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Komorebi last won the day on July 11 2019

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About Komorebi

  • Rank
    Busy enseing
  • Birthday July 1

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    Wherever there's wine.

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  1. M-H would be a much nicer place if people didn't feel the need to bully, troll and throw shit at each other like monkeys every time they don't agree with someone.

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    2. Komorebi


      However you want to define it emmny, it still was unnecessary. I still think all of this is unnecessary.


      If the report button is right there and all mods reply to messages, why start fights when it can be easily settled? If you know an user is conflictive, why even fuel the fire in the first place instead of just talking to a mod? It's all I mean to say. 

    3. emmny


      its not definitions mate its fact don't be accusing people of racism when they're calling someone out on their homophobia...the same way you're calling out others on their bullying. i agree it wasn't handled the best way, but thats when the mods intervened and locked the thread. that situation is long over and has been resolved, why you're still using it to justify grouping people as bullies is entirely beyond me. it's best to move past this and next time you note bullying to report it instead of making some passive aggressive status months later.

    4. Tokage


      love too cyber bully people whoms'tn't liking the same anime boys as me online

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