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  1. Yikes
    Komorebi reacted to deadman in キズ(Kizu) new single 黒い雨 (Release 2019.10.29)   
    His is “utaite” on niconico. Basically a youtube singer. So this single might going to sound like anime songs since all this guy did is anime songs so I doubt he know how to arrange and mix heavier sound.
  2. Like
    Komorebi reacted to spockitty in ​💜​SHOPPING SERVICE​💜​ D=OUT/Initial'L/Mother/POIDOL   
    Well duh, it's just that I bought most of what I wanted off puresound and the rest is listed as sold out on their website =.=/ 
    Just my luck to see this post a few days too late~
  3. LOLOL
    Komorebi got a reaction from Arkady in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    VK in a nutshell.
  4. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from Rahzel in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    VK in a nutshell.
  5. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from FOSCOR70 in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    VK in a nutshell.
  6. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from togz in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    VK in a nutshell.
  7. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from ChaoticEnding in Proposal: Trade Section for MH   
    As ChaoticEnding said, I wouldn't trade a special release for which I paid a lot of money for a $1 release from iTunes I could have bought in the first place if I cared that much.
  8. Like
    Komorebi reacted to ChaoticEnding in Proposal: Trade Section for MH   
    From my point of view a topic that leaves it open for people to trade is much more interesting than one that leaves it open for posting downloads. I believe that anyone who has something interesting and wants to put in exchange for something interesting is much more beneficial for both parties, because it will also force people to buy (this in the long run), even if it is just a CD.

    The confidence of the exchanges will obviously be due to the relevance of the CDs offered, for example, I would never trade a CD that I paid a lot of money for a digital CD that is very cheap, I'm not saying I wouldn't, but only that I would have my preferences.
    From my point of view this would make rare materials more acessiful and could benefit people who collect and live to buy expensive things as well as artists and  fans in general.
  9. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from colorful人生 in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    VK in a nutshell.
  10. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from Miku70 in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    VK in a nutshell.
  11. LOVE!
    Komorebi reacted to togz in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    This is an interesting topic and is being discussed more maturely than I had anticipated.
    From my experience and interests, I used to despise K-Pop. But it is a lot of fun if you like it for your own reasons. 
    I would even go as far to say as the Visual Kei fandom is quite similar but on a smaller scale due to how large or small the communities are. 
    Both focus around liking sub-cultures and, while not all of them,  most listen exclusively to groups that fall with in those sub-cultures. 
    I, myself, listen to a lot of different things as of late. Not just Japanese or Korean music. As for the fandoms, toxicity is not unique to the kpop culture, it exists just as prominently in the visual kei fan base as well as any other other fan base.  Kpop groups charge high prices for meet and greets and concert tickets, while Visual Kei groups host in store events that require you to also spend a lot of money to get a ticket or to be able to meet/have a photo with all the members. In Visual Kei there are fans who follow exclusively one band, and in Kpop there are fans who follow exclusively one group. There are crazy obsessive fans in VK and in Kpop but both also have communities in which people have met really close friends and made memories together that are priceless. As for the music, that's really left to the individual. One may say all kpop sounds the same while another says all visual kei sounds the same. As much as we'd all like to defend our favorites and say that Dir en grey or BTS are so original, it's just not that true. In todays day and age and how people really learn music through the influence of other musicians, there is no one artist who simply picked up an instrument and made something that wasn't at least similarly done by someone on this earth filled with approximately 7.5 billion people. It's more so about being genuine with how you use music as a universal language. That's just me. But I'm sure if i had the time, I could find a lot more lesser known garage bands or bedroom DJs who make more genuine music than a most of massively known artists, but it would be impossible for one person to find them all. So instead of thinking of originality maybe just look at it as "Does this speak to me? Do I vibe with this? Is it genuine?" and just follow what makes you feel good. Do I think people just like Kpop groups for the hot boys? Absolutely, but I also think the same about some fans of visual kei bands. For some people, the music does come first. I'm quite picky when it comes to either side. I have an acquired taste and I know what sort of feeling or vibes I like. Mejibray was really popular, but I just couldn't get in to them musically. TXT is really popular, but their music didn't really vibe with me. It just depends on the person.
    My last final opinion, based on my own mistakes, denying yourself from listening to something because of the other people who like it... I don't think that's a true opinion of your thoughts on the music regardless of the genre. If you like something, you don't need to partake in the culture of it to enjoy it. 
  12. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from Duwang in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    VK in a nutshell.
  13. Like
    Komorebi reacted to sleepy coffee in キズ(Kizu) new single 黒い雨 (Release 2019.10.29)   
    just wanna hear some song samples but knowing me im buying both editions no matter what lmao
  14. Interesting
    Komorebi reacted to WhirlingBlack in キズ(Kizu) new single 黒い雨 (Release 2019.10.29)   
    As far as I remember, black rain is a reference to the atomic bombings of Japan, apparently it rained black rain for several days afterwards. I saw remnants of black rain on a wall at the memorial museum in Hiroshima.
    Not saying it couldn't be a reference to something else though, but that's at least one interpretation. 
  15. LOLOL
    Komorebi reacted to Paraph in キズ(Kizu) new single 黒い雨 (Release 2019.10.29)   
    is there an ugliest cover challenge happening in the vk scene atm or. this is a strong contender with that NICOLAS number.
  16. I feel ya..
    Komorebi reacted to 狂気の涙 in キズ(Kizu) new single 黒い雨 (Release 2019.10.29)   
    I find the CD jacket art unsettling... And it sort of hints at touching the WWII issue? Like the zouka to kalashnikov song by ddrm or something
  17. Like
    Komorebi got a reaction from Brandon in Like an Edison Nagoya will close   
    Imagine living overseas and thinking the scene is dead just because CD stores are closing in the digital era.
  18. I feel ya..
    Komorebi got a reaction from Rahzel in Single People Thread   
    I've come to the depressing realization that I'm approaching my thirties and that's hindering further my ability to form close friendships, since everyone around me is more and more invested in their significant others/offspring and is making it really difficult to form close friendship bonds when their priorities clearly lie somewhere else. The whole inherently sexual dynamic around interactions makes it really difficult to form the kind of bonds I need, be it because I can't provide it or because people are getting it elsewhere and thus forming closer bonds elsewhere.
    I think I might have depression and it's embarrassing to even get to the point where, despite being and extremely independent person, loneliness has me sinking further and further (and thus further devoting time and resources to mild coping mechanisms such as VK).
    I'm pissed movies and books lied to me about close friendships and I feel I face deep suffering one way or another, either by depriving myself of the emotional connection I need, either suffering from "giving in" to someone else's needs in order to have said emotional connection.
    I don't think I can live my whole life like this.
  19. Yikes
    Komorebi reacted to Duwang in DIMLIM   
  20. Like
    Komorebi reacted to spockitty in 甘い暴力 (Amai Bouryoku / Sweet Violence)   
    anyone still going to their lives?
    I'd sell a kidney or two for a few of their releases 😭 (one for 自分を殺す、ということ and the other for Hajimemashite and actually any CD they're still selling......) 
    got those on puresound. still looking for a few else tho!
  21. I feel ya..
    Komorebi got a reaction from Kuro in Single People Thread   
    I've come to the depressing realization that I'm approaching my thirties and that's hindering further my ability to form close friendships, since everyone around me is more and more invested in their significant others/offspring and is making it really difficult to form close friendship bonds when their priorities clearly lie somewhere else. The whole inherently sexual dynamic around interactions makes it really difficult to form the kind of bonds I need, be it because I can't provide it or because people are getting it elsewhere and thus forming closer bonds elsewhere.
    I think I might have depression and it's embarrassing to even get to the point where, despite being and extremely independent person, loneliness has me sinking further and further (and thus further devoting time and resources to mild coping mechanisms such as VK).
    I'm pissed movies and books lied to me about close friendships and I feel I face deep suffering one way or another, either by depriving myself of the emotional connection I need, either suffering from "giving in" to someone else's needs in order to have said emotional connection.
    I don't think I can live my whole life like this.
  22. 悲しい
    Komorebi got a reaction from nullmoon in Single People Thread   
    I've come to the depressing realization that I'm approaching my thirties and that's hindering further my ability to form close friendships, since everyone around me is more and more invested in their significant others/offspring and is making it really difficult to form close friendship bonds when their priorities clearly lie somewhere else. The whole inherently sexual dynamic around interactions makes it really difficult to form the kind of bonds I need, be it because I can't provide it or because people are getting it elsewhere and thus forming closer bonds elsewhere.
    I think I might have depression and it's embarrassing to even get to the point where, despite being and extremely independent person, loneliness has me sinking further and further (and thus further devoting time and resources to mild coping mechanisms such as VK).
    I'm pissed movies and books lied to me about close friendships and I feel I face deep suffering one way or another, either by depriving myself of the emotional connection I need, either suffering from "giving in" to someone else's needs in order to have said emotional connection.
    I don't think I can live my whole life like this.
  23. Interesting
    Komorebi reacted to Shaolan974 in Your last music-related buy!   
    Yep ! ^^ 
  24. 悲しい
    Komorebi got a reaction from ghost in Single People Thread   
    I've come to the depressing realization that I'm approaching my thirties and that's hindering further my ability to form close friendships, since everyone around me is more and more invested in their significant others/offspring and is making it really difficult to form close friendship bonds when their priorities clearly lie somewhere else. The whole inherently sexual dynamic around interactions makes it really difficult to form the kind of bonds I need, be it because I can't provide it or because people are getting it elsewhere and thus forming closer bonds elsewhere.
    I think I might have depression and it's embarrassing to even get to the point where, despite being and extremely independent person, loneliness has me sinking further and further (and thus further devoting time and resources to mild coping mechanisms such as VK).
    I'm pissed movies and books lied to me about close friendships and I feel I face deep suffering one way or another, either by depriving myself of the emotional connection I need, either suffering from "giving in" to someone else's needs in order to have said emotional connection.
    I don't think I can live my whole life like this.
  25. Like
    Komorebi reacted to Duwang in DIMLIM   
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