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Posts posted by Chi

  1. 17 hours ago, AimiGen7 said:

    Closer by the Chainsmokers sucks. 

    F*ck, everything by them just f*cking sucks. I thought their song "Selfie" was just a joke.. turns out, "We ain't never getting older" repeated 848639751937567417^10*485018589 (A number so big, it's in scientific notation) times is not a joke, and it's authentically repetitive, generic trash. 

    And the general public eats that sh*t up! I don't see what's so appealing about a bunch of autotuned guys saying the same double negative in an amount so big, it, it has to be in Scientific notation.

    Then again, it's pop music. Why am I annoyed if I don't even listen to it? Because IT'S EVERYWHERE. Everywhere I go, I hear that same song. How does it not get old for people? 

    Am I just a "goth" person who only listens to trash, or am I the only one with a brain that gets annoyed with monotony? 


    never listened to the chainsmokers but i thought for a loooong time they were an indie band until i actually went on their wiki page one day 

  2. tracklist info!!




    1. 深呼吸
    Word by エンドウアンリ
    Music by エンドウアンリ・カミヤマリョウタツ
    Arranged by PELICAN FANCLUB

    2. Night Diver
    Word & MUSIC by カミヤマリョウタツ
    Arranged by PELICAN FANCLUB

    3. Luna Lunatic
    Word by エンドウアンリ
    Music by エンドウアンリ・カミヤマリョウタツ
    Arranged by PELICAN FANCLUB

    4. Black Beauty
    Word & MUSIC by エンドウアンリ
    Arranged by PELICAN FANCLUB

    5. You’re my sunshine
    Word by エンドウアンリ
    Music by エンドウアンリ・カミヤマリョウタツ
    Arranged by PELICAN FANCLUB

    6. 夜の高速
    Word by エンドウアンリ
    Music & Arranged by PELICAN FANCLUB

    7. ダダガー・ダンダント
    Word & MUSIC by エンドウアンリ
    Arranged by PELICAN FANCLUB

    8. 許されない冗談
    Word by エンドウアンリ・カミヤマリョウタツ
    Music by エンドウアンリ
    Arranged by PELICAN FANCLUB

    9. Trash Trace
    Word by エンドウアンリ
    Music by カミヤマリョウタツ
    Arranged by PELICAN FANCLUB
    Synthesizer adviser by Avec Avec(Sugars Campaign)

    10. 花束
    Word by エンドウアンリ
    Music & Arranged by PELICAN FANCLUB

    11. 朝の次へ
    Word by エンドウアンリ
    Music by エンドウアンリ・カミヤマリョウタツ
    Arranged by PELICAN FANCLUB
    Synthesizer adviser by Avec Avec(Sugars Campaign)

    12. Esper
    Word & Music by エンドウアンリ
    Arranged by PELICAN FANCLUB

  3. uh so




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    Please also note that in view of the needs in other countries for animation content, we are making every effort to acquire the distribution rights for sales overseas.

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