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Everything posted by orange~

  1. orange~

    I can totally relate to this. Tequila was my first love. I used to drink tequila sunrise and tequila slammers all night, all week long. My new favourite drink is also vodka with lemon or something like that. I never remember the name of the drink - it's "something-somethig trash" - I usually order "there's this vodka trash drink..."
  2. orange~

    I'm gonna adopt this lifestyle
  3. orange~

    hey I live in finland, it's still gonna be winter here by normal world standards till halfway summer! but fuck it. I really don't feel like using my uglyass winter coat anymore. It's sunny so that enough for me
  4. orange~

    XD haha I actually just shaved my legs for the first time in ages. you live in a mirror world
  5. orange~

    yeaaaa! you definitely don't suck at either of those! I'm liking your drawing style ^^ also your 3D stuff are really good! keep em coming!
  6. orange~

    spring is here again - reproductive glands and all that. I'm so happy to ditch my winter coat finally
  7. are dead baby jokes ok in thesis works?

    1. platy


      In today's climate? Yes.

    2. saishuu


      not if you're actually working with newborns, otherwise yes

    3. orange~


      cool. dead baby jokes it is then! No worries - my studies don't involve newborns.


      What's the difference between a truckload of bowling balls and a truckload of dead babies? You can't unload bowling balls with a pitchfork. - it's actually a quote from stephen king so I think it should be all cool.

  8. MEJIBRAY ✦ No Mouth Slivers DVD ✦ is ridiculously good!! shit - I really need to see these guys live! D:

    1. orange~


      I haven't been following their live stuff recently so I was really surprised how lively they are on stage. MiA used to be just standing still doing his man-barbie posing before, but on this DVD he's really rocking the stage! Koichi got great amount of screentime too because he's doing all the background singing - which I totally love. He's shouting something all the time! Meto is the only one kinda distant, but what can you do behind the drums?

    2. platy


      True! To be honest I liked even their old lives where koichi would just sit down and Mia did his thing, because there'd be some amazing theatrical stuff from Tzk. But what I've seen form the latest live looks like a riot, which is a nice change. 

      But there's never any interaction between koichi and Mia so I wonder if they hate each other lol

    3. orange~


      oh yea that's true! I never thought about it before.. Have you seen that DVD yet though? They play back to back there. There's this epic moment where Tzk, Koichi and Mia are all on the runway doing their things at the same time - the band really feels more unite than before............ I need to rewatch this live now. it really is a riot

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  9. orange~

    Sounds cool. none of the tracks really seemed to stand out except MASTURBATION maybe - but I'm in need of new dadaroma, so bring it
  10. orange~

    seriously tho - even if I feel like dying, that's not the way to go! hopefully you don't either Gichi Gichi!! D: run away from your problems rather! That's the thing that helps me. I've left everything behind before and I'm seriously considering it again.
  11. orange~

    coool~ I'm liking the look! I had their Samidare on loop some weeks back. enjoying their mellow feels
  12. orange~

    nah, I want to go more flashy. I'm gonna set myself on fire on top of some building, give some epic speech on how death is the answer and how everything is darkness and then dive to the crowd. then people will be crowd-surfing my burning body until I'm ashes.
  13. orange~

    yeah pro-dying here too
  14. orange~

    I'm really liking traces 2! It's actually better than I expected. I only really liked handful of the gazette's ballads before, but in this compilation everything works. It's such a chill album to listen and hits my current mood really well. I needed this album right now.
  15. orange~

    oh right I colored my hair too some time back ^^
  16. orange~

    Electronic stuff are the most apparent in Division I guess. I'm in a good spot because I've found all the phases the gazette has gone through pretty enjoyable. So I'm fine with whatever direction they decide to go for ^^
  17. orange~

    Well there's gonna be a shift in their music for sure now that the dark age seems to be through. so who knows? It would be pretty cool if they went back to their older sound. With all the talk about making visual kei great again and all that, maybe gazette might do their share by going back to golden years? Feels kinda far-fetched, but their electronic influences have already outstayed their welcome and I don't really see gazette going heavier either.
  18. orange~

    The song is a bit drawn out imo, but these guys are definitely interesting. gonna be following them!
  19. haha, I'm pretty hyped about seeing them too. thinking if I should try to plan my trip accordingly
  20. orange~

    oh right a friend of mine was actually going to one of those I think! I can't make the trip in April so whatever :'( thanks for the info in any case!
  21. orange~

    oh shit~ does anyone know if there will be more gigs with this same setlist during this 15th anniversary? I could aim going to Japan based on their schedule.
  22. Holy fuck! I didn't realize 体温 was gonna be part of this collection! really awesome version! I'm pretty happy with this collection. I don't mind if most of the songs are close to originals, because frankly I just want the ~feels~ from older gaze tracks. Looking forward to buying this thing ^^
  23. orange~

    been listening to these guys for a while now. they're pretty awesome.
  24. orange~

    Okay to say something positive; Toshi's voice is actually as awesome as ever and his english is really good too these days! Toshi has made such a good impression on me during this topic (mostly thanks to his solo gigs) I was already worried he had become some spineless worm or somthing
  25. Spring Anxiety is early this year Dx

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