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Posts posted by suji

  1. Obviously I'm gonna say Merry, but there's a debate on whether they're really jazzy or bluesy 😂


    Or I could say Rei (Marco), who definitely looks up to them. Here's a nice song from his previous band, Jisedai Excite:




    sing it out to the gods, queen ;w;


    Even though I don't do it often, I love listening to MERRY live. Especially when they decide to do acoustic stuff. Gara is really good at showing emotion when he sings these kinds of songs, and it just makes one feel all sorts of things inside. The first time I even watched this clip, I got chills. Shit like this still makes me wonder how the fuck this band is so underrated....

  3. special sessions will perform at Nagoya ell.FITS ALL on October 24


    "悪の華" members:
    Vo.Hitomi (ex-Moran)
    Gt.源依織(minamotono iori) (ex-Femme Fatale)
    Ba.Lay (ex-Fatima-->obscure)
    Dr.秒(byou) (ex-AvelCain)


    "登龍門" members:
    Vo.幸樹(kouki) (ダウト(D=OUT))
    Gt.威吹(ibuki) (ダウト(D=OUT))
    Ba.亜季(aki) (Sadie)
    Dr.Aki (Lc5)
    Key.泰斗(taito) (ex-AYABIE)

  4. It has been announced on BOOM BOOM SATELLITES' OHP that Vo.&Gt.川島道行(kawashima michiyuki) has passed away on Sunday, October 9 at 5:12 a.m. The singer had been suffering from partial paralysis as an aftereffect of his fourth brain tumor relapse since August 2015.

    Ba.Masayuki Nakano has posted this message on the band's official Facebook (translated in English).



    At 5:12am on October 9th, BOOM BOOM SATELLITES's vocalist Michiyuki Kawashima set off on the next stage of his journey. I imagine he is soaring around the world, finally freed from the restrictions of his body. His passing is not a tragedy, but the achievement of a lifetime goal and a happy ending. The love of our many fans supported Michiyuki Kawashima and BOOM BOOM SATELLITES on their journey, and we are truly happy and lucky because of you. On behalf of Michiyuki Kawashima, I would like to thank all our fans and colleagues again.

    "Thank you for supporting us up until now. Live your lives with passion and energy and keep the music we made, the time we spent together, and the memories we shared close to you."

    “One more thing, we are BOOM BOOM SATELLITES!!”



    Family and close friends will hold the wake and funeral services. The band's staff is planning a farewell event for fans, with more details to be announced at a later date.


    Source: Anime News Network

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