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Status Updates posted by emmny

  1. outside of visual kei i listen to nothing but midwest emo, slowcore, and scramz lol

    1. emmny


      ^^MIDWEST EMO = ONLY REAL EMO !!!!!!!

    2. doombox


      I had to google it. But lol last.fm "This genre doesn't sound anything like the real emo..."

    3. CAT5


      haha, yeah, midwest emo is a thing.

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  2. prom tomorrow! woohoo

    1. beni


      Enjoy! x33

  3. reach the weeaboo orgy in chat for casual trauma and bandomen gossip

  4. reach the weeaboo orgy in chat for casual trauma and bandomen gossip

    1. Chi


      distress and trauma

  5. RIP daisuke

    1. Jigsaw9


      Five years, damn... r.i.p. ;w; </3 Gonna spin some Rakushu tonight!

  6. shit im addicted to avelcain now noooooo

  7. tfw u get more heated over bandomen than politics. priorities kids.

    1. emmny


      tfw ur fav literally sells their soul to satan...and ur watching it happen like....NO

  8. the kiwamu thread has 30 pages aka guess what tonight's fun activity will be!!!!

  9. the new doak is AWFUL oh my god

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      emmny giving Doak dat reverse promotion. "OmG Try this it's sooooooooooo badd!!!!" Sales go from 12 --> 95

    2. emmny


      ^anything to put food in my beloved bandomen sama's belly.

      and i dont like it because its unoriginal generic and goes nowhere tbh not because of the unsraw thing, i realize that was mostly a product of the time, but stil, yuuki's compositions were sooooo much better back then. eris was the only optimistic turn, but that sounded like a second rate 2007 unsraw copy band :(

    3. lichtlune


      I thought it was a solid first release. I'm sure they'll get better. Yuuki's voice was at least sounding better than it did on the previews for me.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  10. the new emmuree is straight up post-punk and its fucking amazing

  11. the vocal for depain/savage is so godawful i love him so much

    1. Elazmus
    2. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      haha the original Black Bother Barbarian is my jam!

  12. this satsuki album is f*cking shocking !

    1. emmny


      there's disco too don't forget it

    2. CAT5


      dammnit, emmny. I was hoping to just ignore this album >.>

    3. emmny


      cattyboy its mostly worth ignoring in all honesty LOL

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  13. tonight's existential despair soundtrack: VIDYA (shit's poppin, give 'em a listen)

  14. uh is there a way to make the text bigger? i cant rlly read this lol

  15. vanitas is brilliant fuck the world bring back nega 2015

  16. vday playlist: ruvie, fatima, baroque, kannivalism, clavier, mello & kazoku ^>^

    1. Tetora


      Which songs, I just played リトリ。

    2. emmny


      @niji ITS MOSTLY UR RECS!!

      @tetora i put all i have by them all on a huge playlist and pressed shuffle lol hehe

    3. plastic_rainbow
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  17. who produces d.i.d's stuff because they need to stop making akane sound like ass

    1. Aferni


      I'm guessing akane himself

    2. emmny


      BURN HIM

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      plot twist: akane akshully IS ass *gasp*

  18. who will save art kei now????

    1. Senedjem
    2. Biopanda



    3. JRD


      Seconding FULL EFFECT'

  19. why do bands put out last lives when they're fucking impossible to find *cough* cocklobin, 9goats

  20. why do i only fall in love with bands after they break up...yazzmad im lookin at u WTF

    1. Deloras


      Awww~ that always happens to me too !! TT^TT

  21. why does every unsraw release sound so god awful wHO DID THEIR PRODUCTION SMFH

  22. yes im starting to organize my end of the year list. yes im 2 months early. yes im gonna bomb this exam thursday.

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