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togz last won the day on February 9 2017

togz had the most liked content!

About togz

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  • Birthday August 30

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    Everett, WA

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  1. Do me a favor, but most importantly do yourself a favor, if you're passionate about this scene and you want to be involved and possibly help it grow in the future so you can better enjoy it... go apply for the Official MH Music Critics. Sure it might not be a gateway to meeting great people now, but you never know who knows who and who you will meet. Just do it. Talk about something you love. Express that part of you. It's not asking you to write a book about songs.

    1. digi


      I was actually going to do this but I lack the "skills" I fink. I barely even know what a damn tremolo is orz.

    2. CAT5


      That's what everyone has been telling me - "i lack", "i can't", etc. This really isn't a technical affair at all. Nobody here is a pro - we're just doing this because we're passionate about promoting the music we love. So if you're scared or somehow feel incompetent - don't. There are infinite possibilities on the other side of fear.

    3. Tetora


      Digi, I, and I am guessing others would probably enjoy someone just talking about their feelings and passion, or perspective more than someone trying to put themselves over as an intelligent music expert whose opinion is fact. Just my two cents, if you want to write about it here or anywhere else you don't need to know the Locrian scale, or how to play in 5/4 timing, that doesn't make your feelings any more or less valid than anyone elses.

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