hmm interesting topic.. I think I got a pretty weird take on friends.
I make 'friends' very easily. I guess I'm pretty social and where ever I go, I usually have good time with some random people I've never met before. Sometimes I might even go have a drink with them for a second time, but rarely anything more than that. For me everyone's pretty much temporary I'm afraid. It's not like I stay away from people on purpose, but people just never contact me again, even if we've had the greatest nights and parties before :-/ Sometimes I try staying in contact a little longer, but usually things just wither and die away anyway. Well that's pretty harsh way to put it, but people are just too busy to have free schedules at the same time. I've come to accept this and live accordingly.
Of course co-workers and people from my school are more longer term friends, but I don't expect to see them much after our mutual meeting ground goes away.
So I guess I could say that I don't really have many(or any?) true friends. I have few people who are very dear to me and we sorta love each other, but we don't really see each other much.
I've never had anyone betray me, but I sorta stole a girlfriend from one of my friends and never saw the dude again... So I guess that makes me pretty bad person, but I justify this by saying that the guy was seeing other girls too and being an ass towards the girl in general.. but still - a shitty thing to do.