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platy last won the day on February 7 2021

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About platy

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    Uta's Glossy Hair
  • Birthday March 2

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    -the GazettE

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  1. Not amused by Stardust Crusaders so far 😬 



    (the characters look like ugly lego dolls 🥺 but Avdol is awesome) 

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    2. Tokage


      @platy i know lol but the transition from Part 3 -> Part 4 comes with a pretty significant change in aesthetics in general (a bit more gradual in the manga than in the anime - first part of DIU's manga still kinda keeps the SC aesthetic). As Manabu said things become a lot more colorful - the characters' general designs become a bit more wild and the anime adaptation especially is VERY colorful and somewhat stylized. It's definitely a  complete 180 in terms of vibe and feel


      (I do have to say that as far as I remember it Part 3's more well-animated than Part 4 though but iirc they did end up at least sort of fixing some of 4's more questionable ''QUALITY'' moments for the blu-ray release)

    3. platy


      Thanks for the background info 🤔 gotta say it will take a while to get used to the stand side of things too, it feels a bit gimmicky at this point but I understand they couldn't keep it at hamon forever. 

    4. Tokage


      Oh, don't worry. The stand battles become far more interesting later on, especially when the stand abilities (or the abilities' applications) start to become a bit more esoteric and 'out there'.


      I'm gonna be honest and say that the 'road trip' half of Stardust Crusaders is plagued by a whole bunch of extremely obvious filler and it's definitely a step down compared to BT. Most of the two-parters are good though, and overall the second half of Part 3 is great IMO 

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