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Posts posted by suji

  1. 龍寺 (Ryuuji) (ex-ZORO) new unit, "WHITEHEAD" has formed & they will release their first album, "masturbation" on October 8 (limited to 100 copies, 10,000 yen (?!?!?)) (please let me know if this is correct, I'm confused)



    Vo&Art.龍寺 (Ryuuji) (そろばん → ZORO → WHITEHEAD)

    Dr.大熊 (Ookuma) (baroque (roadie), Lover Berry → るう゛ぃえ → My Hearts Breaking Even →THE HEROES SYNDICATE → REDMAN → WHITEHEAD)


    Twitter: @whitehead222222






  2. 14 minutes ago, Deathtopi4 said:

    I'm personally not terribly interested in reading stuff like that when it's real people tbh. 


    I totally understand, and that's what had me hesitant about reading jrock fics at first...but then I got too comfortable with my faves being in these, and that's what makes me so fucked up...........but other than jrock, I rarely read any other real-person fics, cuz it's just too weird for me. ^^;

  3. As for roleplaying, jrock is obviously different from anime (which I've roleplayed DB before), so I wouldn't be too comfortable with playing as Gara lol. I have been kinda interested tho, since some RPers are looking for someone to play Gara, but I just don't have it in me to do. I'd rather stick to writing fanfics at my own pace, whenever I feel like it, instead of having to wait on others or be a burden to them.

  4. I'd just like to say, I'm glad gay marriage is legal.


    Other than that, I've never really thought about getting married. I've dreamed up my own wedding before though, but that was when I was younger; now I don't really care lol. The only thing I wanna do in my wedding is wear a half-tux, half-dress deal, like in Drag Race. But I don't really care for an elaborate wedding, and married life is too restrictive and demanding. I'd rather go my own way than have to share everything with someone and end up fussing about having kids and whatnot. Ugh. Sounds ratchet af.

  5. I'm still very outraged that other than LJ, no one has written any decent fanfiction on Tatsurou/Gara. <///3 I have one in the works right now, but currently, I'm stuck on it atm ;w;


    I'm also wanting to write a long fic, like a novel, but due to procrastination and my current occupation, I'm not able to do it right now...

  6. MERRY has likewut, less than 10 fics, not including mine???? They're mostly Kyo/Gara, which I'm a huge slut for, and I've read all of them, on AO3 and the ones I know about on LiveJournal.  But other than that, I've made up for it by writing my own fics. I'm also working on something for another band, which you may figure out judging from my other posts.........;3


    As for other bands, I've read some about Megaromania, Vanikill, Versailles, and....well, if you pick out certain fics, they're definitely out there.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    I used to read a lot. But I am SUPER picky. If it's badly written/has a shitty plot/is too cliché I don't even bother finishing it. 

    I also dislike repetitive couples/fandoms and most of jrock ff I've seen out there is Reita/Ruki, Aoi/Uruha. No one writes the crack pairings I like, so I've ended up rping with friends and writting extensive plots by ourselves. Kind of like a collab fic.


    I dislike those fics that are overly dramatic and tragic. I wonder why are all teens obsessed with writting angst... I'll read about anything if it's well written.


    There's a few fics that are a constant must read for me and I've read already a few times XD


    I'm exactly the same way, lol ✨

  8. 38 minutes ago, itsukoii said:

    [wow i should be so ashamed of myself i'm disgusting]


    there's nothing to be ashamed of as long as it's not pokeporn :)))


    I used to read a lot of Dragon Ball fanfics since I've had internet access when I was younger, but I usually read the smut of course, and with some angst too sometimes, the kind that 13 yr olds still write about. Now, I hardly ever read any, since I now have a hard-on for jrawk fics ;w; but I don't read a whole lot cuz I already read all the MERRY fics that have been published (orz) and I only read on other bands if it interests me enough.


    I'm also the type that likes the real smutty stuff, and I've also read a few that are WAY OUT THERE that I'd rather not discuss (such as the weird stuff found in Diru fics, as @itsukoiimentioned earlier 😂), and I also tend to write a lot of porn xD Besides that, I also like to add in some fluff and angst, but I try not to do it to the point where it's cliche or cringeworthy. What doesn't help however, is that when I get to writing something, I either lose my train of thought, lose motivation, or I'm just ....so tired ;w;

  9. Whether it's another fun way to read and/or publish your own stories or just another ridiculous internet trend, fanfiction is a form of entertainment, and is enjoyed by millions of people who either like a good read about their favorite character(s) going on an adventure, or just jacking off to kawaii guys making out with each other.


    I don't read a lot of fanfiction like I used to, but I do tend to write once in a while whenever I have the time or motivation. What kind of fanfics do you read/write (porn)? What are your favorite genres (besides porn)? What fandoms do you tend to read/write fanfics for? Do you also write porn fanfics? Feel free to discuss!


    (And if this is in the wrong place, please feel free to move it, I had no idea where to put this ^^; )

  10. I’m gonna admit, I’m kinda ignorant on the whole trans thing. I love transgender people and how magical they become when HRT kicks in and the whole transitioning process really starts, I honestly don’t understand the widespread hate on them. But with the “gender noncomforming”, ""agender"" stuff trending these days,  I’m mostly not very comfortable with it at all, like it’s mocking trans people or something. By looking at certain people like that, you can’t really tell if they’re even committed to actually being trans or just doing it cuz it's the new cool thing kids are into, specifically Tumblr kids. A part of me feels that people like that are a disgrace to real trans people, and the reason why trans people aren’t really taken seriously.

    However, before you shower me with tomatoes due to my ignorance on this subject, I’m actually kinda confused, about myself specifically. Even though I grew up with the ideology of “you’re either male or female” (and I preached it so many times), I feel that I’m kinda in-between, ironically. Then again, I've always loved the idea of androgny and challenging what is acceptable in society, especially when it comes to crossdressing guys or butch dykes riding motorcycles.


    (Sorry that this is actually a big giant mess, it's pretty late and I just want to get this all down while I have the chance.)



    As a child, I was always a tomboy, getting into the boys stuff and making fun of girly shit. I thought nothing of it though, just knew that I didn’t like blending in with the rest. Beginning in my first year of college two years ago, I finally had the freedom to cut my hair short. I’ve wanted this for literally my entire life, but my father always forbid it, only cutting my hair shoulder-length. Now that he’s out of the picture, I got it cut to where I wanted it, and I never felt so great about my appearance, like, ever. It finally felt like I was on a new path in my life, like I was actually starting a new chapter in my life. Then, as soon as my own paychecks started rolling in, I was able to buy my own clothes, of my own choice. That meant a hell of a lot of shirts from Hot Topic and the boys section at Walmart, and flannels. Flannels. The typical butch lesbian-wear made me feel more masculine than I ever felt, and I gained a lot of self-confidence just from my appearance alone. That is, until I started gaining weight, and my curves finally kicked in. Even before that, I always hated my body and had this desire to be skinny. I wanted to be flat as a board. However, skipping ahead, my fascination with corsets turned into a fascination for chest binders. All the butch dykes and ftms were wearing these, so why not join in? Of course I have to keep this secret, but i wanted to fulfill my desire of having a body that I could fully accept and not blend in with every other girl. I haven’t got one yet, but the thought of having one still lingers on. I never had a problem with my boobs since they’re small, but I still want to have that flat masculine body.

    It's not just about the looks, however. I was disgusted at the mere thought of feminity, still am to this day really. I grew up around conservative values, so that meant my mother liked to see me dress up (dresses, etc., that I didn't mind much, except my body issues obvs), and looked forward to me getting a man and getting married someday, having her grandchildren, all that shit. I never cared for marriage, even if gay marriage is legal now, I still don't care. I find married life to be restrictive, especially when you add children to the picture. I have better things to do in my life than to throw everything away and become some ~devoted housewife~ and a mother. I never saw myself like that; hell, I don't even like being around children. The stereotypical idea of being a female, in general, disgusted me. I hated being around guys, especially when I was younger, because I knew they believed I was inferior because I'm a girl. I hated being around girls sometimes too, because they'd always talk about girly shit that I wasn't really into, like the guys they liked or shows geared at girls that were hot at the time. I just felt like a complete outsider.


    However, I realized later on that whenever I get told I look like a boy with my short hair, or my mom would question me about shopping in the boys section, I thought that felt kinda good, I didn't know why. But I knew then that my masculinity was finally being recognized, and I wanted to be taken seriously for it. In fact, I stopped wearing my dresses all together, although I still wear makeup sometimes - because who doesn't, really? At the same time, I also had some hats with bows on them, and had an obsession with female icons like Betty Boop and Marilyn Monroe, and I'd wear clothes and purses with their faces on them. At this point, I was bordering between masculine and feminine traits, and I felt that was ok with me; I mean, why restrict yourself to one thing? I think of that now as I see all these gender-neutral folks "breaking the gender binary", but I didn't see myself that way. I just happen to be an androgynous girl who is kinda masculine. I mean, it's not like I want a sex change - right?


    One day at work, I tranced off and thought about the state of my life. I finally felt confident in my skin for the first time in who knows how long, but besides reaching my ideal weight, something else was missing. I thought about it for much longer than I needed, and then my mind approached possibly identifying as male. The thought of it literally gave me a chill; what would people think if I ever put this to light? Do I honestly believe I'm meant to be a man? What if I'm just getting overboard with the butch lesbian stuff? I mean, a lot of trans men started off as butch lesbians at first, but was I destined to be one of those who'd actually transition? I'm still kinda confused over it, and not really comfortable talking about it in all honesty. I hardly ever talk about this to people I actually trust. I mean, I wouldn't want to grow a beard or a dick, or a baritone voice, but I hate my female body. I hate my fat curves and my reproductive organs and having to go through periods every month - I actually want to get rid of that, btw. Although I can think masculine or feminine, my body is always strictly female, and I really hate that. Why not have a flat chest and a broader body? Why not eradicate my reproductive abilities completely? The female body is mainly constructed to bear children - I have no use for that shit. I hate it so much, and I just want to have the body of a man, a man who doesn't have to deal with the burden of being fat, of bearing children, and all that other shit.


    It sounds like I'm rambling atm, but my thoughts about this are all mixed up when it comes to this subject. What I'm trying to say though, is that I grew up with low self-esteem, being suited up as this girly goody-two-shoes, and as I got the opportunity to try new things such as fully adopting masculine ideals, I became more self-confident, yet I am still restricted to being female, and having a female body, which doesn't contemplate well with my ideal masculinity. Being around trans people - online actually, since I've never met one in person -  and reading this thread makes me feel more comfortable in my skin, and helps me understand my problems, even just a bit. However, I just wanna know, am I really trans,  in-between/androgynous, or am I just really confused and need to shut the fuck up and "stop making a mockery of trans people"? I don't wanna offend anyone, but I'm just really confused and still trying to figure myself out.



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