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Everything posted by orange~

  1. orange~

    Looks good on him and there's always hair extensions
  2. orange~

    I agree with the fine bros. rotten people.
  3. mmm.. if their japanese is so spotless, you can't tell the difference and their music is real. They're through their metamorphosis imo , no matter the race or origin. We're one world - let's not create walls where there are none. those bands are so terrible and corny anyway, so you won't be seeing much of them among japanese bands.
  4. I get your point. and I'm fine either way, but I'd kinda want to support Visual Kei as a bigger global movement, even if 99% of non-japanese bands are terrble. So just because of that, I'd keep them mixed with the 'authentic' bands.
  5. orange~

    SiCX are releasing their first album on 11月26日(土) "GRADALE" ・収録曲 1.The prologue to Sickness 2.Deadly Sin 3.FACELESS 4.DEGENERATE 5.the grim reaper's scythe 6.Strawberry Fields 7.Firefly 8.iori 9.D/G 10.DEAR HATERZ It's gonna be ¥1500(tax in)
  6. I've been listening few weeks now Avenged Sevenfold's new album The Stage, and it's really surprisingly awesome album. I love the space mood and vibe the album radiates. Previously I've classified AX7 as horribly generic 00's metalcore with occasional light spots in the darkness, but something has happened to the band and this new release really is good. I recommend giving it a whirl, even tho most of the material isn't really something that's digested on the first listen.
  7. I haven't had a chance to listen to them at any point, but their look already captured me the very first time I saw them.
  8. In memory of Avelcain - Let's cut our wrists all night - dubtrack session is still up. Welcome everyone! Let's die together.

    1. plastic_rainbow


      *grabs handy-dandy razor blade* 死にましょう

    2. orange~


      死にましょう !!

  9. Monochrome Heaven Dubtrack.fm

    'Cry for Avelcain super tribute saturday' - You're welcome to join! T_T

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Just what I hate about a man.

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Basically I can't. lol Idk.

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  10. orange~

    Sure thing! I'm actually pretty motivated atm. I'm trying to get back to my original 1 chapter every 2 weeks schedule. The current story arc is getting to it's climax too, so it's all fun ^^
  11. orange~

    Come to one of our dubtrack sessions. I discover new music every time there. Often there's one held on sundays.
  12. I like the look, even the hair strand Video is interesting.. The song itself sounded really boring so far..........
  13. orange~

    The big picture would most likely be the same even if Hillary won. What's been going on 15+ or 50+ years in the US remains the same. People pulling the strings are probably the same. It's only what appears outside that's changing. What Trump's presidency introduces - it gives momentum to far-right movement and gives approval to all the racial, social and backward thinking bullshit Trump has spouted during his campaigning. That's the thing I'm most worried about.
  14. orange~

    I know elections were a nightmare , with 2 horrible candidates... but wow. I still never expected this outcome. Personally I cannot understand how a person like Trump can rise up to be a president. He represents everything opposite to my beliefs, but yea... People have voted. I guess these are the values many people also support. No use crying about it.
  15. orange~

    We've heard all the songs that are gonna be innit, so why even bother?
  16. I liked the song quite a lot actually. I never really cared for Lycaon before this.. or maybe never rreally gave them a chance.
  17. So after living few months in the same flat, apparently my roommate thinks I'm a girl o_o  (i didn't correct him)

    1. orange~


      lol whaaat?? oh right, I think I saw some pictures of you in fb with shorter hair..? (if I remember correct) It's weird how much shorter/longer hair messes up with some people's expectations.

    2. allisapp


      Yeah... XD I have been thought many times as a boy until I was about 18, even more when I was under 12.  And especially during my weeaboo phase!

    3. orange~


      wow. that's quite something... How did you take it?


      I've had few other people think of me as a girl before too, and it's pretty fun imo. I like playing with people's expectations and their tired views of gender. Kinda flattering too. Even though I don't quite understand the mix up, because I don't think I'd make a very attractive girl :D

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  18. orange~

    VERY surprised too. I thought they had some momentum going on. And pretty solid music too.
  19. orange~

    The new look and new logo are a bit of a departure from their previous stuff. I wonder if they're gonna pursue something different stylistically? I'm still intrigued, even though I haven't been been terribly excited about their recent releases.
  20. I never expected to love any Avenged Sevenfold album as much as I adore The Stage. Holy shit what an atmosphere this album has! :o


    Honestly never cared for these guy before.

  21. orange~

    I know that I need deadlines to push the best out of me. I get stuff done otherwise too, but having less time to finish things does wonders for my work. No matter how "artificial" those deadlines might be. I guess part of the reason is that I have to commit more time to painting in a shorter timespan, so I reach a certain flow state easier. When it comes to challenges like inktober, you know it's only one month, so that may make it easier to push yourself to work every single day, where as normally many might take days off. Then there is also the community aspect to inktober too, which I love. Having said that, I didn't take part in Inktober, I knew from the start of the month I was gonna be too busy for this : / Respect to you guys for going through it! plastic_rainbow. I've been following your stuff on tumblr and you've got some amazing pieces done! ^^ Hakoniwa, I like your stuff too. That portrait with the sunglasses is my favourite. Mario's expression is pretty sinister too
  22. orange~

  23. orange~

    I agree. The whole episode was psychological torture. (some physical too) He is a villain and a bad man for sure, not denying that. But if you think about the situation from Negan's point of view. Rick and co. came out of nowhere. They might as well be some barbaric band of raiders and looters killing bunch of Negan's people and raiding their safehouses. There are probably many people among the main characters that would do horrible things to Negan too after witnessing events of the last episode. In that sense Negan's actions seem somewhat understandable too. (still sick as fuck.) It's pretty cool gray area, the show is at.
  24. orange~

    holy shit that episode was crazy. I didn't think I'd feel anything for any of the characters for real (you see I'm dead inside), but this one got me. I felt sick afterwards and was very tense for the rest of the episode. The vision is gonna be haunting me for quite a while. I'm glad the creators got balls to do this after the asspull dumbster scenerio last season. Many are making Negan seem like a true villain here, but honestly this is pretty reasonable after Rick and co slaughtered dozens of Negan's crew without any real reason. From Negan's point of view Rick and co. are a bunch of savages.
  25. orange~

    @DarkWater, no worries DW, I've been mistaken as a girl many times too. Just take it as a compliment. It's fun to mess with people's preconceptions : )
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