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Everything posted by sakuran

  1. sakuran

    Wow, whose idea was it to make a thread like this? Anyway, D'espairsRay for me. As has been mentioned, the circumstances basically forced them to do so. And they were always one of my favorites. They were a likeable bunch, and their music was always close to my heart.
  2. sakuran

    Well, the look is lovely. It's too bad their recent style of music doesn't really appeal to my tastes though.
  3. Koichi, what is that
  4. CD cases are so flimsy... I just unsealed a brand-new CD and opened it, and something broke immediately...

    1. eiheartx


      shiiit!! :/ 

  5. I love the sound of this one. I'm glad they kept up nice releases for all three of these.
  6. sakuran

    Haha. Oh, vk band names. Never change.
  7. I too was hoping for an album, but this is also nice! I'm curious what type of song it will be.
  8. My package was shipped quickly, and the CD was just as described. I would definitely recommend this seller to others.
  9. sakuran

    That picture is amazing.
  10. I am so on board for Princess MiA.
  11. I can only hope they come back as a Phantasmagoria cover band. Ains doesn't have one of those yet.
  12. Wow, I like the new look, and I'm glad to hear an announcement for new music from them. Looking forward to it!
  13. Well, I can't say I'm surprised... They'd announced no new releases since 呪縛 came out in December, so I was starting to fear that a disbandment might be coming up. I liked all of their material and found it quite pleasant to listen to, and I was really looking forward to see where they would go, so although I'm not surprised, I am still quite disappointed. The best-of album is nice though, to put all of their tracks out at once like that. I hope the members find something to do after this, and hopefully we don't have to wait too long to find out what they're up to.
  14. lol, this Qeddeshit topic.

    1. Biopanda


      #1 MH POSTER OF ALL TIME *blasts air horns*

    2. IGM_Oficial


      The thread isn't going away from its subject. I don't understand it.

    3. emmny


      i wanna shit on these flops go back to working at a conbini and shut the fuck up

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  15. sakuran

    Hey @Suuu, any idea when you might get a restock on the Morrigan wristbands?
  16. sakuran

    Boo, what's with all these postponements.
  17. sakuran

    I like the look, and the preview seems nice too. I'm certainly liking it more than their last single.
  18. sakuran

    Every once in a while I'll wander into these "new band" threads and then get a painful reminder of why I try to avoid them.
  19. Satsuki what happened to you, where did things go so wrong His new work got me potentially excited to, and some of it was pretty nice, but then there's things like... this.
  20. sakuran

    Kei and yo-ka look amazing as always, and while I get what sort of effect they were aiming for with this lighting, I hope we get some photos where I can see everything properly later on. (Seriously Ains, I'm sick of your shitty "effects"!)
  21. Hey LA people, what's must-see?

  22. sakuran

    I'm going to miss Misery so much if he doesn't do anything else after this. He was also one of my favorite things about 2nd period.
  23. Still pissed at Kisaki for not giving me a Lin PV collection...

  24. sakuran

    That's mean, I am fond of both line-ups. But at the end of the day, when I have to choose one, I prefer 1st period, hands-down. I love Riku's singing, and with Kisaki's music it was always perfect for me. (Mago remain one of my favorite bands to this day, so you can probably understand why I liked 1st period so much...)
  25. sakuran

    Starting a thread here because I love Zin and I think they deserve way more love than they get. Riku's vocals are really enjoyable to me, and I don't think there's a single song of theirs I haven't liked. Their new single 病ミ彼レ sounds awesome, I can't wait for the next two.
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