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Posts posted by Suuu

  1. V STAR PROMOTION is very happy to announce that from this day onward, we will be working with the band





    V STAR PROMOTION and Deviloof will be working closely together to guarantee that their music is available worldwide.

    Of course we will also make sure all information about the band is easily accessible to fans worldwide!


    Please look forward to releases on iTunes, a multi-language official Facebook, subtitled music video, and many other great things.


    From this moment on, we at V STAR PROMOTION ask that you kindly welcome Deviloof.

  2. My area of business is a little bit different; however this issue is definitely a key issue in any area of the music industry.


    My personal belief is that regardless, there will always be people in this community, in this world, who if they can get something for free will do so.

    However the issue of illegal uploading and downloading is not something that can be stopped so easily, and honestly fighting it and blaming it for the “demise of the vkei scene” is not productive at all.

    Infact if it was not for illegal uploading and downloading, the current visual kei scene would not exist as it does today.


    Rather than fighting this issue in a negative way, I think it is better to acknowledge it and provide other options.

    With my experiences to this date, primarily in the case of Rides In ReVellion and their two releases being uploaded for free download.

    When I explained that the releases are available on international iTunes for a very reasonable price, and that the band would appreciate anyone who enjoys the music to support them by downloading legally, after this a majority of people, wanting to support the band begun to download legally from iTunes and started to encourage others to do so as well,


    This lead to several key points.



    -knowledge of availability


    -quality of the product

    -customer service


    There is no point in feeling discouraged or trying to blame the “corrupt uploaders and downloaders” it’s best to be positive, provide alternatives, market and promote well and of course provide positive, friendly and good customer service.

  3. They are a heavier visual kei band, that has already formed a small but decent fan base internationally.

    While I think their strong style will not be everybody's taste, I do believe they have a lot of potential.

    I will also say that, if plans go ahead the first planned actions are a official Facebook in Japanese and English as well as organising to have their current releases avalible at least on iTunes

  4. Last night I had a meeting with a member of an upcoming promising band.

    Many things were discussed but it is highly likely that V STAR PROMOTION will soon be working closely with this band to help promote them internationally and to help them reach out to their international fan base.

    I will speak with the other four members of this band on the 14th!

    If everyone agrees, I will announce what band at that time.

  5. I feel hesitant posting here....

    Although I am happy to live in Japan, and I am glad to have been given as many great opportunities as what I have.

    Sometimes I want to run back to my home country and live a quiet life.

    Usually I go back to my home country in December every year to spend time with friends and family.

    But this last December I decided not to for several reasons.

    Including there were a few important events I wanted to attend during that time for the sake of growing V STAR PROMOTION.

    But just now I was informed about the passing of a dear friend in my home country.

    And I can't help but regret that decision.

    I wish I could have had one more chat, one more meal, one more hello and goodbye.

    I want to succeed with this company, but perhaps many of my discussions will result like this as I continue to prioritise my life....

  6. I like to see


    if you can do it ?

    appreciate for your work

    Awesome ★★★★★


    I haven't had the chance to do live photography with any of these bands yet.

    I hope I might have the chance to in the future.


    However I did film a short english comment video with MORRIGAN's drummer Setsuna.

    You can check it out below.

  7. In association with Rides In ReVellion.

    V STAR PROMOTION has offered to help anybody who has a interest in attending the Rides In ReVellion's 1 year anniversary one man live on July 28th, with organising accommodation, reserving concert tickets and even entering the venue.

    Furthermore a cheki raffle has been announced.

    For more information please check the Rides In ReVellion official English Twitter


  8. In association with Rides In ReVellion.

    V STAR PROMOTION has offered to help anybody who has a interest in attending the Rides In ReVellion's 1 year anniversary one man live on July 28th, with organising accommodation, reserving concert tickets and even entering the venue.

    Furthermore a cheki raffle has been announced.

    For more information please check the Rides In ReVellion official English Twitter


  9. These are great! I know Japanese bands can be very uptight about wanting control over their image, but hopefully with great photographers like you working in the scene they will gradually warm up more to live photography.

    Thank you very much.

    I will keep trying to do my best!

  10. More Japanese bands should allow professional photographers at their lives. The lack of available media of their live shows is sometimes upsetting.


    Unfortunately in many cases, its not always easy to allow photographers to shoot at lives.

    There are many issues and obstacles making it difficult.

    Space, fan consideration, etc


    Another issue is also price as most professional photographers can be kind of pricey and for a lot of the smaller bands, its a additional cost that is not a necessity unlike makeup or merchandise.

    Currently I do a good percentage of my live photography and processing as a free service and I have been able to slowly build up a reputation where I am trusted.

    Because this also ties into the issue of trust and how important a bands image is to them.

    Any band that lets a photographer (paid or free) to take their photos during their live is allowing that photographer to have control over their image, including bad and unflattering images.

    I myself will take anywhere around 200 to 300 (sometimes up to 400) photos in a 25 minute set, out of those I will usually process between 10 to 25, then I send them to the band and allow them to select what ones they use and which ones they are ok for me to use.

    So the band still has full control over their image.


    But I hope I can continue to provide live photography here for everyone.

    Hopefully more bands will allow photographers over time to shoot live overtime.

  11. These pictures are really amazing. When I look at visual kei band photos a lot of preparation goes into setting up the clothes, the scenery, positioning the members just right, etc. You take these pictures live and when I look at them I can feel the energy from being right there. Keep these coming!


    Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.

    there are many challenges when taking live photography, but I am always very happy when I am able to get good photos to share with the fans despite all of the challenges and obstacles involved.


    I will keep trying my best to keep providing good live photography.

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