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Posts posted by herpes

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc6hhbemgI4

    maybe thats why the original got taken down lol

    know i'll be dismissed as a ~hater~, but christ this is embarrassingly bad. Melodically a mess, arrangement all over the place, synths sounding cheaper than ever. Whatever happened to the band who released silent to my pain.

    I have seen less than a handful of people on this forum who appreciate Phantasmagoria even the slightest

    A lot of people appreciate Laputa who they stole half their riffs from though if that counts!

  2. The way people in this thread are treating two people running a shop on their own out of their apartment makes me wanna hurl

    Go spend your weimar republic fun money on a japan-direct shopping service if you want to spend twice as much on half as much, just so you can get your fanatic crisis singles before your birthday or whatever


    lol this and then the comment underneath it


    Yes, and we can take almost anything and lay the same sassy rhetoric on it (and I know to not take what you say as dead-serious, but I`m going to go on anyway):


    Old-School Visual Kei is a void of originality, and a garbage hole of rehashed New Wave, Grunge Goth Mall Metal with some JPop hooks thrown in for posterity.


    Classic Rock is a void of originality and a garbage hole of ripped off Blues ideas this time brought to you by a white-man.


    This era of `Classical` music is a void of originality, and a garbage hole of proletariat musical theory as well as recycled ideas from this other age of `Classical` music.


    lol I can't even argue with someone deluded enough to believe that there's no originality in this era of classical music (ades, muhly, luther adams would like to speak with you)


    (also "proletariat musical theory", lol what? calm down lenin)


    it's v cute that you try and discredit my opinion with some ad hominems and some strawman arguments tho!! keep on believing that whoever is headlining takadanobaba area to 40 mitsu and has a half page spread in cure is the future of music 

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