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Posts posted by suji

  1. hawt crossdressers, angura kei, some grandpa-kei, some fanservice, more merch to fap to, asian guys..................................gawd bless vk ♥♥♥


    seriously tho i love the androgyny of vk, it sets the jrock scene apart from other rock bands around the world

    also, japanese rock >>>> western rock  (except black metal at least)

  2. 40 minutes ago, Zeus said:

    Nice find! This sounds like Kiyoharu put the trademark to Kuroyume's backlog up for bidding. As in the rights to owning the band's music are up for sale. This is what I gathered:


    • Public auction opened September 9th, bidding time starts September 13th at 1pm, ends October 9th. 
    • estimated value of  "Kuroyume" is 200,000 yen, bidding starts at 50,000 yen.
    • Rights were originally owned by Kiyoharu, who could not be reached for comment.
    • He is selling the rights because of owed taxes and foreclosure (of properties?)
    • The four different "Kuroyume" being sold would be inclusive of all the different ways the band has stylized their names on releases and promotions, which means Kiyoharu is truly selling everything.


    All I can say is HOLY SHIT






    (Also yay @ magically starting a new thread ✌)

  3. According to a translation, the letter basically says Chiaki is leaving for family reasons. To be more specific, his father just got laid off, his mother is ill from overworking, his brother has a learning disability, and Chiaki himself was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in February. The family is apparently "running off somewhere", and Chiaki apologizes for "picking [his] family over the band".


    Poor guy. I wish him all the best.

  4. Dr.&Vo. ナヲ (Nao) has given birth to a baby girl on September 9 ♥




    Nao, baby announcement

    Joyous announcement to all the Maximum The Hormone fans around the world
    Nao’s second “bump” has just arrived Sept 9 2016 ! 
    Mom and the baby girl both are under stable good condition


    <Comment from Nao>

    Welcome, my baby girl, -bump born on Sept 9 2016 @ 11:44 am

    Being a mother that has experienced miscarriage in the past,
    I take the wording “mother and child both being in good condition” very seriously,  
    So happy we are both well.

    6 years ago, I did natural childbirth so this time I tried painless labor that actually felt like it was no labor at all, - (well the anesthesia was a nerve wrecking experience!)
    I recommend it
    Breast feeding the soft flabby new born baby makes me feel I want to give birth to another child even tomorrow! But certainly it’s not so (lol )

    I would like to take a break just a bit more and start working out, preparing for the MTH comeback at my earliest,

    My greatest appreciation goes to the MTH members, staff and fans that has patiently supported my “Ninkatsu! all the way through

    See you at the MTH live !

    Drums, Female Vocal, Sister and Mother of two

    PS: the older one looked “Guts Ishimatsu” when she was born ,
    the second ooe looks “Gets Ishimatsu” less“Guts” so to say,,
    Can’t wait to see both growing to be charming like hell ! Gets !!


    After Nao entering “ninkatsu” break and silence since June 2015,  
    The MTH and staff are happy to announce the birth of Nao’s new born
    We would like to show our greatest appreciation to the patient “Harapeko”s .
    Thank you very much for your support!

    MTH will start preparation to be fit and in good shape to meet you again
    Looking forward to THE reunion!



  5. Having to buy the same release 50 fucking times at different stores just to get certain privilege merch that aren't available anywhere else (ie, photosets, live footage, etc.). So over this bullshit.


    4 hours ago, anakuro said:

    i'm just not big on the 女形 (onna gata) thing, personally.

    I just don't get the appeal......



  6. Okay, so this band is my MOTHERFUCKING LIFE. ok that's too much but still *looks at her small Marco collection, along with other cds from Rei's previous bands* They capture the spirit of MERRY perfectly, especially their old visual era. Rei is a huge fanboy of Gara especially, you can clearly see that in his vocal abilities, and well, just look for yourself:




    He even has his own corset too, and likes to do handstands sometimes. xD That's some devotion right there.


    Marco deserves more recognition than what they have now, and the fact that they're only releasing live-limited CDs at the moment is just wrong ;w; I was very lucky to get Amesansan, because it really does sound a lot different from their usual songs, and it's pretty~ I hope they stick to releasing more music soon, aside from venue-limited ones, so that I can hear more of them without having to hunt shit down at auctions!! ;w;


    I really, really like this band, and I just wanna see them grow and grow. What do you think? :3


    *Also, shameless plugin: http://ohayo-marco.tumblr.com ✨ please follow if you're interested in news, releases, & member selfies~

  7. main.jpg

    マルコ (Marco)


    Marco are a 3-piece band that originally formed in 2011 as vocalist Rei's solo project, ギースパープル (Geese Purple). In 2014, they debuted as an official band, and are signed under VOLTAGE ENTERPRISE.








    Vo. (rei) (フィギュア → ジャッカル → JIVE → 次世代エキサイト → ギースパープル → マルコ)

    Gt.akira (ケルベロス → パレット → 【FIGURe;】 (support) → GELLONIMO (support) → re:Make (support) → ドレスコード → SectMateria → SectMa → D'eiz → ギースパープル (support) → マルコ)

    Ba.俊亮 (shunsuke) (ウツセミ → マルコ)



    Gt.Rutta (Lyra → VisionZ → シンディケイト → 次世代エキサイト (support) → ギースパープル (support) → ギースパープル → マルコ)

    Dr.恭平 (kyouhei) (Gazella → 1000ミリfilm → オーダーメイド → ウツセミ → マルコ)


    ex-members (Geese Purple)

    Ba.Sakiya (support) (美幻 → Squall → 0801弐209XX6 → 0801弐209XX6, ギースパープル (support) → GAMEOVER-ガメオベラ-)

    Dr.上村隼人 (Kamimura Hayato) (support) (ガネーシャ → KLACK (support) → KLACK → ギースパープル (support) → THE NOSTRADAMNZ)










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