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  1. wtf?!
    avaritonista reacted to secret_no_03 in bands that FUCKING hate each other (aka band beef thread)   
    To my understanding, DEG don't hate each other, it's just they don't associate outside of band activities.
  2. wtf?!
    avaritonista reacted to sleepy coffee in bands that FUCKING hate each other (aka band beef thread)   
    the only ones im aware of is basically hiro and possibly other ncbl members with daichi/cazqui and then theres retsu/issei stuff but idk if we know the reasoning behind that 
  3. Like
    avaritonista reacted to Tokage in bands that FUCKING hate each other (aka band beef thread)   
    This thread is dedicated to band beefs. Discuss anything, from the more well-known stories about messy disbandments or extreme rivalries to the more obscure ones. Both 'band x vs band y' and 'band x imploding on itself' are acceptable. Not just limited to VK, any and all examples from the Japanese music industry are welcome to be discussed.
    I'll start off with one of the more well-known cases of a VK musician  fucking over his own bandmates, which is how the drummer Dai from Himitsu Kessha Codomo A screwed over his band by pulling all sorts of shady shit (including theft and leaking members' personal info if I'm remembering correctly). 
  4. Like
    avaritonista reacted to Himeaimichu in VK horror stories extravaganzaaaaaaaa~~~   
    Honestly, I'd rather Etcetera revive now, since Yukika actually learned to sing pretty decently during CLUTCH lol.
    Now an Etcetera revival, but with Saki from Cuartet on vocals instead of Yukika, even though I know that will never happen, I would totally want to see because I'm a total Saki stan lmao
  5. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in VK horror stories extravaganzaaaaaaaa~~~   
    Wait, was this not the 2019 predictions thread?
  6. Like
    avaritonista reacted to Gesu in VK horror stories extravaganzaaaaaaaa~~~   
    Haunting imagery, though. If you aren't a writer already, I say you should become one.
  7. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to violetchain in VK horror stories extravaganzaaaaaaaa~~~   
    ^Great, now I have a mental image of Mana following potential singers around "You"-style, stalking them on social media, and keeping them in a fancy gothic birdcage in his basement lit only by a single candle, with classical music playing in the background to cover up the screams for help as he and his dinner guests drink tea...
    Thanks for that. 😟
  8. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to Himeaimichu in The Bad Boys of Visual Kei   
    Dynamite Tommy always seems to get himself in a pickle. According to TV tropes, one of his fights with Yoshiki caused a bar to be demolished. Can anyone provide backstory on this?
  9. Like
    avaritonista got a reaction from God in What are some funny or terrible rumours about musicians or bands?   
    come on, keep it going! lol
  10. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to TheZigzagoon in Tanuki thread: “About the era in which visual-kei was like a gang of jocks”   
    Can someone make a separate thread about Ruka getting beat up with a chair or link me to some place I can read about it? I want to know this juicy gossip
  11. Daria
    avaritonista reacted to saiko in What are some funny or terrible rumours about musicians or bands?   
    I pray for someday heteronormativity just erases off from the vk scene. It's just so weird that every musician within it pretend to be full cis-straight in a scene where the basic dress-code is actually cross-dressing. I guess heteronormativity could never look so stupid itself.
  12. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to madygrain in [Spanish] Se habla español~   
    ola k ase
    abla spañol o k ase
  13. Like
    avaritonista reacted to Purlpi in [Spanish] Se habla español~   
    Estaba paseando por el foro (después de mucho sin entrar, a decir verdad) y encontré esta sección y... ¡no había nada en español! Así que me tomé la libertad de abrir esto para ver si hay algún hispanohablante por aquí escondido que quiera hablar y compartir el amor por la música japonesa en nuestro idioma.
    ¡Hola! ¿Alguien?
  14. Yikes
    avaritonista got a reaction from saiko in グリーヴァ (Grieva)   
    I just came to say that I like all Grieva not-screamed songs and that Grieva wasn't a Dir En Grey copy band nor was influenced in any way by them. Moreover, no band has ever been influenced by Dir En Grey. You people must admit it right away. Period. 
  15. Like
    avaritonista reacted to Ikna in グリーヴァ (Grieva)   
    I have to say their last album finally started growing on me. At first I found it to be rather weak compared to the first (which wasn't really that individual). It defenitely takes some time to grow on you. I am really glad, that there were more songs with a personal note rather than another bunch of direct Diru imitations. Their songwriting still lacks some independence. Like many people have said, many of their songs sound wa too similiar.

    I hope Grieva follow this path though and experiment more, without loosing the elements that make their music nostalgic and charming.

    Also it may just be me, but i love the look of their last PV. It reminds me of the stuff La'Mule were doing, just with black splatter instead of red one. I am not so fond of their recent look, but the single may be turning out wondrful and that's what matters more.
  16. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to Masato in Tanuki rumors (about vk artists)   
    Repent sinners!
    Don't you dare look at any bandomen without makeup!

  17. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to ToiletHanako in Tanuki rumors (about vk artists)   
    Tanuki is a pathetic place but entertaining. 
    Ah yes, they seems to have something against foreign vkei fans. Maybe because we are generally taller and prettier? 
  18. wow
    avaritonista reacted to anadentone in Tanuki rumors (about vk artists)   
    whos juka? O_o
  19. wow
    avaritonista reacted to Seelentau in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    Man, this thread was an interesting read. Here's some more pictures of Ki$aki's old bands, just for completion's sake I guess:

  20. Like
    avaritonista reacted to Komorebi in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    This thread is the most fascinating thing I've read regarding VK in a very long time. Including the Ains thread. 
    Kudos to inartistic for all his/her hard work and detective skills. Be it true or not, this was entretaining af.

    After all that evidence I'm inclined to believe those bands were real but the demotapes weren't.

    Thanks for the laughs.
  21. wow
    avaritonista reacted to mierdaculo in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    Well this thread is like a year old but goddamn, this was hilarious to read.
    I just wanted to add that when I talked to ex-Da'vid/shito:aL Pietoro for the interview I put up on misa shito, I sent him the mp3s of Crime and Funeral songs, and he recognized them as the actual songs by Karma. So I'd say those are legit Karma songs and not Kisaki's, or covers or anything like that.
  22. Interesting
    avaritonista reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    Could this be why some later UCP bands made some fake ex-bands as fun sessions? Misty†Chrise, Mis†ake etc?
  23. Like
    avaritonista reacted to Lestat in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    I feel, as a Kisaki fan, that I'm not being given a positive, personal opinion of my own about the him, or quite frankly anything related to him. I've realized that being fond of him is somewhat of a burden too as other Visual fans usually judge me for it and constantly make me aware of his faults where it isn't necessary (not in this case per sé, as I myself looked into this topic) as I am very much aware of his faults. Every human being is full of faults. No one is flawless and there are some where it shows more evidently because frankly, Kisaki isn't that good at hiding things, and I am very much aware of it, but I don't throw a relentless fit everytime he says or does something stupid, because that's human nature. There have been times where I've been directly accused for things he did (like, what the hell...) or that I've been bullied because I am fond of him. Like inartistic said, Kisaki is hunted, preferably up towards the very cross at which a lot of people desire to see him burn and no one gives him any rest until he ends up breaking down again, for which of course, the 'fans' blame him, and regardless of what anyone thinks, he's very self-aware. As a fan this is very hard to constantly be confronted with wherever I look into topics about him. Whether that is on Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Livejournal, or forums such as these. No one ever has a good word to spare about him, and quite honestly I'm in deep on an emotional level where I feel conflicted too, whether that makes someone think of me as a rabid, obsessive, mentally challenged fangirl or not.
    There are a lot of musicians who have been involved in some shady business, but no one bothered with them longer than about two months, after an occurence. Kisaki's problems are following him because people are constantly shoving things back in his face from years ago (like the Kyo/Kisaki incident, or his tax evasion - of which he isn't the only one having done so, but do you hear anyone about Dynamite Tommy? Nope). There are only few who ever view him from his good side; there are tons of musicians he assisted, he's given the entire Kansai scene a foundation, man — his dedication is insane because no matter how terrible he feels, he'll stand on that stage whereas a lot of musicians already stay at home and cancel their lives when they suffer from a cold. He's always done events, brought bands and fans together, releases music on the go, made sure you could listen to your favourite obscure Matina bands and newer UCP bands, and a whole hell of a lot more. But I never read something positive about him other than the words that leave my own mouth or keyboard, and from the close-knitted group of his fans which luckily still exists on Twitter and WeLoveUCP.
  24. LOLOL
    avaritonista reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in KISAKI conspiracy? Strange things I noticed related to Kisaki's old bands Levia and LAYBIAL   
    What if he's done this all purposely and the first person to confront him about it wins a UCP special bag + official bootleg DVDs and (another) copy of Phantasmagoria's Dejavu??
    This is my moment
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