitty contains a picture of a Vietnamese tribal lady lmao. (I can tell because of the collar and buttons. That's 100% an ethnic Tai dress. Check the 2nd photo)


    1. IGM_Oficial


      So... the guy on the cover is also Vietnamese? hmmm

    2. Himeaimichu


      That I have no idea about. Could be, but hes wearing western clothes so who knows? Lol. I think they just got random photos of two old people, and the lady just happens to be of Tai descent (or it could be a family friend of Yuuga's?).

      I know the man bares resemblance to the old man on The Gazette's 2nd single

  15. I like the rerecording of Kiryu's Tsurezureguza, but I hate how they removed the Sitar/Biwa (I assume they were trying to simulate a Biwa, which is a traditional Japanese instrument that sounds like a Sitar, with sitar samples). I know most sitar samples sound fake as shit, and Biwa samples are nonexistent (as it is, the instrument is now only really used to accompany story telling), but if BP Records can afford to have real Taiko drummers during lives, I think they can afford to hire a Biwa-player, or at least buy one of those guitars that sound like Sitars.

    1. Himeaimichu


      This is a Biwa, btw, for those who aren't familiar with Japanese instruments:


    2. Zeus


      i'm more amazed one of the guitarists doesn't own one

  16. Apparently Sasa from Devil Kitty, MADARA and Ephion became a vocaloid producer, according to vkdb, but his niconico is private. RIP.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Homodachi no Wa (初音ミク ver)

    2. Himeaimichu


      @Peace Heavy mk II I would pay to hear that lmao. The chorus tbh could actually fit Miku's voice

  17. (For context, read my wtf should I do post in Toasted Waffles first)

    Idk what to do. I'm at my wits end and I'm trying to protect my cat from this piece of shit my partner's parents invited over. They're at the hospital, so it's me, my partner and him alone, and I'm trying to protect my cat from being beaten by a piece of trailer trash who thinks it's ok to hit animals when they misbehave. But that involves keeping her in a room away from him until he goes to bed, and she keeps crying

    1. Gesu


      Is there anyone you could get to look after your cat for a little while? If so, that seems like the safest option to me.

    2. Himeaimichu


      Nope. I have no friends in the immediate area. And even if I did, it's already night time. I'm just patiently waiting for this piece of shit to go to bed

  18. Dimlim letting Retsu become the band leader has seriously backfired. How the hell they allow him to be the leader any way? Did  the power just get transferred to the next biggest douchebag after Issei left? lmao

    1. ricchubunny
    2. Himeaimichu


      Hello doppleganger lol

  19. So I tried DEZERT's new album, and I don't really plan to go back to it. I think it's a small step in the right direction, but it still doesn't hold up compared to their first two albums.

    For one, I think the metal songs are holding back way too much on what they could be. There are no harsh vocals, for one, and while I get that not every metal song needs harsh vocals, these songs could definitely benefit from some screaming parts.

    As well, Chiaki's voice just sounds weird. IDK if he just sounds like that now, or if they increased the throat-length setting on the Autotune in order to make him sound "manlier".

    IDK what's holding them back, whether it be Danger Crue, or Chiaki himself. Either way, I like it better than TODAY, but I also think it could be much better.


    At least those are my opinions, all I can do is hope the next album is better

    1. Himeaimichu


      I do like how funky some of the songs are though. I think if DEZERT combined older sounding songs with newer sounding songs on one of their albums, they could benefit from satisfying both sides of their fanbase, without having to sacrifice anything.

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Yeah the first albums were top-notch for sure! But I found to appreciate Black Hole more than expected, it appeared definitely more solid than Today, which was good too.

  20. Does anyone know the story behind these early Inugami Circus Dan's TV performances? They seem to be from way before they released anything


    1. saiko


      Wow, did they ever had TV attention?

    2. Tokage


      @saiko I'm pretty sure they've even been on Utaban at some point - the same variety show that's featured artists like Gackt and Morning Musume in the past lol - think it was around 2003 when they kinda seemed to have 'peaked' (around the time the Kami no Inu album came out)


      As for these videos - they must be from some of their veeeery early days. In one of them they show a picture at the end that looks like some kinda album/single cover but I don't recognize it. Thought it could mb be their first 'official' ep from '97 but the cover's entirely different


  21. I'm convinced that iCarly predicted Millennial surrealist humor

    1. reminiscing2004


      predicted.. or primed millenials for it?

    2. Himeaimichu


      @reminiscing2004 Probably a mix of both lol.

  22. Heavens Dust is just Kiryu for Kyles. I mean, holy fuck this screams monster energy drink and punching a wall


    1. saiko


      Guitars' tone sounds dirty in a really bad way, and vocals very weak. Overall composition is in a teen-Slipknot-fan level. Horrible. Video seems cool, though.

    2. Himeaimichu


      The cherry on the top is that these guys actually did a cover of Lil Wayne out of all people once.

      And they have gotten political on multiple songs

  23. Does anyone know what Kuro ex. Kuroyuri to Kage is doing now? I imagine he probably became a tattoo artist or something

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      Both Kuro and K are bartenders. Working in kabukicho.

    2. 091012


      thanks for the warning. that would've scared the living daylights outta me 💫

  24. Cursed idea: A Begin Japanology episode on 90's Cult Classic Vkei bands.

    I love Begin Japanology, I love Kote Kei, but I imagine a Begin Japanology episode on Kote Kei would be cringey lmao

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      only if it features an essay by @cvltic on the Yuuga vs. RES drama from 2002

    2. Himeaimichu


      Oh lord. Imagine Peter Barakan trying to explain DEViL KiTTY.

      And being that shows like this always gotta tie old stuff into the current day, they'd probably also interview La'Veil Mizeria lmao

  25. Band idea: Kote Kei band that wears Kimono and uses traditional Japanese instruments,

    but the stereotypical Kote-Kei speaking parts are traditional Japanese poetry

    1. Paraph


      wasn't this essentially kagrra,? or at least isshi's solo project before death 

    2. Himeaimichu


      @Paraph Kinda? Except I was thinking more of  a La'Mule type band. Especially since Kon fucking loves those speaking-parts lol

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