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The Moon

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Status Updates posted by The Moon

  1. I want a trashy tattoo. I am thinking of a misattributed Marilyn Monroe quote, but I am open to ideas.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      "I didn't want to visit Vicky in the hospital because I'm not her friend." -Meghan King Edmonds 

    2. suji


      "It is disrespectful to ask who I am throwing my pussy at.  Thank you."

    3. emmny


      "hitomi is not an old gorilla you ageist bitch"

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  2. if u ARE the baby, then u cannot BE the baby x 

  3. if you have not spent at least one season of your life doing nothing but moping and listening to deadman, we cannot be friends in any respect.

  4. im on twitter! https://twitter.com/bloodsundae follow me! i have no friends! 

  5. It is disrespectful to ask who I am throwing my pussy at.  Thank you.

    1. emmny


      im fuckING SCREAMING @saishuu


    2. YuyoDrift


      It makes the game more fun doe...

    3. suji


      i'd rather throw my pussy in the trash

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  6. Kaya's English accent in Danse Macabre - I just flood my basement.

  7. Let's all take a moment and reflect on how Malice Mizer's Illuminati PV is still the best PV of all time. Thank you.

  8. lynch album recs?? i started with dark & really liked it. bonus points for good ballads uwu 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. zombieparadise


      I like everything they do, but the EXODUS EP is really strong. SHADOWS and I BELIEVE IN ME are really solid middle-career releases as well.

    3. emmny


      skip everything and just listen to the ballads. rasen, stay strong, ring, sorrow, this coma, ballad all bang

    4. cvltic


      the MH lynch. experience

      "i like dark"
      small brain: listen to the albums like dark
      big brain: listen to the albums not at all like dark
      galaxy brain: @emmny

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  9. me room smells like pickles x

    1. saishuu



  10. Meghan Trainor seems like she would smell like hot dogs.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. emmny


      OMFG it all makes sense now

    3. YuyoDrift




      Someone understands.

  11. monday in class  i was staring into space & the girl i liked  was walking by & looking at me while i was staring into space. then later i was staring at the wall & when i looked over i see her looking at me & smiling while she had her hands on her head. then the next day in class i heard her saying "i don't know why he looks at me"?

    1. Chi


      hope you post this again 4 months from now x

    2. nekkichi



      hope this helps, x

  12. monday in class  i was staring into space & the girl i liked  was walking by & looking at me while i was staring into space. then later i was staring at the wall & when i looked over i see her looking at me & smiling while she had her hands on her head. then the next day in class i heard her saying "i don't know why he looks at me"?

    1. 123Sandman321


      I've got a question. What do you find so fascinating about spaces and walls?

  13. mucc album recs for someone who really enjoyed 壊れたピアノとリビングデッド??? they have so many lol idk where to start

    1. Seimeisen



    2. Jigsaw9


      What Seimei listed is all you'll need basically (maybe start with 是空).

  14. My name is Jasmine Masters and I got something to say: Avanchick done fucked up VK. Bottom line. Cut and dry.

    1. Komorebi


      That was straight up rude and awful of Avanchick.

  15. name a more iconic d song than 薔薇より暗い慟哭のアカペラと薔薇より赤い情熱のアリア. i'll wait.

    1. Biopanda


      Nyanto-shippo "De"!?

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      inb4 someone posts maria cross

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      oh a d song, misread it. lmao

  16. Rediscovered Megaromania's "Artistical Glint" album tonight. Forgot how strong it is! Anyone else like it?

    1. Spectralion


      A little bit eclipsed by it's predecessor, but it still a solid album.

      My favorites is Silvery Divorce 

    2. Dudemanguy


      I do wish the mastering was better, but it is an incredibly strong album. Love that one. Seconded on Aurora -destinies of world- being mindblowingly awesome.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Spell of Mystery-幻色螺旋- :wub: 

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  17. remember when moi dix mois announced a new album and then nothing ever happened. i do x

    1. saishuu


      truly a blessing in disguise x

    2. emmny


      its out on limewire x

    3. lichtlune


      Wow limewire actually did still exist the last time they released a new album. If you don't count reprise as a new album. (I don't). 

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  18. Sexy by Mirage is iconic. "Please give me your sexy." Is my new Grindr profile.

  19. smoking weed and listening to amber gris - feel me

  20. The guy I'm crushing on in my class is an unironic Tila Tequila stan. #FoundTheOne

    1. nekkichi


      ahhhhhhhhhhhh fellow flat-earther <3

  21. Today, I learned that "Adult Nursing Relationships" are a thing. Google it.

    1. Atreides


      dafuq, got a good laugh :)

  22. Today, let's all meditate on the artistry of Devil Kitty's "I am bitch".

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      That entire mini-album is delicious 

  23. When you fail a midterm on a class that you're particularly passionate about - it's just the greatest feeling. 

  24. who wants to see pix of my psoriasis x 

  25. You're perfect 💯, you're beautiful 👰, you look 👀 like Linda Evangelista 💃.. You're a model 💋 💅. Everything 🔁 about you ☞ is perfect 💯!Did you stone 💎 those tights 👢 ? Oh, you're smiling 👱 ! They eat 🍽 her up 🔝 EVERY🕛SINGLE🕧TIME🕗 she's on that damned 👹 stage 🏁.She 😡ftsdbsds😣. She could walk 👣 out there in a fucking 😠 diaper 👶 and they'll 👥 be like 🗣: "Valentina! 👰 Your smile 👄 is beautiful! 😍".

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      😡ftsdbsds😣 [2]

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