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    Saishu got a reaction from emmny in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Age isn’t always a factor. There are plenty of drummers that play way heavier and more technical stuff than Shinya that are in their 50s and 60s. He’s not a blast beat guy or a fast double bass guy. He’s better at grooves and using innovative tom and cymbal work. He’s awesome when he does what he’s comfortable with, but as long as DEG insists on doing br00tal songs Shinya has to adapt as best he can. 
  2. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from PIZAZ in THE THIRTEEN 2 EPs release   
    Because Mao is a ZERO ahahahaha...
  3. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from nullmoon in DIMLIM Concept Full Album CHE DO A RA   
    Get on motherfucker!!!
  4. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from Furik in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    All joking aside, at the very least a hiatus wouldn’t surprise me. 
    By the way what is up with Seraph? Is there still only that one boring song?
  5. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from Wakarimashita in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
  6. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from SakuraFox512 in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
  7. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from Altairxx in DIMLIM Concept Full Album CHE DO A RA   
    Get on motherfucker!!!
  8. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from -NOVA- in DIMLIM Concept Full Album CHE DO A RA   
    Get on motherfucker!!!
  9. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from helcchi in DIMLIM Concept Full Album CHE DO A RA   
    Get on motherfucker!!!
    Saishu got a reaction from Wakarimashita in the GazettE   
    I mean Gazette might be consistent in terms of how they sound, but the songwriting varies from album to album. That’s generally what grabs people isn’t it? The songwriting? 
    Like how many fucking times are they going to write Shiver and call it something else?
  11. Like
    Saishu reacted to emmny in the GazettE   
  12. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from Zeus in #108: DIR EN GREY - VESTIGE OF SCRATCHES   
    It’s interesting that Deity is on the Decade collection. Even more interesting that they cut out the intro. 
    Take back what you said about Hotarubi. 
    Kisou is definitely problematic in many ways despite all the love it gets. It sounds absolutely awful. No mids and barely any lows. Most of the fast heavy tracks sound like someone flushing static down the toilet. Jessica probably belongs at the very end of the album if it needs to be there at all. 
  13. Like
    Saishu reacted to Zeus in #108: DIR EN GREY - VESTIGE OF SCRATCHES   
    This is not an exhaustive list of grievances, but it should do.

    Why release one of the best ballads of your career in Ain't Afraid to Die, and then not include it on the album? Why does the album end with Zakuro and Taiyou no Ao, two of the most resident sleeper songs on the whole album? Wake is basically Luna Sea's Hurt. Why does the country bop Audrey get sandwiched between the prog behemoth of MACABRE and the thrash Rasetsukoku? Why is Deity four minutes long, and why does that minute and a half intro mean that Myaku has no intro or outro? Hotarubi is just boring. Where is children and why is it nowhere to be found on the album when that deep cut is better than most of the tracks I've mentioned?  
    Why is the production paper thin? THREE instrumentals? Really? It's there to hide how disjointed the whole album feels and it doesn't do a good job. PINK KILLER is a terrible way to end the album. And it's not even the song that's bad, just the shoddy execution of it. tfw Zomboid's remix is better than whatever shit stain placed second on the album.  embryo is snoozeville. I don't care how egregious the lyrics are, the rest of it is about as exciting as sleeping in a broken washing machine. Why are the best non-single tracks on the album not called Bottom of the death valley (24 Cylinders, Gyakujoutannou Keloid Milk) B-sides of the previously released singles? JESSICA comes out of nowhere and doesn't belong on an album so vulgar. The Domestic Fucker Family is just foochin' terrible and I don't think a re-recording could save that song, even if they went all in on the doom direction.  
    I can go on and on with some other albums, but I think you get the idea.
  14. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from suji in New band "SHiSHi" have formed   
    Lol they’re called garters. 
  15. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from EzraEroguro in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Well, I mean, 1999 was almost 20 years ago. Also, DEG was playing different music back then.  
  16. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from rekzer in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    For the last 7 to 8 years (probably starting with DSS) Shinya’s drums sound like they’re programmed. When you consider that it seems like he has a hard time playing the heavier and faster songs at lives, it’s likely that they use some studio magic when they’re recording. 
  17. Like
    Saishu reacted to blacktooth in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    The producer needs to stop making Shinya sound like a MIDI drum pad.
  18. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from platy in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    I suspect Kyo has gone full Maynard James Keenan and loves his side project more than his main band. 
  19. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from nick in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Wake/Riyuu always reminded me of Hurt by Luna Sea. 
  20. LOLOL
    Saishu got a reaction from -NOVA- in lynch. new album " XIII " release   
    I mean, Joker sounds like a bunch of other shuffle beat VK tracks, then straight up uses the riff from The Beautiful People. 
    And one of the vocal melodies sounds like this:
  21. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from platanity in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    I suspect Kyo has gone full Maynard James Keenan and loves his side project more than his main band. 
  22. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from helcchi in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Well, it’s pretty much the same thing as “stacked rubbish”.
    I am not expecting any massive epics on this thing, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’ve been wishing for these fuckers to just go full on progressive post-rock since Arche. BUT the last two singles tell me to not hold my breath. 
    It’s just... look, younger bands (with more capable drummers) like Dimlim and Kizu are out there killing the heavy prog metalcore shit. I want DEG to chill. 
  23. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from emmny in Dir en grey   
    Chill dawg
  24. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from LIDL in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    I suspect Kyo has gone full Maynard James Keenan and loves his side project more than his main band. 
  25. Like
    Saishu got a reaction from platy in Dir en grey   
    Chill dawg
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