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About Euronymous

  • Rank
    Sending People To Hell

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    Stop smoking

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  1. Glad to see the band revived ,but I expected at least 3 or 4 new tracks... let's see.
  2. One thing that I just noticed and I really miss about Ai's singing style is that deep intonation on his voice (track below for example)...he used to do that a lot in MM era,hope we can get it in the next GG's tracks.
  3. Moments when staying positive is just difficult.

  4. Agree with disposable...they sound too formulaic. I remember when KtK debuted with Yokusou single,that shit left me in the corner asking myself wtf happened. Like he said,Gulu Gulu just sounds like a poppier version of KtK, which is frustrating af. For while I can be satisfied simply with the fact that Ai didn't give up and still around making music instead of disappearing into the void of anonymity.
  5. I imagined but didn't believe that 2020 would be so dark.

    1. nekkichi


      it's quite a year astrologically all the way up to the december holidays too

    2. saiko


      @nekkichi I acknowledged that astro info since a year and a half, but yikes, how is it that one can never fully expect how the worst scenario is actually like even when somebdoy else makes you aware of such ideas to start your mental preparation accurately... 


      That said, I'm not joking on astrology anymore in my life. Period.

  6. My sister is in the hospital and I'm simply not prepared to face all of this

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. platy


      My feelings go out to you. I hope everything will end well :(


    3. Euronymous


      I wish I had the strength to explain the whole situation,but i just can thank u guys for all the support, I knew I'd find some comfort here

    4. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      So sorry to hear this... Praying for both of you...

  7. Finally something awesome in the middle of this coronashit He's just 2 years late... '--'
  8. This band is serving well for those who dropped the "modern" DEZERT .Thank you,Ryo.
  9. I vote for Roku (ex grieva) to be Karma's studio member
  10. Euronymous

    Sorry for reviving this dead topic without any further news. It's been basically 1 year since their last release, seems that losing the 2nd guitarist kinda affected their scheme of releases,idk... Hope they come back with a new gu. and at least a mini, I miss these guys
  11. it would be interesting if Ryo trackmaker had produced the DOBE stuff.i like the edgy vocalist ,but something about them is just off to me

  12. We are just sheep among the sheep.

  13. Can anyone please tell me the current status of ARCHEMI? They disbanded already? Is there any new release since their guitarist left? I'm lost

    1. Jigsaw9


      There's no talk of any disbandment yet. From the band's Twitter it looks like they even have gigs lined up for April and May so looks like they're continuing.


      I don't see any info on the new guitarist tho, might be a support member or they might be announcing the new member at one of these future lives, we'll see I guess...

    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      I'm pretty sure bands under crow actually just never make music because its almost been a year since the one je:nova single as well

    3. Euronymous


      I personally don't like that label

      I wished they could move to another one,but they probably needed to disband first and possibly they'd change their concept and I don't want that, we'll see...thx 

  14. Euronymous

    Next year the joke will be "Tsuzuku ex mejibray back at metal music"
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