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    ShTon reacted to Tokage in What has the worst fandom?   
    Some of the demographics that annoy me the most (on a personal level):
    - ''Goths'' who literally only listen to that sadboi soundcloud rap shit and are all about that 'tfw no big tity goth gf' bullshit
    - Furries ('ha ha what do you think sonic's toes smell like ha ha just wondering')
    - K-Pop
    - Boomers who are invested in that Minions/Garfield/Ggetto Tweety stuff to an unhealthy degree
    - Visual Kei
    - MCU / Star Wars / Game of Thrones / literally anything that attracts 'alt-normies' (i hate the term, but unfortunately it's accurate)
    - Videogame speedrunners 
    - Drag race fans
    - Metalheads
    - Anime in general, but ESPECIALLY both the 'UwU this anime girl is LITERALLY me & i have a 5 o' clock shadow that won't quit' and 'I want to FUCK this anime girl & my civilization still hasn't invented taking showers' demographics
    - The absolute fucking retards who for some reason believe in raising their pets 'vegan' just because they themselves are (not a 'fandom', but still a community)
    Bronies would've been up on that list once but it feels like that demographic has just spontaneously Jonestowned  overnight in terms of their web presence compared to half a decade ago. Sherlock/Dr. Who/Supernatural and all that stuff could've been in the list along w/ MCU and stuff but for those Tumblr-tier fandoms it also kinda feels like the fanbase's web presence just evaporated overnight. I guess with Sherlock and Dr. Who it was more a case of the last couple of seasons just being THAT irredeemably bad
    In all honesty though, if we're just talking about singling out the  'most toxic communities' or whatever,  you can literally just narrow it down to 'whichever ones attract the highest numbers of  furries, nu-commies, incels, SJWs, alt-righters & nerds LARPing as actual nazis, transwomen or 15 year olds tryna act like they're hot shit' within communities mainly frequented by people up to like.. age 35 or so, IMO. In all honesty, whenever I see some shit-flinging or drama going down in some particular community there's pretty much always a 95% chance the person causing it will fall into one or more of those categories.
    Boomer environments, on the other hand, are much more unpredictable, and the most venomous shit can legit come from the most unexpected of places. I rembmer for example how a couple of years back there was some pretty serious shit going down on Facebook in some of the Dutch ''moms sharing pictures of Tweety wishing you a nice weekend''-communities when some middle-aged guy started reposting some of those house mom's edited Garfield pics on his own page w/o crediting them, and it culminated in a situation where the guy stealing and reposting other people's pics was sending out death threats, doxxing people and creating fake accounts of his accusers to try & slander the housewives accusing him of stealing their ''Don't talk to me before i've had my coffee!'' pics.
  2. LOLOL
    ShTon reacted to suji in What has the worst fandom?   
    fandoms filled with neckbeards tbh

    dir en grey
  3. Like
    ShTon got a reaction from Xerath in New band "The Guzmania" have formed   
    Their music is available on iTunes, AppleMusic, amazon music and Spotify!
  4. Like
    ShTon got a reaction from suji in The.picnics will go on hiatus and singer is suspended   
    Now I'll spend the whole day thinking how he didn't pay for McDonalds. 😂
  5. Like
    ShTon got a reaction from Gesu in New band "The Guzmania" have formed   
    Had to help myself with Google, but now I see it too. xD
  6. Like
    ShTon reacted to suji in new band "LilBerial" has formed   
    GODDAMN LIBERALS AT IT AGA--*squints eyes* ohhhhh...
  7. Like
    ShTon reacted to saiko in Feminists Outraged Over Long Airport Restroom Lines   
    "Feminists" say this, "feminists" do that... 
    You won't believe what a feminist did, click here!!!1!1
  8. Like
    ShTon got a reaction from Gesu in Visual kei among friends   
    I remember trying to get one of my friends into vk. She liked the aesthetics of the oshare bands but she found the music in general scary and horrible and at some point started to brag about how her circle of friends approves her NOT listening to such music. We're not friends anymore, lol. (Because of other reasons but this was annoying.)
    I have a friend who's hugely into kpop, but enjoys some vk bands and I have a bff who I got to know because of vk.
  9. Like
    ShTon got a reaction from psychonnect_rozen in Visual kei among friends   
    I remember trying to get one of my friends into vk. She liked the aesthetics of the oshare bands but she found the music in general scary and horrible and at some point started to brag about how her circle of friends approves her NOT listening to such music. We're not friends anymore, lol. (Because of other reasons but this was annoying.)
    I have a friend who's hugely into kpop, but enjoys some vk bands and I have a bff who I got to know because of vk.
  10. Like
    ShTon reacted to The Moon in What are you tired of seeing on the fourms?   
    oLd Vk WaS sO mUcH beTtEr was old in 2004 on LJ and it still is in 2019 
  11. LOLOL
    ShTon got a reaction from anadentone in アクメ (ACME) new maxi-single "モノノケレクイエム" (Mononoke Requiem) release   
    @anadentone You made me look at his picture and now I cannot unsee it. xD
    Anyway liking this WAY more than previous single!
  12. Like
    ShTon reacted to Neigedesmannes in What are some funny or terrible rumours about musicians or bands?   
    idk if this counts but i once read on wikipedia that DIO - Distraught Overlord's Mikaru once bit some guys' balls during a live. 
  13. Like
    ShTon reacted to Vercingetorix in shigatsu. disbands due to infidelity   
    Man be all about that bass.
  14. Like
    ShTon reacted to Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    Don't you just hate it when they sound like every other biscuit kai band you ever heard
  15. Like
    ShTon reacted to Gesu in shigatsu. disbands due to infidelity   
    I feel more sorry for the guy's fiancée than anyone else. It's shitty that the other guy had to pretty much quit the band just because the other two decided to be cunts, but this woman was planning to spend the rest of her life with her partner and he just goes behind her back like this. This is just terrible.
  16. LOLOL
    ShTon got a reaction from suji in shigatsu. disbands due to infidelity   
    I feel sorry for the third guy. When you didn't sleep with anyone in the band, but get fucked anyway.
  17. LOVE!
    ShTon got a reaction from Arkady in shigatsu. disbands due to infidelity   
    I feel sorry for the third guy. When you didn't sleep with anyone in the band, but get fucked anyway.
  18. Like
    ShTon got a reaction from yomii in shigatsu. disbands due to infidelity   
    I feel sorry for the third guy. When you didn't sleep with anyone in the band, but get fucked anyway.
  19. Like
    ShTon reacted to Doesn'tEvenGoHere in shigatsu. disbands due to infidelity   
    By infidelity, I thought it was going to be one of those cases where a member is working on another project/ with another band on the side without their initial band's knowledge or approval. But this case scenario actually makes a lot more sense. 
  20. Like
    ShTon reacted to CAT5 in shigatsu. disbands due to infidelity   
    tbh It's not really ridiculous if the vocalist and his fiancee plan to continue their relationship. As if the affair itself wasn't a big enough offense, continuing to work with "the other woman" would just be throwing salt on the wound.
    Affairs are hurtful, messy business and they usually have these kinds of negative ripple effects.
    That said....who the fuck is this band anyways????
  21. LOLOL
    ShTon reacted to Chi in shigatsu. disbands due to infidelity   
    The third guy must be mad
  22. Like
    ShTon reacted to chocobuzz in Favourite music videos?   
    I might be forgetting something but these ones came to my mind first.
    メディーナ - SORROW
    SuG - P!nk Masquerade
    D - Der König Der Dunkelheit
    REIGN - Ghost labyrinth
  23. Like
    ShTon reacted to Gesu in Favourite music videos?   
    Ohhhh, yeeeeaaaahhhh. Probably my favourite song by them! It's just so jazzy and sultry. Also, they look amazing! I have a huge thing for feathery hats and this is probably my favourite of ma boi Sizna's looks. 🐙
  24. Like
    ShTon got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in Favourite music videos?   
    I like this video, because if you think about it, it's kinda messed up. xD
    I like MV for DIV's Hyoryu Kanojo. I have no idea what's going on, but the effects are pretty. xD
    Also Clowd's Tomorrowland. 
    Gonna drop another Moran's video here (For Barairo no jigoku). I love aquatic theme of this one.
    I lost count of how many times I rewatched the MV for A9's Shadowplay, when it first came out, lol.
  25. Like
    ShTon got a reaction from Gesu in Favourite music videos?   
    I like this video, because if you think about it, it's kinda messed up. xD
    I like MV for DIV's Hyoryu Kanojo. I have no idea what's going on, but the effects are pretty. xD
    Also Clowd's Tomorrowland. 
    Gonna drop another Moran's video here (For Barairo no jigoku). I love aquatic theme of this one.
    I lost count of how many times I rewatched the MV for A9's Shadowplay, when it first came out, lol.
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