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    platy got a reaction from Seiji in YOHIO to voice act in the Swedish Dub of the anime movie "Your Name"   
    maybe he should move into voice acting and retire from VK
  2. Like
    platy got a reaction from nullmoon in ProTip Thread   
    1 -  Be individuals, not a single unit. If you're both doing different things, giving each other space, finding your own friends it'll keep the relationship alive and chances are you won't get tired of each other.
    2 - Take interest in the person. If you don't give a shit about their day, their life, where they've been/ what they have done, their opinions then you shouldn't be here. They'll feel undervalued and replaceable eventually.
    3 -  As with above: Even if your personal hobbies and interests are different give it a try. You can have fun together, or at least you'll learn something new.
    4 -  Take time to just talk. Make sure you cultivate a habit of being able to speak openly with each other about stuff. Surprised no one mentioned it yet but, communication is key.
    5 -  Find out what is important to that person and make sure you respect it, even if it's an effort for you. It'll be worth it in the long run.
  3. Like
    platy got a reaction from orange~ in random thoughts thread   
    haha I like that way of thinking
    I wish I could do the same, even in summer here I'm always wearing layers because I was born and bred to live under 35 C heat on a daily basis. Now in summer it is 22 C which would be fine but the winds are so cold it feels like they're being blown straight from an iceberg. ( and it's always windy as fuck)  it drives me insane.
  4. Like
    platy reacted to suji in ProTip Thread   
    protip: don't have children. like, at all.
  5. Like
    platy reacted to Panda_bear in ProTip Thread   
    Pro tip #1 Don't get someone pregnant, or be the one that gets preganant
    Pro tip #2 Don't get married
    Pro tip #3 Get some sort of education, be it formal, technical or vocational ( if this isn't possible skip to the next tip)
    Pro tip #4 Get a job and aim to be the best at it.
    Pro tip #5 Self educate. Read a ton of books, attend lectures or classes on a variety of subjects from health, to fiances, to social interaction, or anything that will help you with your current job.
    You'll move from being a poor weeb who can barely afford your vk indie rarez, to a financially stable, possibly wealthy adult with built up confidence/self esteem and a good well of knowledge to get the best out of life and the know how on how to deal with all the bullshit people or crappy situations life will throw at you. From there you can snatch a waifu/husbando of your liking or choose whatever direction you want to go in life. Kinda hard to fuck up at that point. 
  6. Like
    platy got a reaction from SilverEspeon__ in YOHIO to voice act in the Swedish Dub of the anime movie "Your Name"   
    maybe he should move into voice acting and retire from VK
  7. Like
    platy got a reaction from Yukii_Nishimura in Creepy/Scary/Disturbing Visual Kei's SEs tracks   
    GazettE's 2nd SE in DIM is one I always skip. I can't stand it, it's just too gross.
    Starts at 30:55. 
  8. Like
    platy reacted to emmny in ProTip Thread   
    be patient and always think the best of your partner until you have ~actual~ reason to assume otherwise (ldr brotip unless yr bf is an adorable hermit like mine) the couple that watches spooky videos together STAYS together when u show him ur vk and he doesnt run in the other direction he's a keeper make sure you know your boundaries and your self-esteem so you never end up dependent on another person...no one can fulfill you like you fulfill you don't be in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship, be with someone who teaches you stuff about the world and about yourself that you wouldn't be able to learn otherwise, being single is vastly underrated  
  9. Like
    platy reacted to LIDL in ProTip Thread   
    Pro Tip: Before you consider cutting yourself, call this numbers first;
    USA: +1-800-273-8255
    UK: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90
    AUS: 13 11 14
    JP: 03 5774 0992
    The rest of countries: http://www.suicide.org/hotlines/international/
  10. Like
    platy reacted to firentsu in ex-ヴァニキル (Vanikill) members new band "ナタリー" (Natalie) has formed   
    another band i won't hear of again until they disband or something >_>
  11. Like
    platy got a reaction from efuru in ex-ヴァニキル (Vanikill) members new band "ナタリー" (Natalie) has formed   
    every time a mysterious new band forms the word 'mystery' loses it's charm.
  12. Like
    platy reacted to YuyoDrift in TRACES VOL.2: Can You Hear a Difference Between iTunes Store and Hi-Res?   
    The answer is a little complicated.
    Does this Hi-Res copy sound better than say, a 320kbps copy? Yes, by a mile.
    Does it sound better than a FLAC copy? That's to be debated.
    People would be correct to conclude that the human ear is not capable of distinguishing anything higher than 20KHz, and so it would be a waste.
    What they don't know is that that is 1/2 the truth.
    In reality, we actually can hear the difference.
    The only problem is, the volume would have to be turned up so high, that it would cause hearing impairment at those frequencies. So not the most pleasant listening experience.
    Plus, most listeners aren't even aware as to what to look for in differences between the two.
    Finally, you'd have to be in a dead silent room (the average environment is about 30db of noise) in order to even get the chance to do any of this.
    Another issue is that NO DAC/Amp, or device on the market in 2017 is even remotely capable of, or ever will, be able to reproduce anything higher than 20Bits.
    Trust me, I've looked (and even done a research paper on this lol). Modern Tech is just not at that point yet to reproduce frequencies that high.
    What this means is that no HD/Hi-Res copy will be capable of being 24bit due to tech being shit still. So we are stuck with 20bit max.
    Why is it called 24bit then? Well techies will tell you that we count bits by 8.
    8bit (Think Video Game Music), 16bit (FLAC Quality), and 24bit (HD, Hi-Res, SACD)
    24bit Hi-Res is not intended to be used by the average consumer, but it is made available to us because well, why not?
    It is intended for Audio Engineers, who use low-pass filtering for master recording and/or editing (kinda like a graphic designer/photo editor using RAW formatted images).
    So this quality of music is really only able to be used in software, otherwise the raw frequencies of sound can kill your audio devices.
    Plus, the recording companies are greedy SOBs that would never share master records with the average consumer. Those golden days are over.
    Our entertainment systems have been made possible  to listen to at least 60db of sound affordably (on purpose, some might say), because any more would require more power (current) and amplification, to the point that we'd all be broke as shit if we wanted to hear this to it's real sound.
    This can go way deeper in explanation, but I will stop here.
    Take advantage of @Aeolus' kind gesture, and add this copy to your Music Collection.
    You'll NEVER be able to play this in 24bit, because not even master recording equipment can. So don't BS anyone about your 5K sound equipment lol.
    Record companies have purposely made audio sound like shit nowadays for their own profit.
    Unless you listen to this in a sound booth at ear exploding volumes, then it'll probably sound the same as FLAC.
    So enjoy this Hi-Res album, using a simple DAC/Amp and a really nice set of Noise-Cancelling Headphones for now.
    Your crappy HP laptop headphone port isn't gonna cut it folks.
  13. Like
    platy got a reaction from Serox in ex-ヴァニキル (Vanikill) members new band "ナタリー" (Natalie) has formed   
    every time a mysterious new band forms the word 'mystery' loses it's charm.
  14. Like
    platy reacted to Biopanda in ProTip Thread   
    Never date ever. Cut yourself off from the world and give into the memes. Feel the meme. Sense the meme. Become the meme.
  15. Like
    platy reacted to Lestat in random thoughts thread   
    People who unfriend you over your voting choice on a political election. Oh, the ease of Facebook's anonymity and the safety behind a computer screen. 
  16. Like
    platy got a reaction from returnal in ex-ヴァニキル (Vanikill) members new band "ナタリー" (Natalie) has formed   
    every time a mysterious new band forms the word 'mystery' loses it's charm.
  17. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in ex-ヴァニキル (Vanikill) members new band "ナタリー" (Natalie) has formed   
    every time a mysterious new band forms the word 'mystery' loses it's charm.
  18. Like
    platy got a reaction from suji in ex-ヴァニキル (Vanikill) members new band "ナタリー" (Natalie) has formed   
    every time a mysterious new band forms the word 'mystery' loses it's charm.
  19. Like
    platy reacted to Machayume in Platy's Stuff   
    Your art is soo cute ! Your 3D designs are also very well done, you don't suck at all ! 
  20. Like
    platy reacted to suji in ProTip Thread   
    protip: don't date people online. long-distance relationships are exhausting and stressful.
  21. Like
    platy reacted to Ito in Worst Jrock CD Cover   
    This is only a good start...a few of these make me cringe...
  22. Like
    platy reacted to D2113 in Worst Jrock CD Cover   
    I can't believe nobody posted this.

  23. Like
    platy reacted to colorful人生 in Worst Jrock CD Cover   
    I literally have the obi covering the lower fourth of the cover in my CD wallet...
    *screams internally*
  24. Like
    platy reacted to mahoujin in Worst Jrock CD Cover   
    Most of the links earlier in the thread are broken now, so if this has already been posted, I apologize. It's the worst thing that comes to mine immediately. 

  25. Like
    platy reacted to Saishu in Worst Jrock CD Cover   
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