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Posts posted by herpes

  1. especially the sprinkled on opinions like the whole last paragraph with the Idol comparison, and`Genuine originality seems to be dying out.`or the interpretation of Neo Visual Kei.


    you may not like it but it's true, neo visual kei is a void of originality and a garbage hole of recycled ideas


    ok article though, reads like a 9th grader reworded the wiki page.

  2. she makes eating disorders sound like a choice and shames skinny people like sure encourage thicca girls but body positivity encompasses all body shapes lol not just curvy "womanly" bodies.

    its mostly SJW nitpicking but they have a point


    the eating disorder comments were tacky yes but idk i don't think skinny shaming is a truly valid oppression.


    everything and everyone in this thread is making me dry heave


    how can you say this when i've found the fanart you made???



  3. Towa Tei ft Kylie Minogue - Sometimes Samurai


    This is tough, because on one hand Towa Tei is one of the greatest living Japanese composers/arrangers/musicians and on the other, Kylie is more washed up than Natalie Wood with a vocal range to match. Thankfully her parts are mostly consigned to whispering over some psychedelic backing - it feels more almost more Britpop than Towa, but that may be the 90s house style drumming production. The ending feels cut short however, not a fan of the vinyl needle falling off a warped disc type effect he used. Strange little track but a good one.




    NEXT: Keishi Tanaka - 素敵な影の結末 (Sutekina kage no ketsumatsu)


  4. Shiina Ringo now added to the list of problematic faves for this photo from the shouso strip booklet





    yeah of course it must be pretty convenient when you can actually understand what goes on in the forums! (lucky you)


    and also can i list gackt as problematic? partially cuz i hate him partially cuz he's probably a pathological liar

    anyone else read the exerpt from his book on why he left MM and called bullshit the whole time? its probably my malice mizer fanboy speaking but im 99% sure its gackt who became money fixated lol it seems too wild to be mana/kozi/yuki's doing.


    OHOH also his rumoured foreign lovechild in vancouver that one's really funny lmao


    Gackt is literally the most problematic. His response to the rape accusation was to discredit the woman, say that he is the true victim and get his stans to attack her.


    (except he's no one's fave)


    Blackface is a very well defined term (even though some oversensitive “everything offends me!”-yelling people disagree) and comes with certain characteristics. Just slapping some black paint onto your face is not blackface. Blackface is meant to make fun of black people. so it comes with the wearer exhibiting manierism, that are ignorantly associated with being black, such as painting very large, red lips, wearing clothes of a jazz musician or hip-hopper and using a specific body language. None of this applies to these two.


    that's cute but you're wrong


  5. I wasn't sarcastic. Teenagers and overly sentimental attachment music.. well, puberty, right? And music is not the same as the musician. Soundwaves and flesh, they're different things. Emotional attachment to a song: fine. Emotional attachment to the stranger who made the song and decides to move on to other things in their life you are not a part of: odd and misplaced. I understand teens may feel more attached to a musician because they're not only looking for comfort and/or entertainment, they may also be looking for heroes to look up to. That's not wrong or sad, no, but it is a sign of a weaker character in my eyes. Then again, everyone was weak and insecure at some point when they're young.


    Yes I judge people if they cry over some musician who calls it quits. It shows they are weak (I might add at that point in their lives). That is my unpopular opinion. :lovely: You judge people who judge people who cry over some musician who calls it quits. And Earth makes another rotation and another and another.


    perfectly said, can't agree more


    sack up tbh

  6. we all have them. we're all allowed to have them (as long as we admit they're #problematic)! those #problematic faves. VK is full of them. Who's your most #problematic fave?


    Some examples:

    Kisaki (plagarism, intellectual copyright theft)

    Kyo (violent misogynistic lyrics)

    Wataru (violent misogyny)

    Sugizo (loves those nazi uniforms)

    Takeru (arrhythmia) 

    Yoshiki (his everything)




    (For the record my #problematic fave is Kirito who much like Sugizo also loves them uniforms)

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