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Posts posted by suji

  1. I'm not even bothering to watch it & I really don't care tbh. If a majority of Americans don't like either candidate, then why are they even there in the first place? It's our fault that this national embarrassment is even taking place now.


    It shoulda been Bernie

  2. 7 hours ago, Serox said:

    These are the last songs made with Crim (before he left the band), and now have all been released on this CD çwç


    AND OF COURSE IT HAD TO BE LIVE LIMITED ;____________________________;


    why does this always happen to my faves???


    3 minutes ago, The Piass said:

    Just like that, you had already posted it here xD about 2 weeks ago




    I know, I went ahead & posted this anyway for those who didn't catch it. The previous thread was primarily about them forming, so since it was focused on that, not a lot of people kept up with the releases listed on there, nor of any other activities, so I believe it's easier if I separated their disbandment from that thread onto this thread, and not make it difficult for people to find current news about them by reading through an entire thread. Hope that makes sense ^^;

  4. 無玄-MUKURO- will disband after their live on 10/28 (according to the last date of their live schedule) as Dr.千明 (chiaki) will depart. The release of a new mini-album has also been rescinded.



    Drummer Chiaki gave the band a letter detailing his troubles; the band chose to reveal it on their blog. Basically what the note says is that Chiaki is having some family problems. To be more specific, his father just got laid off, his mother is ill from overworking, his brother has a learning disability, and Chiaki himself was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in February. The family is apparently "running off somewhere", and Chiaki apologizes for "picking [his] family over the band".




    I wish him and the band the very best.

  5. It appears that Kisaki's twitter account had been hacked earlier tonight. There seems to be no evidence of suspicious activity, other than this tweet, and the fact that the account was locked:




    The tweet has since been deleted and Kisaki may have been able to regain access to his account.

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