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Everything posted by sakuran

  1. sakuran

    Bought some CDs and a photoset from old gossip, and it turned out Hiro's photo was signed.
  2. Some details on the album. Regular Edition 2CD ¥4,444 CD 1 1.Dead[en]D(新録) 2.退廃的狂葬 3.甘イ右脳、赭イ左脳。 4.LOVELESS 5.拝啓、愛しのアイドル様へ 6.十字架ニ捧グ赤イ××× 7.Dirt Show[case] 8.死闘-from GRIEVA- 9.血液ゼリィ 10.夢デ逢ウ貴女ガ削除デキマセン 11.-273.15℃ 12.Bondage 13.夕刻絶交センチメンタル 14.刑法第39条第1項「心神喪失者ノ行為ハ之ヲ罰セス」 15.罰-batsu- 16.自己精神殺害推進會 17.解離性同一性障害 18.水中沈む透明な匣 19.-終焉- CD 2 1.true grief 2.殺戮ノ情景 3.失明 4.妄想主義者ノ背徳 5.黒ノ呪縛 6.悦楽的自虐妄想癖な僕の事情。 7.深淵 8.鬼ノ犇メク籠目唄 9.鬼経-kikei- 10.幻影Syndrome 11.侵喰-shinsyoku- 12.黒蟻ノ群レ 13.蜥-tokage- 14.MAD[ism]Night party 15.罪-tsumi- 16.悲しみは巡りゆく季節と眠る哀 17.腐『furan』乱 18.in the Blue 19.煉獄(新曲) Dead[en]D is re-recorded and 煉獄 is a new track. Limited Edition 2CD+DVD+photo album ¥9,999 Limited to 999 copies CD 1 1.Dead[en]D(新録) 2.操リ人間 3.another pain 4.脳内妄想薔薇薔薇DOLL 5.insomnia 6.Happy birthday NEW Mother fuxxer. 7.invective 8.人体実験~君ガ狂ウ迄ノ7日間~ 9.奈落 10.Wish 11.Lost tears 12.Liar... 13.自殺サークル 14.Existence proof 15.黒い涙 16.「君ノ存在理論」 17.Genocide GAME 18.潔癖症ノ僕。 19.希望ト夜 CD 2 1.絶望ノ朝 2.Stupid trash 3.密室104号室~暗イ部屋二僕ト君~ 4.中絶 5.踊ル白昼夢 6.相剋ノ[baiser] 7.鎮魂歌-another birthday- 8.現実は心に蔓延る絶痛と叶わぬ理想の巣窟 9.ironic sky 10.灰降ル丘… 11.Diary 12.道化師ノ唄 13.最期ノ晩餐 14.Art play 15.雨上がりの憂鬱 16.「僕ノ自殺理論」 17.毒-ドク- 18.Fake 19.こんな壊れた世界で...(新録) Dead[en]D and こんな壊れた世界で... are re-recorded. DVD 1.Dead[en]D 2.侵喰-shinsyoku- 3.退廃的狂葬 4.蜥-tokage- 5.刑法第39条第1項「心神喪失者ノ行為ハ之ヲ罰セス」 6.僕ノ自殺理論 7.罪-tsumi- 8.Diary 9.甘イ右脳、赭イ左脳。 10.Wish 11.絶望ノ朝 12.操リ人間 13.Fake 14.自己精神殺害推進會 15.妄想主義者ノ背徳 16.insomnia 17.幻影Syndrome 18.希望ト夜 19.Liar... There is also some unspecified live video recording.
  3. That's... fine I guess. Would have been happier with a new (permanent) band but okay.
  4. I hope he's coming back! I missed him.
  5. Haha, that would have been pretty amazing!
  6. sakuran

  7. It won't come with a regular jacket, it will just have a random one of 12 alternate jackets designed by the members, I think.
  8. Tour final will be 2018/08/18 at Akasaka Blitz.
  9. sakuran

    Thanks for the link @saishuu. The song isn't bad, although I don't dig it as much as Cut and some of the other tracks on their last album. But I guess I'll see when the full album comes out.
  10. sakuran

    Kirito looks amazing. Pity I can't watch the video.
  11. sakuran

    Man, what a setlist. Good taste.
  12. Normally I would say, "plenty of bands release best albums without disbanding," but in Grieva's case I've been a little worried lately anyway. Also, the colors in Hisame's hair are just perfect. <3
  13. sakuran

    Shangrila does sound really catchy. I love the looks, too. Can't wait for the release.
  14. sakuran

    I guess this is "news," sort of, if anyone finds it interesting... Ains is temporarily suspending payment confirmation and shipping from their web shop. The post doesn't explain why, just says it's due to company circumstances, so I hope it's not something terrible. The outage starts on June 15th and they hope to resume on July 3rd.
  15. sakuran

    Shouldn't the poll have check boxes rather than the round buttons? I can only select one track this way.
  16. sakuran

    What a time to revive this thread. As much as I adore Mejibray, at this point in time, I easily have to go with Diaura. Their recent output has been far more consistently to my liking than Mejibray's. I hope their hiatus helps breathe some life back into their work.
  17. sakuran

    Finding surprises like that in second-hand stuff is awesome.
  18. sakuran

    I have D'espairsRay, Rentrer en Soi, and -OZ-, back from whenever they visited the US at various times. And I have Gossip and Mejibray from when I visited Japan. (And I guess I have a few signed cheki, if that counts.)
  19. sakuran

    Yoshiki pls
  20. sakuran

    I don't really hate the Seraph aesthetic (and I always rather liked it when Satsuki made use of it, even though the music itself was as boring as it could possibly be). I'm not really sure if I care enough for this music to follow the project, but I guess I'll at least wait and give it a shot from their first release.
  21. sakuran

    lmao you're literally sitting here implying people's opinions aren't credible because they aren't ~part of the scene~ and you don't seem to understand why they're getting salty with you? Here's the thing YOU seem confused about. You seem to be confusing "your consumption and interaction with the band are financially irrelevant" to "your opinion is irrelevant and no one should care about it." Let's, for a moment, humor whoever it was in this thread who said vk is "art." Here's the thing about art - once it's produced and released into the world, in whatever form it may be in, it's out of the artists' hands, and it becomes a matter of opinion and interpretation for whoever is consuming it in whatever manner they see fit. You don't get to sit here and tell people the ~correct~ way to consume it (i.e. attending lives in Japan) and you don't get to sit here and tell them their opinions are invalid because they're not consuming it in the way it was "intended" or in the way that is most financially profitable for the band. If Miley Cyrus owns literally thousands of hip hop CDs then I imagine she has her reasons for having her opinions, and while obviously no one is obligated to take her opinion seriously, that doesn't mean it's baseless. In fact, let's rework that last sentence in the context of this thread and see what happens: "It's kind of like [a foreign visual kei fan] wanting people to care about her opinion on [visual kei]. She's free to do so, but nobody's going to giving it much weight, irrelevant of how much she may or may not be a fan of [visual kei], how many CDs she owns, etc. because it's not based on anything credible."
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