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Himeaimichu last won the day on November 17 2020

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About Himeaimichu

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    Kote Kei bandmen be like: UGGH! UGGH! UGGH!! BY-Y-Y!!!
  • Birthday 03/07/2000

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    Japanese Mythology, Eroguro-Angura-Misshitsu kei, linguistics, androgyny, early 2000's vkei, traditional Japanese music.

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  1. I have done the research and GossiP is NOT a GazettE copy. 

    First, I'm making this as a status rather than a forum post, because I don't want to start a toxic forum post. If I get flamed, I'll just delete this status. 

    Second, to the main point. I hear people say GossiP is a copy of The GazettE, and I can kind of see where they're getting at, but let's look at the facts. GossiP is very influenced by the GazettE, specifically their early, heavier era. Saku's vocal style is very similar to Ruki's, and they both share similar makeup. HOWEVER, Ruki's has a more child like quality and is meant to represent insanity, whereas Saku's is more aggressive, and has influence from traditional Japanese singing/narration. While The GazettE did play around with nostalgiac Japanese elements in the early days, GossiP's full on aesthetic is basically Japanese Nostalgia (Though they have gone outside a few times, like with Psycho Pass and Darekasan Ga Koronda). What I mean by Japanese Nostalgia is basically mixing of old Japanese (Edo period to be precise) with pre-modern (Meiji restoration to 1945) elements. Like, old military outfits, calligraphy everywhere, archaic dialect, traditional houses, etc. 

    In terms of sound, that's where things really diverge. Most of GossiP's influence comes from their old band "JyuLie", which had pretty much the same sound, just sometimes with Japanese Instruments. Now what are JyuLie's influences? Well, it's mostly a mish mash of Byakura (whom they collaborated with once), The GazettE, R-Shitei, Ningen Isu, etc. In GossiP, the Byakura influence is a bit less, but you see a lot of Punk Rock and Hardcore Punk influence in GossiP. Yes, while there is a lot in The GazettE too, The GazettE is more conventional in terms of sound. GossiP kind of takes things further. Like "Baka Aho Manuke Banzai". It has a full on Hardcore Punk sound. And even in songs with direct Gazette influence, like Akudoukai Kusottare Koushinkyoku, they make it a bit more heavier, adding more metal elements. 

    Also, I have not heard a GossiP or GazettE song that use the same melodies. Also, The GazettE has a genre which I haven't seen in GossiP. Metalcore. I haven't heard a GossiP song that I would call Metalcore. Only Metalcore influenced. 


    So in conclusion, is GossiP is GazettE copy? Nope. Very influenced and obviously looks up to the GazettE? Definitely. I can understand though why Gaze fans may be worried. With how influential the GazettE has gotten, there are GazettE clones everywhere. GossiP however, is not one of them. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      Oh, and I forgot to add this: GossiP has two genres/influences I haven't seen in The GazettE. Emotive Hardcore and Thrash Punk. The emotive hardcore influence comes from R-Shitei, whereas the Thrash Punk influence could come from anywhere. In fact, their song R-18 is like a cross between Emocore and Thrash Punk

    2. filth_y


      Do you play any instrument? Even if not you can easily recognize that Vocal, Guitar, Bass and Drum patterns/rhytms/melodies ARE taken from other bands, not only from THE GAZETTE. Its a fact. You can still enjoy the band but to write you did "research" makes you look ridiculous. Throwing around genre names i feel you've never listened to. Just now im listening to 亡骸よ from the single CHEMICAL FILTH. The intro guitar is from 蜉蝣 - 繩 the melodies in the guitar solo are also from some vk song. I think we could find the 3-5 songs 亡骸よ is built of but i dont have the time to do that now. And we could do that with most of their disco. I like ゴシップ but how ignorant must you be to not accept they are talentless, bad musicians only sounding great on CD and looking good in photoshopped pictures. That is how most of vk works.

      And making this a status update so you can delete it if someone can prove you wrong just adds totally on top of your joke status.

    3. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Sir, had this research been peer reviewed before it was published?

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