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Posts posted by Alkaloid

  1. Comment from bassist Rino (translated by fuckyeah-malisend) :


    October 2nd

    MALISEND will disband.

    Even though I said I will write a blog, I’m not quite sure what to write.
    I didn’t think there would be a day when we make an announcement like this.

    I’m sorry, lobelias.

    But this is a fact that we can’t deny.
    I wish this was just a lie.

    When did this cog in the machine break?

    I’m sure this broken piece was there from the beginning,
    this machine was so brittle, it could’ve gone wrong anytime.

    But we all desperately wanted to make it tougher.

    We boosted each other up.

    Well, actually
    that’s not how things were.
    There were almost no boosting.

    Someone got lifted up,
    but definitely not everyone.


    I don’t know what people are looking for in these blogs,

    but I, personally don’t want to paint things pretty when they are not.

    I hope you won’t misunderstand this due to strange rumors.
    It’s just that I want to tell you the truth why things fell apart.


    MALISEND died in February.

    or maybe at the beginning of the year..
    around the beginning and February.

    Maybe everyone died.

    Or maybe just the difference of each members’ thoughts on MALISEND made it seem like it.

    We don’t tell that to others.

    Since I’m selfish,
    if all the members don’t have the same level of enthusiasm, I don’t want to do it.
    Therefore if there’s someone who’s less motivated than the others, I have to lift them up to the same level in order to work together.
    The beginning was really terrible..

    When we recorded at my place and even after I came home from work, it was not finished but started drinking anyway → Rino became livid.

    During meetings 80% of the things we talked about were bullshit.
    We did not make any progress at all.
    No one could make songs beside me.
    Couldn’t even tune our instruments.
    Couldn’t play decently.
    We didn’t say what we wanted to say.

    Being like this, I thought MALISEND will end before it even started.
    I have a feeling, I love this band more than anyone.
    And exactly because of this, I thought even if I will be hated, it’s alright, and I said that the band is worthless.

    And after that suddenly everything changed.

    We started our band activities.

    There were plenty of things we worried about.
    We had a meeting after the first live until the next morning, but after all,
    that meeting was also meaningless, since we don’t say what we think.

    In that unsteady state
    like a forced option,
    there were nothing to be afraid of.

    Then came the beginning of this year~
    That was when we broke in half,
    it was beyond repair.

    Everyone just confined into their shell.

    I think if you are not ready to be buried in the same grave as your bandmates, you can’t take the band seriously.
    A person who even alone is like “I’m not gonna follow anyone” and only thinks about himself, is better off doing a band alone.

    But of course it’s impossible to do a band alone.


    It’s not anyone’s fault though.
    This is the result of every one of us being frustrated, not saying what we want and feeling like we are being dragged.

    The live is the place to let out everything that bothers you, but what happens if the ones on stage are those who can’t unwind at all?

    The thing that changed is the way how we attract people.
    And as an artist I think it’s very important,
    but there’s something that’s even more important.

    And that’s the band spirit.

    If you feel the spirit, you don’t remain silent, you speak up.
    You fight. And therefore you become stronger. And MALISEND was not able to do this.
    So it fell apart.

    Around March and April there were members who were ready to change but that just made this whole situation even more sad.
    Because we were already broken.
    It was already too late and also
    why didn’t we make that change sooner, I wonder…

    but everything was too late.

    So MALISEND turned into this crushed up and crumpled band

    and yet at shows
    still everyone gave their very best,
    which is also sad.

    Why did things turn out this way?

    How are we gonna show gratitude to our lobelias who have been following us up until now?

    I’m truly sorry.

    I still don’t know what to say…

    I will write later.



  2. new band "リベリオ (Ribelio)" live-limited single "Mass of hatred" will be released at their one-coin one-man live "THE BIRTH OF THE REBELLION" at RUIDO K4 at 2016/9/17 (2-Type)


    TYPE-A will include 2 tracks+DVD (featuring "Mass of hatred" MV) and TYPE-B will include 3 tracks.


    [track list]

    1.Mass of hatred


    3.APOLOGY (included in Type B )


    Vo.LAKU (ex-GLEIVE(SIYU), Black Gene For the Next Scene roadie)
    Gt.Saya (ex-Nobady roadie)
    Gt.奈留(naru)(f.k.a. 透真(touma))
    Ba.響(hibiki) (ex-LeviuS(侑斗/yuuto))

    Dr.刧(koh)(f.k.a. 幸(koh))






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