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    platy got a reaction from gekiai in #resurrectVK   
    Seriously, this mejibray hiatus has made the VK sphere the most exciting it's been in years. 
    That or I just like to watch the world burn 
  2. Like
    platy got a reaction from suji in #resurrectVK   
    Seriously, this mejibray hiatus has made the VK sphere the most exciting it's been in years. 
    That or I just like to watch the world burn 
  3. Like
    platy reacted to -Tetsu- in your most special Vk live occurences   
    I didn't pay attention for a short time because I was talking to the girl next to me when she suddenly started laughing. I didn't know why but then I realized that Mr.SaTaN wasn't on stage anymore. He sneaked  up behind me and it scared the shit out of me when I turned around because he was so fucking close. There were only about 40 people around so it wasn't that difficult to see that I wasn't looking at the stage ... After their show we talked for a short while and he was so excited that they had fans outside of Japan and he kind of ignored the japanese fans just to talk to me (I guess he was like... really excited haha)
    I don't know if this is something special or interesting, but a nice japanese girl switched place with me so I could be closer to the stage during DOAKs show when she heard that I just came to Japan to see their last live. So this was my first time in the second row for seeing one of my favorite bands. Everyone around me was so nice and they integrated me in everything. I was used to be ignored for being a foreigner so this was really exciting for me. Never felt this happy before. Meeting Yuuki after the show made it the most perfect day of my life.
    Cazqui where his support guitarist during this live and when he threw his pick I was about to catch it but instead of closing my hand I hit it and it fell behind the barrier. I politely asked a staff if he could give it to me but he said no and gave it to another girl that was screaming on him to give it to her instead ... I'm still pretty mad about this
  4. Like
    platy reacted to plastic_rainbow in your most special Vk live occurences   
    saz took off stage and joined the crowd from the back, pushing everybody to the front during the dive. while doing so, he grabbed me by the shoulders and we were back diving together on the front crowd. it happened so fast i couldn't believe what was going on, but it was the best moment of my life. at the same live, because it was so crowded someone got a nosebleed from smacking into someone else's head while headbanging. (this was in 2015 when they hadn't quite reached their popularity yet so they booked the smallest live venue in town) kira noticed it and pointed it out during the MC. it took a while for the girl to come forth, but she said that she was okay and that the bleeding had stopped.
    there was an older lady, like around her 60s or so and i stood next to her. i think we might've looked like mother and daughter, or grandma and granddaughter, because we were the least active in the crowd and kinda stood out. at one point aiji threw his guitar pick to the crowd and i think he was clearly aiming it at us. i didn't pick it up though...
    a guy from the crowd in the back kept yelling "DAISUKI DA!!!!" to shohei during the MC when aki left the stage for a bit, and he seemed flattered by it, but was also kinda troubled about what to say back to him. in the end he said "daisuki" too. the rest of the crowd were all just kinda laughing.
  5. Like
    platy reacted to jaymee in your most special Vk live occurences   
    Band: Gargoyle
    Yeaaaars ago I went to this live they did where it was basically them on stage getting crunk and passing the audience beers while they played whatever they felt like between random/hilarious MCs.
    Band: Kuroyume
    My friend and I paid 30,000 yen+ a piece to get scalper tickets to their sold out "last" live, because we didn't want to regret not ever seeing them.  Then Kiyoharu got desperate for some coin and got the band back together like one-two years later. Our seat numbers were horrible, and behind the stage, so the only view we got was of Kiyoharu's ass. 
    Band: Psycho le Cemu
    One of their Nagoya shows was particularly memorable for me because I got saizen, the set list was on fire, and I befriended a bunch of gya that still keep in touch outside of lives. Also the Osaka show of their last lives, where the gya invited many of us non-Japanese fans in attendance to write a message on a gift they had prepared for the band.
    Their "last" live and mid-hiatus anniversary/Epilogue final. So much ugly crying and wailing. The image of all the gya leaning on each other for support as they processed their sadness over an era in their lives coming to an end has been hard to shake. Strangely, having already gone through this stage with Malice Mizer, I didn't cry. Emotions were running high, especially as there had been a few gya who had taken their own lives after speculation that the band would go on an indefinite (read: permanent) hiatus.
    Also... every live I have ever worn uncomfortable shoes to just to "complete an outfit" or "stand taller". Don't do it guys, you will always regret it, lol.
  6. Like
    platy reacted to VkBrutaliaN in your most special Vk live occurences   
    in this topic i wanna discuss the most special/interesting/memorable incidents experienced during Vk lives attended in japan.
    if there are also some special situations you've experienced feel free to tell us as well! ;D
    i saw them live when they were still a pretty underground band (even before they had their very first instore event which took place only one day after i saw 'em live)
    during the live there were 3 girls standing pretty close to the stage but they were the only one who didn't participated with other fans... so after chiaki screamed a few times "SHINE" while pointing at them and they still didn't move to the back he took a water bottle and spit a few times directly to the girls so they finally moved to the back...
    BAND: B.C
    i visited one of their sponsered lives and during one of their songs the vocalist told everyone to build a circle and to hold each others hands which each other. then while everyone was standing in circle ALL headbanged which i've never seen before in my life. during this section of the live the singer jumped down from the stage and also headbanged along standing back to back to a girl which he accidently colide with the back of their heads - kinda funny situation...
    BAND: MeteoroiD
    i saw them live in 2015 and during their last song everyone was kneeing down on the floor and all headbanged... you might think like: yeah but whats so special about this!?
    but because of the very thick atmosphere during that part it really felt like: what fucked up cult thing is goind on right now... XD
    so that were my most memorable experiences i had during my few lives i attended in japan so far.
  7. Like
    platy reacted to chemicalpictures in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    That's true. 2017 vk has been pretty average, so far. The only release I believe is an actual stand out was ORCALADE's debut. Solid as fuck.
    on unpopular opinions: DADAROMA gets more praise than they deserve. For each killer song, they have 5 or 6 that are forgettable at best. And its a shame, cuz I really liked Crazy Shampoo and NAINE...
  8. Like
    platy got a reaction from Komorebi in #resurrectVK   
    Seriously, this mejibray hiatus has made the VK sphere the most exciting it's been in years. 
    That or I just like to watch the world burn 
  9. Like
    platy reacted to leafwork in Show Yourself (again)   
    mild goth, also soft-butch lesbian
  10. Like
    platy reacted to frozen_bug in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I don't know how unpopular this is but K-Pop >>> J-Pop. God, I hate so much, I had forgotten about it until I went to a japanese music event and they put a lot of that awful J-Pop, then I remembered why I could never listen to that. The voices, I just can't do it, nope, they make me want to rip off my ears and the music is soooooo corny. At least K-Pop singers sound like normal people.
  11. Like
    platy got a reaction from Komorebi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I'm confused, dazed even, trying to figure out how people can think that the singer from Melvel is any good. 
    Even in his new band, he sounds just as awful. 
  12. Like
    platy reacted to diryangrey in MEJIBRAY will go on hiatus   
    i say this as someone who likes meji a lot - best outcome imo would be all four members starting/joining new projects that sound nothing like eachother, & keeping the band Mejibray alive for the occasional single/EP or reunion sorta tour.
    kinda feel like 420 was the summation of Meji's sound, Nepenthes/Eiki/Venoms were some nice epilogues, & everything since is just bonus tracks.
    Seems like each individual member has a lot more of an 'artistic vison' or w/e than really fits under the mejibray brand.
  13. Like
    platy reacted to herpes in Technology has come so far   
    Huh mine is different?

  14. Like
    platy reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Technology has come so far   
  15. Like
    platy got a reaction from emmny in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I'm confused, dazed even, trying to figure out how people can think that the singer from Melvel is any good. 
    Even in his new band, he sounds just as awful. 
  16. Like
    platy reacted to Saishu in MEJIBRAY will go on hiatus   
    VK fans in general don't seem to understand how... anything works. 
  17. Like
    platy reacted to Tokage in #resurrectVK   
    imagine some shady-ass weirdo trying to look for a hitman online and accidentally stumbling upon a bunch of of MY DRAGON pvs
  18. Like
    platy reacted to Elazmus in MEJIBRAY will go on hiatus   
    You can't put a price on seeing some internet people act heartbroken and shocked over such an announcement from a band whom they claim undying devotion to yet....
    ..not devoted enough to know VK bands work. Like they are REALLY surprised as if they think some unforeseen tragedy has taken place to cause this.
    They don't seem to realize how much in excess their output was... probably see no difference in the quality of releases either. I guess they assume songs just kind of write themselves if you spend enough time being cute and all. The boys do give that impression..
    Stay on hiatus until their short-term attention span dies out, then quietly come back and.... try to build a better fanbase.
    I'm a fan of MEJIBRAY and I think MEJIBAY fans deserve everything they've got coming to them in life lol
  19. Like
    platy reacted to IGM_Oficial in random thoughts thread   
  20. Like
    platy reacted to suji in random thoughts thread   
    im so tired
  21. Like
    platy reacted to efuru in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I finally got my new controller in the mail so I ordered final fantasy x/x2 remastered and I'm so excited. I haven't played in so long. 
  22. Like
    platy reacted to zombieparadise in Shinya of Dir en grey new solo project SERAPH   
    I predict a 3 man live between the narrator of this project, Versailles' narrator, and the female backup singer from the GazettE coming to a budokan near you.
  23. Like
    platy reacted to Karma’s Hat in #resurrectVK   
    I've thought about this a lot and I think I've come up with a solution
    We need to ban americans, scandinavians and anyone who's been into vk for less than a decade from the scene.
  24. Like
    platy reacted to suji in #resurrectVK   
    this hashtag is floating around again cuz of fucking mejibray, what a surprise
    shows how much these fucking whiteys and Brazilians really care about jrock; if one band suddenly decides to take a break, then god forbid IT'S THE END OF VK AS WE KNOW IT!!11
  25. Like
    platy reacted to suji in J-artists' children   
    I forget what band this guy was in (they deleted all the band references on twitter), but he was in one of those really indiefag bands that I vaguely remember Trombe posting about before. You might recognize them... Edit: The guy is 緋嶺 (akane) (ex-bassist for UN-DE-MEA , super indiefag band)
    She has since transitioned(???) to female and goes by the name おおはしさん (Ohashi-san). She's also married a woman whom she now has a child with.

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