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Posts posted by Suuu

  1. Big news for V STAR PROMOTION

    another member has joined the V STAR family.

    A native Japanese whom can speak English.

    With our new addition we will be able to bring you more content.

    Currently we are looking into the possibility of renting a small office space in central Osaka.

    If we are able to do so, we will be able to provide much more content!

    More comment videos

    Live streamed videos/interviews

    And much much more

    At the moment we are just looking into the financial side as at the moment, all our work is non profit and basically volunteer.

    But we hope to widen the reach of vkei around the world

  2. my opinion Deviloof like Nocturnal Bloodlust

    I hope Deviloof bring music for iTunes

    iTunes Japan or United Stated both is fine

    I hope iTunes United Stated have official page for Japanese music I know Korean KPOP have official music iTunes

    I know some band bring music for iTunes

    Band like More,the GazettE,the Lotus,RAVE,Rides in ReVellion,Insanity Injection ect.

    At V STAR PROMOTION we strongly recommend bands and artists we work with to make their songs avalible on international iTunes.

    Please expect it sometime in the near future!

  3. However, perhaps from now if anybody has a critique about Deviloof, or any of the other bands that works with V STAR PROMOTION, I will gladly welcome any direct messages.


    As much as possible, I would very much like the keep this thread a comfortable place where fans and supporters can discuss.

  4. What I think is that the reason behind people's slander towards this band lies in the thought of how many Visual Kei bands are tuning down their guitars just because this –core music does well with the audience. You see musicians who previously wore pink, frilly skirts and blush on their faces in the Oshare scene suddenly covered in black smudge and fake blood. To me it looks fake, like a lot of them do not care what they are recognized for, just that they are recognized in general. It feels as if a lot of these bands aren't doing their own thing, aren't following their own dreams. It is just a test of 'we will stick with what works best, despite our personal interests.' I think this is also why you see so many bands breaking up early-on due to 'musical differences.'

    Now I am not saying that Deviloof specifically is one of those cases (as they previously came from heavier roots), but in this general situation, seeing -another- band pop up who are heavy just for the sake of being heavy (as their actual musicianship seems... quite unpolished), it makes us wonder whether any of these guys are in it for their own personal joy. Their music might feel empty to people, soulless and void of something to ponder over or to get lost in, because it doesn't appear to come from the heart. You can feel it when an artist doesn't put everything he or she has into what he or she does. I am not speaking for everyone even while having read similar opinions on a variety of platforms, but it's just that a lot of these upcoming metalcore bands feel like this to me (and to a lot of others).

    Thank you for a another well written and crafted opinion.

    I think what most of the supporters of Deviloof may have a problem with is, as you said yourself, is the 'slander'

    It never feels nice to have something you like insulted, or spoken of negatively.

    as a promoter, I like most artists themselves, can take it with a grain of salt.

    however well crafted opinions can be different and even useful.

    as for the points of opinions your have mentioned.

    although I work with the band, I cant say with 100% certainty if they find joy from the music they create, I have my own thoughts and opinions, but this doesn't mean its the way the necessarily think.

    from what I have seen they work hard, they want to create something, they seem to have a goal in mind.

    and although their music, may as you put it "appear as if it doesn't come from the heart" to some, this may not be the case for others.

    I am sure their music, like any music will have different levels of depths and meaning to different people.

    but as I said, your opinion was very well constructed, so I will take your constructive criticism to the band.

    It may very well help them grow and develop.

    Thank you.


  5. >tfw u ask for LITERALLY ask for peoples' opinions and are confused when people actually give u one lmfao


    and thank you for the correction(s) suuu. again, this was just my opinion and im happy people wish to support deviloof and i like v star quite a bit still ^.^

    I would like to thank you for supporting V STAR PROMOTION!

    As stated earlier V STAR PROMOTION hopes to work with a range of various artists and bands.

    That way we will hopefully have something that appeals to as many people as possible.

    Even if Deviloof is not your taste, I hope you can enjoy one of the other bands we work with and support.

    Variety is the life of music!

  6. But at the end of the day lets allow the people who enjoy and like Deviloof like them, no matter what their reasons might be.

    And let’s let those who dislike them dislike them for whatever reasons they might have.


    Music is debatable; people have different views, opinions, tastes, etc.

    Even more so with Visual Kei.


    We are allowed to have our own opinions on what makes good music, what makes good vkei, as we are allowed to have our own opinions on what makes bad music and bad vkei.


    Let’s support the artists we like, and allow other to support artists they like.

    Let’s try our best to make this music scene we love as positive as possible.

  7. art-kei bands bringing new sounds to the scene has 0 relevance to a deathcore band who has no relevance to the visual kei scene outside of a bit of makeup they smeared onto their faces in the name of making more money because they're average at best outside of "vk". ur all allowed to like deviloof, thats not my issue but saying they add something to visual kei seems a little thin--they play with no other vk bands and donned the vk label for purposes unrelated to their music. of course this begs the question "what is visual kei" and thats a discussion for another thread, but thats my personal beef with deviloof in case u were curious.

    Thank you for sharing reasoning behind your opinion.

    and once again, I strongly believe every person has a right to have their own opinion.


    So I am not in anyway disputing your opinion, saying its completely wrong, or that you shouldn't be allowed to have your opinion.


    I am simply adding a few additional facts to this issue.


    -To some people vkei is nothing more than the visual style, and music is additional and can be any type of music, pop, rock, heavy, etc, I have met more than a handful of artists both visual and non visual that have this belief, then even more fans.

    -Even if Deviloof decided to become vkei for the money (I am not saying this is the case) they wouldn't be the first band to do so, one example is Sid, who went very heavy with makeup and other styling until the started to tone it down once gaining enough popularity (artist growth and development)


    but their motives are their own, I am not going to discuss as a artist's motives are often something only they can understand.


    secondly as for their lives and who they play with.

    granted they do play with non vkei bands, in fact their next upcoming live is with BAND-MAID®, LAST DAY DREAM and 極楽浄土.

    however they have played with, and have schedules to play with many vkei bands, some examples;


    Just to name a few

    and also they are taking part in the CROW MUSIC PRESENTS NEW SCREAM CIRCUIT’2016.

    Once again thank you for expressing your opinion and providing reasoning.

  8. First of all, I would like to thank everyone who is supporting Deviloof!

    At the end of the day, when I decided to start helping Deviloof I was very much aware that they are band that will have people that love them, people that hate them and a smaller majority of people who don’t feel strongly either way about them, more so than any other band V STAR PROMOTION’s works with.

    The reason V STAR PROMOTION decided to work with Deviloof is to broaden our market, our goal is to have something to offer to as many people with varying tastes in music.

    And the fact that people have varying and different tastes in music is what this discussion leads to.

    Everybody has their own taste in music, what one person might think sounds terrible could be a masterpiece to other people, it doesn’t mean that either person is wrong, it also doesn’t mean that the song in question is innately good or bad, it all comes down to personal opinion.

    This is also the case in defining a music style, music is a vast and ever changing entity.

    Music never stays the same for long as artists and fans are always thinking of a way to change and develop it further, by this genres of music are also constantly changing and developing.

    So any genre of music can also be thought of differently by different people, what might be brutal to someone might not just cut it to other, and on the reverse side what might be brutal to some might be too much for others.

    And there is nothing at all wrong with that.

    Working with Deviloof, I have faith that they will continue to work hard to grow as artists and that they will try their best to bring new and unique music.

    It is not always going to appeal to everyone, but that’s music.

    If you like Deviloof, once again I would like to thank you for your support.

    If you don’t like Deviloof I value and understand your opinion, but please understand that the people that like them have their reasons and right to do so as well.

    The same goes in reverse.

    Thank you.

  9. THIS !


    I'm hyped about this band because it's the first time we get some really br00tal kei without catchy choruses, eletronic touches, etc. I need some live videos ASAP, but if they keep being this good and happen to have good live performances too, this can easily become one of my fave bands and they can become popular, just like NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST which got pretty much recognition from people that couldn't care less about japanese music in general.

    I will look into the possibility of providing live video in the near future.

  10. Opinions Please

    Currently I am throwing around a bit of a wild idea in my head.

    Writing it here is in no way a confirmation, just a check to see if the interest is strong enough to warrant the effort it would take to organize.


    But would people be interested in a live stream where, with a translator present the international vkei fans themselves could ask questions of one of the musicians I work with (who would be willing)


    Generally it would probably be operated simular to an in store event in Japan.

    Due to time, and other issues it would be hard to assure that everyone’s questions would be asked and answered.

    But it would give everyone a chance to ask and interact with a vkei artist in a new way.


    Once again I stress the fact that this is not a confirmed thing, just something I am considering looking into if there is enough interest.


    @@Suuu cool news! I will try this band now with a deep look.
    @Matsuchan will be happy with this xD


    I hope you will enjoy what they have to offer


    Your Doing Gods Work V STAR :)


    Perhaps we may need to ask a god for a few extra hands in the future to help deal with the growing workload.

    but its all worth it!




    So unexpected, good stuff Suuu!

    thank you, many people seem to be surprised by this announcement.
    but actually it seemed quite obvious to both me and the band.

  12. Nice!


    You wouldn't happen to be trying to work with any -Ains- bands in the future, are you? ;)



    cool morrigan

    i wish for ains too but that seems unlikely, but who knows!



    While at the moment there are no current plans with any bands signed under Ains, you never know what the future holds.

  13. We at V STAR PROMOTION would like to thank everybody for your continued support.


    Following our recent two announcements, it now means that the number of band V STAR PROMOTION will be working with closely has increased to four, those four bands being:

    -Rides In ReVellion




    However sadly BLAZE will soon be disbanding.

    It is our goal and purpose to make sure that the music produced by these bands is accessible to fans worldwide, as well as easy and accessible up to date news regarding these bands on English social media accounts, as well as English subtitled videos.

    Of course other things such as occasional competitions live attending support and media in English will also be provided.


    However this does not mean V STAR PROMOTION will only be working with the above three bands.

    Our main goal as a business is to help spread the knowledge about as many talented bands as possible, all it means is that due to man power, time and other issues, these three bands will be receiving a little extra effort as providing all of the above listed services can be very time consuming.

    We hope to increase this number whenever possible.


    We have many different things under construction for the near and distant future..


    Once again thank you for all of your support.

  14. V STAR PROMOTION is very happy to announce that from this day onward, we will be working with the band






    V STAR PROMOTION and MORRIGAN will be working closely together to guarantee that their music is available worldwide.

    Of course we will also make sure all information about the band is easily accessible to fans worldwide!


    Please look forward to releases on iTunes, a multi-language official Facebook, subtitled music video, and many other great things.


    From this moment on, we at V STAR PROMOTION ask that you kindly welcome MORRIGAN.

  15. V STAR PROMOTION is very happy to announce that from this day onward, we will be working with the band






    V STAR PROMOTION and MORRIGAN will be working closely together to guarantee that their music is available worldwide.

    Of course we will also make sure all information about the band is easily accessible to fans worldwide!


    Please look forward to releases on iTunes, a multi-language official Facebook, subtitled music video, and many other great things.


    From this moment on, we at V STAR PROMOTION ask that you kindly welcome MORRIGAN.

  16. i really gotta say when i read some days ago when V STAR PROMOTION wrote that you are working with a heavy band or something like this i was immediately thinking about Deviloof but then i was like: nah, they are probably too heavy so it must be some other band you're talking about... but now that it's really Deviloof i gotta say i am really impressed!

    can't wait to see more stuff from my new favorite band!! their music is killer and i can't wait for their new song this saturday! 8D


    I'm glad tat you really enjoy their stuff, I hope you will enjoy the upcoming release just as much.


    thank you for the continued support.

  17. I'm happy to hear you are supporting them! You'll help give them more exposure and I can't wait to be able to purchase their releases online!


    Along with a official facebook in Japanese and english, this is the one of the first things we will be working on!

  18. Ahhh...this reminds me so much of a similar occurrence a few years ago, when HearJapan started working closely with XodiacK to promote their first single. They made some monetary mistakes which ended up hurting the band more than helping but it was a good experience overall to learn from. I hope this time things go more smoothly for Deviloof!


    This is of course something we are very mindful of.

    however I do have a action plan in mind that should help avoid such a situation.


    I too hope things go well for Deviloof.

  19. I had personally hoped for something a little different as they are completely beyond my interests, but it is good for them that they are being given the opportunity to share their music with overseas fans. I suppose you cannot please everyone, but instead I will continue to closely follow Rides In ReVellion.


    I completely understand.

    Music is a diverse wonderful thing, it is something with many different styles and variations, so its natural that not everything is going to appeal to everybody.


    while I do see a good potential market and fanbase for Deviloof, by no means do I think that everyone will like what they have to offer.


    my goal is to work closely with a handful of bands (expanding as time and means allow) and to provide occasional assistance to several bands.

    that way hopefully there will be something everybody enjoys somewhere in the mix.

    and of course thank you for your continued support of Rides In ReVellion!

  20. Very unexpected! but I love it nonetheless! Can't wait to see their English comment video xD


    it will probably be a bit of a surprise for some.


    but this is actually something I have been planning to pursue for quite a while now.

    and now the time is right, for both V STAR PROMOTION and Deviloof.


    as it is I belief Deviloof already has a promising fan base of supportive fans, so the goal is to nurture and grow that fan base by making the band and their music more accessible to international fans.


    everyone's support is greatly appreciated.

  21. V STAR PROMOTION is very happy to announce that from this day onward, we will be working with the band






    V STAR PROMOTION and Deviloof will be working closely together to guarantee that their music is available worldwide.

    Of course we will also make sure all information about the band is easily accessible to fans worldwide!


    Please look forward to releases on iTunes, a multi-language official Facebook, subtitled music video, and many other great things.


    From this moment on, we at V STAR PROMOTION ask that you kindly welcome Deviloof.

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