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platy last won the day on February 7 2021

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About platy

  • Rank
    Uta's Glossy Hair
  • Birthday March 2

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    VK Bands I follow since the dawn of time:

    - Mix Speaker's, Inc.
    - D=out
    -the GazettE

    Other vk bands I follow:


    fav bands (no longer active)
    9GBO, Aicle., Phantasmagoria, Cindykate, vidoll, Femme Fatale

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  1. Re-listening to DIM, I'm taking it out of my top gazette albums.

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Easily their most overrated album.

    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      I also think it's overrated, I mean, still for late gazette it's one of the best though. My impression is that it's generally thought of as a spurt of creativity and vision from them but really outside of nagikahara, everything is just as basic as anything they put out later. After DISORDER when they decided to chug it out a career and after DIM when they carted Ruki for singing lessons, they never recovered.

    3. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      In my opinion DIM is more atmospheric compared to their most recent albums, they were approaching to their darkest vibes and I think that it is still good nowadays, even if Dogma empowered that concept at the maximum level.


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