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Everything posted by orange~

  1. niceeee looks promising. I'd be surprised if this didn't turn out to be in the same vain as Deviloof. everything seems to be pointing in that direction
  2. orange~

    lol what the hell? I'd imagine many people there waiting for a long time to finally see X Japan and then they don't even bother to stay for the encores?
  3. orange~

    Needs more Yoshiki solos
  4. orange~

    That was pretty cool actually! I haven't been keeping up with them, but seems like they're going to right direction. The look is awesome.
  5. orange~

    lol dunno. This is actually pretty much what I expected having seen the look and the name. The song is a bit too lazy however. If it was faster - closer to fear and loathing in las vegas - I'd appreciate it more ^^
  6. orange~

    I know this is so gonna be my alley. <3 shit-kei
  7. I'm starting to suffer from selective drunken amnesia. Gotta lay off alchohol D:

  8. orange~

    Technically the real X are better, but this energy man... It's exactly what is missing in X-Japan today. Really cool seeing these guys just have fun on the stage.
  9. orange~

    w-wow, does this mean I'm a premium member of MH? I've never felt this welcome in my life
  10. hey happy birthday Jun!

    1. Jun_


      I KNOW IT'S BEEN ALMOST A YEAR ;~; but thanks <333

  11. orange~

    haha right!? I can't quite put my finger on what it is about them, but everything seems so awkward. Like all the band members seem very uncomfortable in their PVs
  12. TRACES VOL.2 is sounding awesome <3

  13. orange~

    alright. Mä oon siis näillä näkymin ainakin menossa sinne, ellei sitten muodostu syitä x ennen sitä myös mulle.
  14. orange~

  15. orange~

    Few people outside Finland know that there is actually another big contender in dinosaur-kei: SauruXet They happen to look exactly the same as HeviSaurus, because why not?
  16. orange~

    Mökkiävellism - paluu jrockin kulta-aikaan Gloria 5.5. anyone?
  17. I can't help it. The Gazette - Cassis gives me the biggest feels out of all VK atm. Couldn't be more fangirly song :D

    1. Seimeisen


      紅蓮 ❤️❤️❤️

    2. Nagisa


      Guren is so good too! The B-sides on the single as well. It's my favorite single after Hyena.

    3. orange~


      Speaking of which, you can find both Guren and Cassis new versions from youtube. TRACES VOL 2. versions. I'm really liking them!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  18. orange~

    Yea expect these days he's pretty much normal.. at least as normal as possible for someone dressed up as a stitched-up living harajuku doll.
  19. orange~

    Meto hasn't been on a wheelchair for a while. He's the red haired here. I'm liking the look. Tsuzuku's look is kinda divisive. I don't mind the look, but I kinda expect change in him otherwise too. atm he's very much the same as ever during lives. I'd kinda expect shift in music too..
  20. orange~

    Karma hype for no real reason!! I don't mind crashing and burning after this turns out to be some no-name comeback.
  21. orange~

    haha looks like shit. Grieva got really ugly merch in general. I'm still seeing nightmares about that one t-shirt.. Looking forward to the single I guess. Although I feel like Grieva has lost great deal of steam since the beginning. I don't see them going anywhere tbh hope they prove me wrong.
  22. orange~

    hah yea self-awereness is what makes this song. Otherwise judging from the preview - it's pretty meh-song overall, but gotta love the lyrics. Please pay money for my - masturbation <3 The look is awesome. Probably one of their best so far imo
  23. Moving to a new apartment while suffering from a hangover is not what I consider fun


    Still few more bags to carry....... x_x

  24. orange~

    haha, yea I was surprised to see that video! Like wtf, Toshi can rock still! I'm actually more interested in this act than X atm. Now if they only wrote some new songs.... EDIT: Wow they even got ALIVE on the setlist! O.o X-Japan hasn't played that song since the 80's!
  25. orange~

    Can you elaborate? I haven't heard of these? I'm pretty happy they're releasing SM#2, I'd never buy singles, but compilations/albums like these I want very much. Tracklist is pretty good entirety.
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