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Status Updates posted by itsukoii

  1. does anyone take their music with them? via phone or mp3 player or w/e, my question is how. how do you have enough space. tell me your secrets

    1. itsukoii


      eek i guess i'm out of luck,,, but thank you for the suggestion! hmm guess i'll just save up for either a new plan or new phone ;__;

      @seurongyeah that makes sense when you don't have much. i like to keep all of my stuff with me tho and have 9GB of music out of my 16GB (actually it's like 11 because apple is shit) iphone

    2. chemicalpictures


      I have a 32GB 3rd generation iPod Touch that is my baby. My rule for uploading music to it is: "would I skip this track if I'm listening to my collection on random?". I have it since 2010 and it's still kicking, so that's pretty worthy in my book! Would buy another one in a heartbeat!

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Just put stuff on your phone that you know you'll listen to and occasionally do a sweep because eventually you'll forget about certain tracks after awhile. 

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  2. feel the love ;>

  3. finally getting my braces off today, oh my goodness

  4. first bass lesson in an hour... nervous as heck, but definitely excited

    1. suji


      u got this k*saki-chan 🤘

    2. reminiscing2004


      aww, have fun

    3. itsukoii


      update: the dude is super chill and not intimidating at all, + we sat there and listened to death metal for a bit, so it was definitely successful!

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  5. flight home was supposed to be saturday. got rebooked to monday. it is now monday. got rebooked to wednesday. LET ME GO HOME

    1. togz



    2. itsukoii
    3. togz



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  6. fuck you and your storage, apple. i just want to have my music with me on my phone why is that so difficult

  7. Godless is phenomenal. so happy for VoD being able to produce something like this after all that's happened

  8. going to new york for the first time tomorrow holy shit

    1. YuyoDrift


      New York City?

      If you have time to sightsee, don't forget to visit the Kinokuniya they have there.



      as well as the smaller known BOOKOFF



    2. plastic_rainbow


      they need more kinokuniya and bookoffs in the US :(
      have fun in new york btw!

    3. reminiscing2004


      enjoy!! tons of ultra cheap delicious food if you know where to look

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  9. good morning merry christmas

  10. goodbye $45... avantgarde you better be worth it or i s2G

  11. goodness me that new itunes update is quite unsightly

    1. itsukoii


      nah, only if you're used to backgrounds on playlists like i am. i used to have a dark one which looked pretty and was nice on the eyes, then with the new update it was removed and was replaced by a blaring white screen underneath my titles. otherwise there are no real changes

    2. Zeus


      i didn't even know you could do that


    3. itsukoii


      yep, if you set a picture as the playlist thumbnail, there'd be a heavily blurred copy of that image in the background. so i had a dark album cover set as the thumbnail

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  12. got a CDJapan cart open at a total of $211.82 because i hate myself

  13. got my G1 driver's license ooooh watch out world

    1. anadentone


      woo hoo congrats :D I'm gonna try and get mine in about 3 weeks :D

  14. happy birthday qween!!

    1. emmny


      thank u my child <3

  15. happy birthday sei-tan christ!!

  16. how do i manage to fall asleep at 8 AM and wake up at 4 PM

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Teach me sensei! *_*

  17. i can't see any threads..... where'd they go..... come back

    1. suji


      you've been banned for having too much membranes in your anus 🌽

    2. itsukoii


      GOSH DIDDLY DARN, do u people not understand the concept of NEVER TOO MANY MEMBRANES?

  18. i DMed my fave and asked him two questions about guitar..... he replied...... this is the highlight of my life

    1. emmny
    2. itsukoii


      ryuya....... of deviloof..... i shouldn't be so happy about this wtf

  19. i just want to nap for 3 years

    1. -NOVA-


      3? more like forever #Dead

    2. Euthanasia


      I feel the same.

  20. i love listening to slamming brutal death metal instead of my history teacher

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      Even if i don't listen to brutal death metal:

      That make sense, it's a proof of sanity.

    2. togz


      We are the same person...

    3. blackdoll



  21. i need a shot or two of bleach because school starts tomorrow. fml

    1. orange~


      oh lol. I guess my idea of normal school has gotten a little blurry :'D


      I study graphic design, so my normal school day would be that I come 1 - 2 hours late - I usually come before lunch because it's pretty cheap and I don't have to think of anything else to eat. Talk shit with my classmates while drawing some random stuff that got nothing to do with the actual subject we're studying. Go play guitar or kick some footbag outside when you get bored and restless just sitting next to computer. Eventually I leave the school when feel like it, but I actually sit there longer than necessary often because I'm so motivated.


      Of course there are few days every now and then that the school starts to resemble., you know - actual school. But they're pretty rare.

    2. itsukoii


      @orange~omg, take me with you

    3. orange~


      haha sure, I'm sure you can get in easy with foreign student quota and all.


      I don't mean to drag on this talk, but what do you study then?

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  22. i need new stuff to listen to. reccommend me that heavy VK someone

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. emmny


      don't start with tetra...heaux dont do it

    3. itsukoii


      damy + krad are great thank u

    4. orange~


      looking at your interests list, we have very similar taste! ^^ so I knew you'd like that. damy is pretty new to me too, need to listen more.

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  23. i think i'm getting into the swing of guitar,  finally. i learned a small piece of a song by ear (the first piece i've ever learned by ear) and i'm actually enjoying playing. gonna try and keep this up :0

  24. i wonder if akinori and the dude from HNIB that got arrested are jail cell buddies

  25. i'll never get over ryuya leaving. hope he stays safe.

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