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Everything posted by sakuran

  1. sakuran

    Wow this is really sad news.
  2. sakuran

    So good! Really excited to hear the rest of the mini now.
  3. sakuran

    Well that was unexpected. They seemed promising, and I was looking forward to seeing them grow, but guess not.
  4. sakuran

    Yikes. Well, good luck to him as he moves on.
  5. sakuran

    If it's a new CD, and if that CD comes with a bonus item that's exclusive to Puresound, then they will include it until supplies run out. You can check on the item's page whether or not there is a bonus (or you can check on the band's website, since bands will usually list the shop-specific bonuses for every release). For the bands that I follow (mostly Ains), if they have bonuses for a release, then Puresound is pretty much always on the list of shops. But again, it's only for some new releases and there is a limited quantity. I suppose the best way to check if some specific bonus is still available would be to send Puresound an e-mail. If you want to guarantee that you get it, then it's best to preorder the item in advance. @DarkWater@DREAMON DREAMER: Ains bands include bonuses with new releases for Puresound on a regular basis. I can't speak for other bands, since I don't keep track of their bonuses to the same extent.
  6. sakuran

    You're welcome! I've ordered from them a lot. Sometimes it can take a day or two before they respond to things, but they will get back to you.
  7. sakuran

    I hate the second-press-with-one-new-track bs, but happy for a new song I suppose.
  8. sakuran

    If you send an e-mail to webshop(at)puresound.co.jp with a list of the items that you want, they will set up the order and send you a link for payment (credit card only, I think). Note that they only ship with EMS for overseas orders.
  9. sakuran

    Everything sounds great! I'm looking forward to it, especially Invade.
  10. Still waiting on my Mediena revival..........

    1. -NOVA-


      Right there with you <3

  11. Just caught up on this thread. This is amazing. Never stop, Kisaki.
  12. Some more info about the DVDs. The regular nationwide version will feature the full 38-song setlist and is 5,400 yen. The Ains mail order/live-only version is the same, but with an extra uncut MC included at the beginning, and is 7,560 yen. There is also an additional mail order/live-only version for 8,640 yen which comes with the limited edition t-shirt that they distributed on the day of the live.
  13. sakuran

    Love it! So excited for this. @ElazmusI thought the same thing about the effects, haha.
  14. sakuran

    Okay, I am pleasantly surprised that it's only 3000.
  15. sakuran

    The look is quite nice, but so few new tracks?? And it's Morrigan, so it'll be pricey as usual.
  16. Maybe they'll put half the live on one version, and half the live on the other.
  17. Some details about Gossip's live DVD have been announced. It will be released on 2016.11.09 and features their live performance from 2016.08.07 at Takadanobaba Area. There will be two types - one available nationwide, and one that's mail order and live venue only. Not details yet on what the difference will be, if any (aside from slightly different covers). No information on pricing yet either. Setlist for the live: 01.天上天下唯我独唱 02.[M.A.D] 03.KICK ASS 04.ハッピーバースデー 05.メンタルマネーノイローゼ 06.誰かさんが殺んだ。 07.亡骸よ 08.錯乱-SAKURAN- 09.放課後鬼チク倶楽部 10.迷惑÷好意 11.コドク 12.秘飼イ妄想ト地下室-type B- 13.anti TABLOID 14.縁切リ日記 15.スキャンダル【スキャンダリィ】スキャンダラス 16.R-18 17.凶気の桜 18.破廉チラリズムレイトショウ 19.十三歳のカルテ 20.面影橋 21.暗黒世界ハ闇 22.傷跡 23.凶育シンリカウンセラー 24.悪童会-クソッタレ行進曲- 25.腕 26.絶交-キレる5秒前- 27.七月三十一日 28.いじめぼっちの鬼ごっこ 29.とあるアイドルオタクの異常な愛情 30.赫い部屋 31.ミユキ 32.バカアホマヌケ万歳!! 33.最終列車 34.南無妙法蓮華狂 35.【Psycho≠pas$】 36.お仕置きの時間 37.慰存症 38.フィナーレ
  18. sakuran

    I think Hisame is my favorite here.
  19. whatever I'll just be in the corner crying over Mediena I guess

  20. sakuran

    I love this look!!
  21. sakuran

    Small Packet can be insured, but only for up to 6000 yen, no more than that. It's the same reason FJ doesn't allow Small Packet for shipments above 6,000. In principle one can send goods of whatever value you would like, but you cannot insure them above 6000 yen, and so you will only be compensated as much in the case that it gets lost. In my experience, they usually do not send out an e-mail when they ship something. Once when I was concerned about the delivery timing and sent them an e-mail asking for the tracking number, they replied within a day or so and gave it to me. In general I haven't had problems with them replying, but it's been a while since I ordered directly from them.
  22. Yes! Their last album was great, and I loved Hemlock. Super excited.
  23. sakuran

    That's unfortunate. I hope the band can find someone suitable in his place.
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