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Everything posted by sakuran

  1. sakuran

    Line-up: Vocals: Riku Guitar: Luy Guitar: 慶 (Yoshi) Bass: 大蛇 (Orochi) Drums: 沙久 (Saku) ジン formed in 2012 in Osaka. They use elements of traditional Japanese music in their songs and wear elaborate outfits that suit their sound. In 2013 the band left their original label, Livqueur Records, and after a short hiatus resumed activities while managing themselves. Discography: [2014.06.25] (V.A.) 妖幻鏡-WEST- The Conquest of NANIWA [2012.10.17] 憐想レイン [2013.02.16] 恋愛ジストロフィー [2013.07.24] 夕闇かくれんぼ [2013.11.27] 純情恋歌 [2014.04.09] サクラノ恋 (A-type) [2014.04.09] サクラノ恋 (B-type) [2014.06.28] 睡蓮 [2014.11.26] 悲哀 (A-type) [2014.11.26] 悲哀 (B-type) [2015.04.22] 上弦の匣 [2015.09.30] アンクルおじさん [2015.11.04] この好きはどういう好きなのかもはやわからないけど好きなのです。 (A-type) [2015.11.04] この好きはどういう好きなのかもはやわからないけど好きなのです。 (B-type) [2016.05.18] 病ミ彼レ [2016.06.22] 革命少女A [2016.08.03] ひとひらノ憂鬱
  2. sakuran

    I love ジン! So happy to see another fan, I feel like they need more attention around here. Welcome aboard! It's always nice to see things from the point of view of fans living in Japan.
  3. Love it. I wonder where the PVs will be released, since they're not included with the singles.
  4. sakuran

    I think I'm having the same issue with Konton no Hako that I had with Shuuen, which is that I didn't think much of it when I first listened to it, but I gave it a few more tries and eventually it grew on me more than Oni to Kage. So I hope after listening to KnH a few more times, it'll grow on me more also. There are certainly already a few tracks I like a lot.
  5. I hadn't listened to 88kasyou before this thread, and in fairness I tried out both of their songs before making a decision; while I don't think they're bad by any means, they're just not my cup of tea, personally (especially the vocals). I'm also one of the few people that's actually still enjoying Meji's releases for the most part (even if some tracks have been boring, even for me), so while they may be getting tired/boring/formulaic, I still listen to them. I wouldn't necessarily say their looks are going downhill either, they've just been doing some new/different things with every release, and again, I may not like every single one, but overall I'm not unhappy with it. They might not be the same good old Meji from "back in the day," but I like them anyway. tl;dr Mejibray for me.
  6. Not sure if this warrants a separate topic, but I'll at least post it here. They'll be releasing some new stuff for their upcoming tour - another goods comp set, and a pamphlet + CD. Goods comp set will come with 3 t-shirts, a towel, and a bag. http://ains.cart.fc2.com/ca16/353/p-r-s/ Tour pamphlet comes with a CD with an unreleased track "コドク". http://ains.cart.fc2.com/ca16/354/p-r-s/
  7. Between the bassy intro, VHS effect, and random scenes in the woods, the Genei Syndrome PV really makes me feel like we're watching Jisatsu Ganbou... bless u Grieva, never stop.

  8. sakuran

    Oh boy. *grabs popcorn*
  9. sakuran

    Unfortunately I don't listen to most of the things on your list, but it does at least remind me that I've been meaning to check out more 凛として時雨, since I liked their songs for Psycho-Pass quite a bit. 1. Kajiura Yuki - Cyber-Slum 2. Kaze no Orchestra - Gray Witch 3. BLOOD - DANSE MACABRE (Virgins O.R. Pigeons mix) 4. Animetal - Star Children 5. -OZ- - Butterfly 6. Origa - Rise 7. Onmyouza - 黒衣の天女 8. Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No.9 in D Minor, II. Molto Vivace - Presto - Molto 9. Kiryuu - Tsurezuregusa 10. Linkin Park - Pushing Me Away Quite the random mix of things again, which is unsurprising with what's on my hard drive. I didn't even remember that I had the Lodoss soundtracks but apparently I do. Not gonna lie, for me choosing a favorite was between Rise and Pushing Me Away... Hybrid Theory is still one of my favorite things ever, fight me.
  10. sakuran

    That's awesome! I'm happy for both you and RiR!
  11. If anybody bought Route of Infection live from Ains webshop and wants to trade tokuten rips with me, let me know~?

  12. sakuran

    Saku (Gossip) - @sakugossip
  13. please Meabel, keep it together

    1. DESTINYGUY0316


      because nao leave the band 

      that so sad ... (´Д` )

    2. sakuran


      yeah :( I hope they can go on without him!

    3. DESTINYGUY0316


      I hope MEABEL find new member 

  14. sakuran

    Booo, I hope this is all and it's not a sign of worse things to come. I really like them and I hope they keep it together.
  15. I know! I'm super excited for another PV DVD too, but announcing this so soon after the other live DVD... I'm not sure my wallet can take this.
  16. sakuran

    Whaaaat I hadn't listened to most of their recent releases, but they always seemed like they were doing well, and their early work was among my favorites at the time. Sad to see them go.
  17. Grieva will release a new DVD "精神年齢18歳未満ノ方ハオ断リシマス-Ⅲ-" containing several PVs, along with live footage of their 2015.05.02 oneman "青天ノ霹靂-赤イ月ト×××-" at TSUTAYA O-WEST. It's been available from May 2nd on the Ains webshop and will also be sold at lives. It's three discs and costs 3,900 yen. Tracklist: MV: 1.絶望ノ朝 2.操リ人間 3.Fake 4.自己精神殺害推進會 5.妄想主義者ノ背徳 6.不眠症。 Live: SE 01.自己精神殺害推進會 02.僕ノ自殺理論 03.黒い涙 04.Art play 05.罪-tsumi- 06.-終焉- 07.黒蟻ノ群レ 08.潔癖症ノ僕。 09.操リ人間 10.絶望ノ朝 11.希望ト夜 12.拝啓、愛しのアイドル様へ 13.中絶 14.罰-batsu- 15.Bondage 16.刑法第39条第一項「心神喪失者ノ行為ハ之ヲ罰セス」 En 01.蜥-tokage- 02.Fake 03.君ノ存在理論 04.Dead[en]D 05.孤独人形症候群
  18. sakuran

    Not sure how I feel about yo-ka's look there... But I am excited for the new single! Enigma was awesome, so I look forward to this.
  19. Grieva will be releasing a live DVD "「Dead[en]D」" of their oneman performance from 2015.11.3 at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM. The DVD will be sold at lives (starting with their May 5th performance) and through the Ains webshop, where it is currently available for preorder. It's limited to 999 copies and costs ¥4,400. Tracklist: -Type[Requiem] 01.刑法第39条第1項「心神喪失者ノ行為ハ之ヲ罰セス」 02.insomnia 03.Fake 04.密室104号室~暗イ部屋ニ僕ト君~ 05.蜥-tokage- 06.黒い涙 07.操リ人間 08.黒ノ呪縛 09.鬼経-kikei- 10.Art play 11.こんな壊れた世界で... 12.侵喰-shinsyoku- 13.中絶 -Drum Solo 14.希望ト夜 15.雨上がりの憂鬱 16.絶望ノ朝 17.脳内妄想薔薇薔薇DOLL 18.妄想主義者ノ背徳 19.Bondage 20.潔癖症ノ僕。 21.毒-ドク- 22.腐『furan』乱 En 23.自己精神殺害推進会 24.夕刻絶交センチメンタル 25.黒蟻ノ群レ 26.Dead[en]D
  20. Surprise Grieva live DVD... sure?

  21. Well, I like K's look in the new cheki at least... but only a support drummer, and no second guitarist...?
  22. Well I like the look. Curious to hear more of them.
  23. <p>soooo Meabel is nice

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