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Everything posted by orange~

  1. happy bday freesia!!


    Everyone's having birthdays lately o_o

    1. freesia


      Indeed! So many Cancers in this forum~


    2. orange~


      lol for a second I thought you were talking about cancer, as in not horoscope.


      random hostility towards MH :D

    3. freesia


      haha, I didn't mean that

  2. NOT suitable for all ages D:
  3. @yakihikoand @Jigsaw9, happy birthday!! Rest of you birthdaypeople have a good one too!

    1. yakihiko


      Thank you ٩(•o•٩) 

  4. Rape me

    Rape me, my friend




    I'm not the only one

  5. have a good bday!! ^^

    1. beni


      I had a great one, thank you very much!!

  6. orange~

    hmm interesting topic.. I think I got a pretty weird take on friends. I make 'friends' very easily. I guess I'm pretty social and where ever I go, I usually have good time with some random people I've never met before. Sometimes I might even go have a drink with them for a second time, but rarely anything more than that. For me everyone's pretty much temporary I'm afraid. It's not like I stay away from people on purpose, but people just never contact me again, even if we've had the greatest nights and parties before :-/ Sometimes I try staying in contact a little longer, but usually things just wither and die away anyway. Well that's pretty harsh way to put it, but people are just too busy to have free schedules at the same time. I've come to accept this and live accordingly. Of course co-workers and people from my school are more longer term friends, but I don't expect to see them much after our mutual meeting ground goes away. So I guess I could say that I don't really have many(or any?) true friends. I have few people who are very dear to me and we sorta love each other, but we don't really see each other much. I've never had anyone betray me, but I sorta stole a girlfriend from one of my friends and never saw the dude again... So I guess that makes me pretty bad person, but I justify this by saying that the guy was seeing other girls too and being an ass towards the girl in general.. but still - a shitty thing to do.
  7. cool. can't wait! I wonder if piano is gonna play such a big role in coming songs too.. kinda hoping not
  8. orange~

    lol I agree with "30 years too late" part. Never cared for their material past their first few albums, even though I'm otherwise pretty big fan of blues-based rock from 70's and 80's. I'm guessing Steven Tyler starting his solo career has diminished his interest in this band..
  9. orange~

    I've gotten more and more interested in these guys for past few weeks. Their material is sort of hit and miss for me, but when it hits, it hits real good! 雨に殺される and 死にたい(shinitai) for example area god-tier stuff for me. They're sort of what I hoped for My Bacteria Heat Island to move towards to.
  10. orange~

    ^ lol is that real? o_o every word has "yoshiki" in it, YOSHIKI mobile, YOSHIKI visa, YOSHIKI master card..
  11. orange~

    Atreides, for some reason you look like what I imagined (:
  12. orange~

    SiCX Vo.Zuu has departed after their live at Shinjuku WILD SIDE TOKYO at 2016/06/10 due to his personal reasons ):
  13. orange~

    I'm not the biggest DDRM fan but I really like their clothing designs, so I might have to buy some hoodie or something. But they're all sold out on their website ): Anyone got an idea where you could still find those?
  14. orange~

    That interview was great! I'm a little sad Tzk has grown past his suicidal phase :'D Interesting backstory on The End. They were also saying that Tzk has been doing vocals on some old VanessA material, I wonder if they're releasing that stuff under Mejibray name?
  15. orange~

    I'm... not actually bored of their new tracks! o_o have to start following these guys again!
  16. they got one pv released before, also there's some live material on youtube. they're really cool, check them out!
  17. since you, avelcain, have been gone, I find myself attracted to others of your likeness. they can of course never fill the void you left, but maybe they can fill other holes in me~ having said that, I love these guys ^^ looking forward to these singles!
  18. orange~

    I like D'espairs Ray for sure, but AvelCain is the biggest loss for me D: love the band
  19. yayay got nokubura ticket real cheap ^^

    1. Anne Claire

      Anne Claire

      Congratulations! :D

    2. yakihiko


      Yeahhhh! Have fun there!

  20. orange~

    I usually have sudden gravity change where running becomes super heavy. At that point I just give up, because I'm usually aware that it's just a dream and it's just not worth it trying to fight against whatever's chasing you.
  21. orange~


    hej, trevligt att träffas! Hur går det? Välkommen till MH! ^^
  22. orange~

    welcome TODORA, you got a cool username. I'm always jealous of such people
  23. orange~

    yea I figured you could tell from the context, but still had to make sure ^^ what kind of music do you play? or compose? It would be interesting hearing how you use your j-rock influence. I'm a guitarist myself and take some cues from VK, but in the end it's very different I guess.
  24. orange~

    geee... science people look cure for cancer and ebola, while we still got a disease as serious as balding, taking millions of victims every year? I guess asian people in general don't start balding as much as western people? Besides hairpieces, additions and wigs aren't exactly rare in VK, so it's pretty hard to tell whose balding and whose not. EDIT: Kyo was bald for a moment too..
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