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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Gosh, I forgot how fucking amazing the Inuyasha soundtrack is. It's a shame not many of the orchestra performances of it implement the traditional Japanese instruments that were used in the making of the soundtrack, because the various flutes, Koto and Biwa used really make it shine. 


    1. Mamo


      OMG so true

    2. platy


      One of the most memorable anime OSTs. 

  2. Uggh I want to book a ticket to Japan during the summer so I can see Kuroyuri live, but the cheapest tickets are like 2000 dollars. 

    I'll never afford that

    1. Mephistopheles


      Try using Sky Scanner and also the app Hopper. If you use Sky Scanner, do it on the incognito mode on your browser. I have seen flights as low as $400 to Japan using those.

    2. Himeaimichu


      Thank you, I'll definitely try those ^^

  3. Michael from Vsauce is pretty much self-aware he is a meme now 

    1. IGM_Oficial


      "Michael's toys" is a meme in form of knowledge sharing.

    2. Himeaimichu


      Two of my favourite things in one. Bless Michael.

      We don't deserve him lol

  4. I just realised, Vocaloid (Or Utau for us who are broke) could make a really good writing tool

    1. Aferni


      you mean the tool that zin (Noulla) for composing their songs?

    2. Himeaimichu


      Wait, does he actually do that? That's sorta cool

  5. I know that March 8th is probably over in Japan, but Happy America Time Birthday!

    1. sakurakurakura



    2. Himeaimichu


      I love you too, onii-chan!

  6. Me: I hate synths in Vkei. 

    Also me: *Enjoys Puella, Taiheiyou Belt and Metronome*

    1. suji


      also me: enjoys old skewl vk & some cheap kei


      (also if u wanna hear some badass synths...)



    2. Himeaimichu


      That's actually pretty cool. 

      If you want old school, cheap kei and synths all in one, Puella is the way to go. They were on the Soleil label, and had 3 members. The vocalist eventually left and was replaced by, of all people, a Female, named Yura. But she eventually left too (I think) and they just preformed with prerecorded vocals until they disbanded.



  7. I just realised the organ samples in Madeth Gray'll's "Lucifer" are probably actually accordion samples (either that or they chose "reed organ", AKA basically a giant, bellowless accordion, sample)

    1. The Moon

      The Moon

      accordions have a funny shape x would be a riot to play one x

    2. Himeaimichu


      Russian Button Accordions are some of the weirdest to play because the buttons are placed based on chords and such.

  8. Happy Birthday!

    1. CAT5


      Thanks, Aimi! :D

    2. Himeaimichu


      You're welcome!

  9. That moment when a certain song can only be found on youtube, so you have to suck it up and use a youtube to m4a service.

    Eh most Guruguru stuff is 128 kbps anyway. 


    1. The Moon
    2. merchenticneurosis


      I've done this countless times, lol. So annoying...

  10. 羅宇屋 is a guilty pleasure of mine. I usually can't stand new agey stuff, especially pseudo-traditional Japanese, but 羅宇屋's kind is quite weird and oddly catchy.

    Perhaps I'm biased tho because they're angura




      better than inugami circus dan



      their 花 from this v/a is ♡♡♡

  11. I just tried out BUK BUK and I fucking love them. I wish I didn't sleep on them for so long

    1. Mamo


      Kinda hard not to sleep on them when all they released is impossible to get live limited cds. Until they finally got uploaded here. Also they aren't that great which is probably why they disbanded. 

    2. Himeaimichu


      I really like what little I've heard so far. But I'm biased because I'll like anything that resembles Kuroyuri to Kage and DEZERT

  12. Youtube's crazy recommendations just keep getting better. So apparently, Marilyn Manson and Markiplier are country music.

    I don't even listen to country and I haven't listened to Marilyn Manson in a long-ass time


    1. suji


      dark fantasy country music

    2. Himeaimichu


      @suji Don't know why youtube thinks I'm into that stuff lol. 

  13. Hit myself too hard in frustration earlier (dumb move on my part) and now every light is hurting my eyes.

    Take a lesson from the idiot here, don't hit your forehead. Ever. 

    1. 123Sandman321


      Damn, definitely go see a doctor and get scanned. Concussion is a cunt. (had it more than I'd like)

    2. Himeaimichu


      It's feeling better now. I didn't hit myself too hard. It was with my own hand after all lol. 

      I just probably need some rest since it is late at night

  14. How did this go unnoticed?


    1. suji


      it's vk wiki

    2. Himeaimichu


      True lol. 

  15. I think it's funny when people talk about how much soul and passion old school Hip Hop had... on a 2 Live Crew video. I mean, I love old school way better than new school myself... but 2 live crew? 


    1. IGM_Oficial


      No new-school rappers have been banned by obscenity x

    2. Himeaimichu


      Creating the Parental Advisory Sticker is literally the only good thing 2 Live Crew did. 

      But spawning the entire Southern American Hip Hop scene (minus Outkast, Ludacris and pre-2010 Texas rappers. Those are the exception) is unforgivable lol

  16. I really slept on Zig Zag. They're pretty cool

    1. Shmilly


      Their old stuff is excellent, their new stuff is excellent, and everything in-between is hit-or-miss. Hasn't been shared anywhere yet as far as I know but their latest live-dist is great (appare chindouchuu).

    2. Elazmus


      I'm right with you, just like a week ago I started really checking them out and they are so interesting and unexpected!

  17. Anyone remember when 009 Sound System was like all over youtube?

    1. suji


      fuck, i remember those days *_* "dreamscape" really takes me back to when yt forced songs into vids that had copyrighted audio.


      dumbest thing ever

    2. Himeaimichu


      Honestly, I still occasionally listen to Trinity because I unironically liked that song lol. 


  18. Kaitou SentaiNusumunja is honestly what I've been really waiting for in Vkei. A band that just be's the meme, and makes fun of the entire scene. 

    1. Masato


      Please support them by buying their stuff on itunes or amazon then! 😂 So they get money to continue the crazy shit

    2. The Moon

      The Moon

      them & golden bomber need 2 go x 

  19. I forgot how awesome Busta Rhymes used to be. I mean, he's still an amazing mc, but he used to have the craziest music videos back then

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Yes!! My tastes in hip hop were very influenced by the Woo Hah! video when I was 10 years old.

    2. Himeaimichu


      Same! Have you seen the remix of the song he did with Old Dirty Bastard? It is just full on craziness and I love it

  20. Yuki from Archemi now looks like Hatsune Miku lol. When are we gonna get that Vkei cover of Heart Sutra Pop? 

    1. ahnchc


      Ok why am I laughing so fucking much at this

    2. IGM_Oficial


      Hyped, can't wait

  21. How to be Thoughty2: 

    1. Make a video

    2. Change the thumbnail

    3. Change the thumbnail

    4. Change the thumbnail

    5. Change the title

    1. suji


      6. make the title or thumbnail clickbaity as fuck

    2. Himeaimichu


      Honestly, it's sad how desperate he is for views and clicks. 

  22. I love WW2 games, but I seriously dislike a lot of the people who play them. It seems that every time I play Red Orchestra 2, there is always some ultra-political dude trying to talk about politics in the team chat. Like... THE TEAM CHAT ISN'T FOR THAT. FOCUS ON THE GAME

    1. xBandō


      Guess those games attract certain kind of people. I got into arguments all the time when people ranted ingame about some Nazi soldiers beeing black (COD) because they wouldnt shut the hell up about it.

    2. Gesu


      I guess it makes sense, seeing as war is very political in and of itself. Still, you're right about the fact that the team chat is for the game.

  23. I'm so used to pokemon hacks, I can't even play vanilla pokemon games anymore. I'm too spoiled by being able to actually get every pokemon without trading

    1. IGM_Oficial



      But what is a "vanilla" Pokémon game?

    2. Himeaimichu


      One that doesn't have all the BDSM in it

  24. Lol, the David Wu guy, who claims to report girls with premium snap chats to the IRS took my bait and shared a post of mine on FB

    1. Himeaimichu


      I exposed the dude because apparently, he's a pedophile with an underage girlfriend

    2. platy


      lol that's rich! Whoever has a stupid vendetta like this, always has some skeletons in the closet 

  25. Did old Devil Kitty ever release any other PVs than just DQNなエセ麺カノ?

    1. inartistic
    2. Himeaimichu


      Oh wow. I need to get my hands on those PVs if I ever see them for sale 

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