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Posts posted by herpes

  1. lord




    when the music can be recorded more easily at home or promoted heavily on internet, you have no excuses.


    do you have any idea of how expensive recording studio equipment is or the expertise required to mix and master? anyone can record at home but it's gonna sound like you recorded at home. 




    no need to say that the fans that weren't agree with them and said 'maybe you should get a little job? like us hum?" were litteraly INSULTED on their facebook page

    being a working musician is a full time job. you can't hold down a 9-5 and be travelling the country whilst soundchecking/publicising/practising/recording/mastering throughout the day and playing gigs at night. 



    It's the open door to laziness

    ok ayn rand



    If you think that taking money from your own fans is moral, then you're just not worth it

    ok marx


    a lot of musicians love performing. but even more musicians love eating and being able to pay rent. 



    shit like meet & greet

    how dare these musicians charge us, the fans!, for taking time out of their schedule to pretend to be interested in hugging you.





    crowdfunding is the future, while it is open to abuse, it pretty much self-regulates as most fans aren't willing to be stung twice on musicians who promise and don't deliver or musicians who con (amanda palmer). crowdfunding gives fans a chance to help from the ground up new music/live tours/etc - and I hope it'll be really embraced within the vk community in japan after this as a way of getting overseas fans to finally put their money where their mouths are with complaining about accessibility to music. 



    however i won't be contributing to alice nine's as they are trash

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