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  1. LOLOL
    platy reacted to Saishu in the GazettE new album, "NINTH" release   
    Ooooo an unoccupied wheelchair in a dark room!
    Come on, guys...
  2. Like
    platy reacted to LIDL in the GazettE new album, "NINTH" release   
    For real, my favourite look of him since a long time.
  3. Like
    platy got a reaction from jiji94 in the GazettE new album, "NINTH" release   
    Fuck yeah. I also like how they're getting more 'visual' even though they've been around for a hundred years. Nun Uruha ? It's better than I could have imagined.  Will 2018 be the year of Visual nun Kei? 
    Ruki's giving me vibes from the Cockroach period, except with triple the budget. 
    I'm really hyped and hope it's even more solid than dogma. 
  4. Like
    platy got a reaction from LIDL in the GazettE new album, "NINTH" release   
    Fuck yeah. I also like how they're getting more 'visual' even though they've been around for a hundred years. Nun Uruha ? It's better than I could have imagined.  Will 2018 be the year of Visual nun Kei? 
    Ruki's giving me vibes from the Cockroach period, except with triple the budget. 
    I'm really hyped and hope it's even more solid than dogma. 
  5. Like
    platy reacted to Yukami in the GazettE new album, "NINTH" release   
  6. Like
    platy reacted to ArtFart in ArtFart doodles   
    LOL oops! Most of the stuff I shared on here was from my twitter or tumblr, which are both gone now for privacy reasons, but I made new ones... basically just added THE in front of everything now. So, it's TheArtsyFartsyMolly on just about everywhere now lol
    Here are some new things and styles I've been messing with lately.


  7. Like
    platy got a reaction from suji in If you'd never heard Japanese music, what would you be listening to?   
    I probably would've listened to more emo American bands that sound like My Chemical Romance or Black Veil Brides. I've always loved Black Eyed Peas, so I would've tried more pop/electro groups.
    I think I'd have given Radiohead and more experimental groups a chance too. 
  8. Like
    platy got a reaction from robkun in FLCL   
    source: MAL
    Arguably one of the most insane and stylistic classics, both in terms of action and storytelling. It's a weird spin on your typical coming-of-age story by the sadly defunct studio GAINAX.
    Now, supposedly funded by Adult Swim we have a sequel coming out sixteen years after the original.
    Discuss your thoughts on the original, sequel, theories, etc!
  9. Like
    platy got a reaction from Mamo in Show me your Top 8!   
    Had my account since 2009, I didn't use last.fm at all for a couple of years. Wonder if it would have changed anything.
  10. Thanks
    platy reacted to Mr.0 in SuG will disband   
    Yes, they already confirmed that they'll release the show on DVD (they held a crowdfunding in Japan to help pay for the budokan, one of the rewards was having your name on the DVD credits!)
    And yeah, I'll share my thoughts and all, but I suggest you follow SuG Worldwide Community on FB, I'm going with the owner of the page, he's the biggest SuG fan I know, his report will definitively be better!
  11. Like
    platy got a reaction from Mr.0 in SuG will disband   
    I'm a little bit jealous 
    Please make a report or status about how it went. Is there a DVD coming out for the budokan show since their first and last? 
  12. 悲しい
    platy reacted to Alkaloid in SuG will disband   
    From jpopasia:

  13. Like
    platy got a reaction from Zeus in How do I make a mixtape?   
    .rar, .zip, YouTube playlist, Dropbox. Any of these are okay. 
    Like Lestat said, make sure the quality is good so the experience is better. It's hard to get into a song if the quality is low, you can find pretty much anything you're looking for on here or other music websites. Just don't rip from a video. 
    Put the songs of your playlist in a folder, zip it and upload it somewhere like Google drive,  Dropbox, 4shared, Mega, etc. Then send the link to your partner. 
    If you have any questions never hesitate to ask. It's better to be in the know. 
  14. Like
    platy reacted to Seimeisen in 10 Worst Disbandments of 2016   
    When AvelCain announced their disbandment, I was very disappointed, especially because they only released one fantastic album and I was still waiting for a second one. I wanna say that I'm still sad about it, except I'm not. After おまじない, which I still love to this day, they quickly went downhill. With the 輪廻転生 single, they didn't "go out with a bang," they didn't even fizzle out,  they effectively killed themselves, which is rather fitting for this band. I enjoyed (most of) everything up 'til mid-2015, I still do, but they just ran out of juice near the end. I'd still like karma, eve, and maybe one of the early ex-members to form a new band.
    I am kinda pissed about SCREW disbanding! Sure, PSYCHO MONSTERS and SCREW weren't incredibly fantastic, but 昏睡 was a sign of life and 覚醒 blew everything since 2011 out of the water. Don't you just love it when a band calls it quits right after they show great improvement!?
    I'm even more pissed about girugamesh disbanding. When I first heard "period," I thought, "how the fuck can these guys leave after something amazing like THAT???!!!!" But, y'know what, they're the ones that went out with a bang!  "period" was holy motherfucking incredible! While I don't think I can say it's their best song ever, it's certainly their best song since 壊れていく世界.
  15. Daria
    platy reacted to Chi in random thoughts thread   
  16. Like
    platy reacted to jiji94 in random thoughts thread   
    Oh my god, was so not expecting someone to say they did their thesis on girl' love manga and media. I didn't do a thesis for my undergrad but during my final seminar class for my gender studies minor my prof focused the semester on queer theory and let us choose our own topics for our final project. I immediately thought it would be interesting to do mine on BL because I knew my classmates had no idea what it was (and my prof was like "yassss"). Turns out I'm now obsessed with anything to do with that field and would do anything to pursue it further.
    My student debt's a bit more complicated since my parents had me take out bank loans to pay most of my education. So even when I go back I still need to make monthly payments on the majority of my debt. :/  I also struggled so much during my undergrad (tough university + extreme burn out).
    Cleaning. Is. GREAT. I haven't done it myself (long-term, short-term I have worked as a janitor and room attendant) but honestly it was what I wanted to do before everyone jumped on me to go to university. Everyone I know who has worked cleaning jobs loved them and often end up moving up jobs too or working front desk. Can be a really great way of meeting people and networking too.
  17. Like
    platy got a reaction from jiji94 in random thoughts thread   
    Good luck with all your plans~
    I did my thesis on girl's love manga and media. If I could I'd love to take the topic further. I'd like a second degree too. I don't care about the debt.
    England has made it so 90% of students will never pay it back anyway, at  least not by the time they're dead lol. So luckily it won't impact my life significantly. But first I need that stability as you said, before even considering going back to academia and if that means being a cleaner, then I can't wait. (I love cleaning anyway, so dunno why people are pressed since I clean for them for free when I have  the chance ) 
    Edit: I also hate people looking down on their own jobs, or their colleagues'. 
    Example, when I worked as a waitress the guests looked down on us because it was a very pretentious place and most of the servers were foreign. Then within the waitressing team, people looked down on the cleaners. But our job was so dirty sometimes we might as well have the title of 'cleaning team' on the job description. 
    My friend who works as a waitress now looks down on me for searching for a cleaning job, but tbh I'd rather clean people's houses by myself than have to deal with shitty guests and snobby customers/ team members. 
  18. Like
    platy got a reaction from Visutox in random thoughts thread   
    This resonates with me so much. 
    People tell me I should have more respect for myself and not get into these jobs I'm looking at because I have a degree but I just want money coming in so I can focus on my career more. I don't care how 'low' the job is. 
    Also have my mixed feelings about my field, so I'm going down a harder route career wise for now. 
    Being in your 20s sucks. What even is my life rn. 
  19. Like
    platy reacted to jiji94 in random thoughts thread   
    Tbh the stability of my job has done wonders for my self confidence/self esteem. I love working hard. I oddly love my work environment (although I work with dead fishies and it stinks and I did vomit once..). My coworkers are always telling me I need to get out there and not get stuck in this job. I'd really love for them to realize the value of their own work and to stop putting themselves down because they're hard workers. :/ I get really mad when people put down people working these sorts of jobs. At least for me it's temporary but it doesn't mean their work isn't valuable or should be avoided.
    I'm planning to work in some way or form in immigration but want to experience life overseas for awhile. I'm also planning a second degree. I have a mountain of student debt I'd love to pay off more towards and travel before committing to the second degree/or MA. If it doesn't work out I have a decent backup plan but I love, love, love working with newcomers to Canada. But getting all the necessary qualifications I would like for the jobs I'm interested in long-term are so expensive.. I also don't know if I can handle an MA or a second degree because I'm honestly like, "Screw academia!"
    Also if I do an MA it's more than likely to end with me doing a thesis on BL manga.. aha. 
    DEFINITELY recommend taking on whatever work you can get and going from there. Having some money is better than the frustration of under or unemployment. It'll help you with focusing on your future career better. I've been laid off twice this year and it was maddening. 
  20. Like
    platy got a reaction from jiji94 in random thoughts thread   
    This resonates with me so much. 
    People tell me I should have more respect for myself and not get into these jobs I'm looking at because I have a degree but I just want money coming in so I can focus on my career more. I don't care how 'low' the job is. 
    Also have my mixed feelings about my field, so I'm going down a harder route career wise for now. 
    Being in your 20s sucks. What even is my life rn. 
  21. Like
    platy reacted to Kr_kohaku in Hi   
    Hi, my name is Kohaku I just rejoined this site. I had an account YEARS ago and I can`t even begin to try to figure out what my log in info was. So I`m starting over lol.  A couple of my friends recently brought this site up and I figured that I should sign up again. I want to make more friends that like J-Rock (And DIR EN GREY)! I also hope to discover some new bands maybe. I also offer translating and finding merch services if anyone is interested in that. I go to many DIR EN GREY lives so I can get people merch that is being sold on the tours. Sorry this was such and awkward intro lol.
    P.S. I recently have been getting really into Pierrot and Angelo if anyone wants to have a discussion about them!  
  22. Like
    platy got a reaction from Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    I'm a foreigner myself but nothing annoys me more in this country than Spanish and Italian students who come over to study English over the summer and act like everyone has to put up with their noise, mess and rudeness. 
    Not like everyone in England already hates foreigners, right? Thanks a lot morons. 
  23. Like
    platy reacted to heine in possibly the latest introduction ever   
    hellooooo i'm vino or vincent (either is fine) and this is an attempt at an introduction / first post?  well anyway i'm 24 yrs old & a dude
    uhh hm i've been into dir en grey for over a decade & they're still among my favorites which is probs the most interesting thing i have to say abt myself lol
    i haven't been active on any forums in many years and i generally just lurk on sites i use but i'll... try to be active enough. nice to meet ya
  24. Like
    platy reacted to jiji94 in heyyo newbie here   
    Y'all can call me Jae or Shi, I haven't used forums in forever so nicknames are a little odd. I'm 23, from middle of nowhere Canada. Found this forum randomly while looking up stuff on visual kei bands on and off over the past few years. I've been a  filthy casual fan since about 2007 but stopped listening to most vk bands in 2011 (Isshi's death was mad hard on me, yo). I got back into Japanese music in 2013 but have been corrupted by a lot of the new indie/alternative rock bands so mainly listen to stuff like Sakanaction and Suchmos but also am a huge PTP fan. I'm obsessed with Susumu Hirasawa and he is ruining my life. I've worked a lot with Japanese exchange students and my interest in a wide variety of music has helped them to really connect with me.  I hate most J-pop with a passion though, much to their dismay.
    Bands I've liked/loved a lot are BUCK-TICK, X, Plastic Tree, Malice Mizer, Kagrra. I still listen to all these bands almost daily. I don't know crap about new bands or anything really past 2011 but after talking with a Japanese student who likes many of the newer bands I thought I should try getting back into vk.
  25. Like
    platy reacted to Pajamamers in Hey there   
    Hey everyone, Pajamamers here. Just recently came across SiM, and they're definitely on track to becoming my favorite band. I came across this place while looking for a rip of their live dvd, and I'm liking it. Not too familiar with the Jrock scene tho, so hopefully someone could suggest some bands worth listening to. Big Kamen Rider fan as well, if anyone's into toku I'm sure we'll get along. Oh, and I'm a novice bass player.
    Not too great at the whole introduction thing, so feel free to ask me anything you want 

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