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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. 1216_400.png

    Live DVD 「メガマソ2015ウィンターツアーファイナル「MEGAMASSO-サイレントガール,オープニングガール-」」filmed on dec 16, 2015 (the last date before their hiatus) at Shinjuku ReNY, will be released on march 14, only sold via their webshop. Information here (in japanese, so I might misunderstand stuff..).

    SET-LIST at 2015/12/16:

    12.fish tank
    14.Loveless, more Loveless



    I need this in my life !! THEY PLAYED とても小さくて、きっともう見えない。FFS (=track 4 from nishutari where inzarldgod slays everything) AND I WANT TO SEE IT!! Too bad there is not

    エインシャントソング :/ Look at them, so classy!

    Since I'm weak as fuck, I preordered it via RH, bye money XD

  2. Megamasso - s.k.1 ← this is my favourite! So ethereal, I could listen to it on repeat
    ClearVeil - drop a Veil
    Phantasmagoria - Seeds of Brain, actuality
    D - 光の庭
    the GazettE - NIHIL
    MASK - 無題
    凛-the end of corruption world- - Mist in Reminisce

  3. iLiS - Pardonne (acoustic)
    iLiS - Je marcherai

    De Palmas - Il faut qu'on se batte
    De Palmas - Je me souviens de tout
    ↑ I could continue all along with his songs (he's my ultimate french pop-rock artist crush, I just love everything he's doing, he's good with melodies and everything).
    The thing is, french metal bands sing *mostly* in english. Thank god we still have a few, like AqME who loves to play with the words and stays true to its roots.
    AqME - Noël noir (acoustic)
    AqME - Le culte du rien (acoustic)
    ↑ Ok it's with Thomas, he's not in the band anymore (damn, I'm nostalgic now *put my AqME cds in the player*)
    AqME - Avant le jour
    ↑ with the new singer, Vincent. You should defo check the album 'Dévisager Dieu', it's a banger!!
    A lot of bands that @Dark Kinma mentionned (=right in my teenage years tbh xD me at 15: TEAM NOWHERE REPRESENT lmao) don't exist anymore, like Enhancer (ok i've heard they should come back - they said it for YEARS but seems today it's more concrete xD- but, the two brothers are too busy running HK Corp in Los Angeles (for one brother), and Paris for the second one -and if you check the Contact, you can find a certain name....the name of Pleymo's keyboardist/DJ xD); Pleymo is in hiatus (much like super dead, but they basically crashed their career themselves so x'D the singer is doing photography and music videos in USA too; the bassist Benoît was in Empyr with...Kyo's singer (all in english, and it was MUCH BETTER than Kyo; but their second album was a totale failure/wtf and since, they're dead, and alas Kyo came back, surely for the $$ but whatever jdc); MyPollux don't exist too (I hope he gave you their second album 'Contraires', it's their best! I could upload it for you if you like. Their first one is a demo/shit level, and the last is so-so); eths., well the singer Candice left and now with the new one it's so-so, she's not as good as Candice vocally (+, their latest album with Candice hasn't fulfilled my expectations so, I personally gave up); Vegastar is dead too. Superbus, well they are uber shit today, it's pitiful to hear their music now. They were better at their debuts (their 2 first albums). They've reached a certain popularity at some point but it was just a fad: today it's pretty much dead. But don't listen to them if you want to study french: their lyrics are 5 years old level, true story. xD You shouldn't study eths. lyrics too, they are too much elaborated xDD especially in their best album Teratologie. The only song understandable without a headache: Anima Exhalare (it's also my favourite and imo, their best in term of ambiance, it's deep and powerful at the same time).
    tl;dr: AqME is, on the other hand, doing very strong years after years, and mostly lately (when you compare their debuts). Even the critics praised 'Epithète, Dominion, Epitaphe' (2012) and 'Dévisager Dieu' (2014), which is a good thing (since they are very critical with every band coming from Team Nowhere xD). 
    AqME had always a good pen so you should start with them.

  4. I checked carat once and I remember that I've found the singer had a nice voice.

    That said, I don't know carat that much so I checked both videos, and it sounds cool. Maybe i should invest in their best-of...

    Anw, I checked RHEDORIC and wow it's really not the same! In this case, I found that his voice fits...both style. xD

    Damn, this is good! I should defo check this band.


    So: BOTH.

  5. I wish Yuichi (ex-Shulla, ex-Viored, ex-AUBE) would be in a band again, not just a session member; I have waited long enough for him to do something after Viored :/

    I wish a Shulla trve revival ffs.

    I wish Lamina would reunite again, because their compilation is probably one of my greatest treasure purchase this year.

    I wish megamasso would do quality music for a long time without any breakup or a member leaves.

    I wish D would get their shit together.

    I wish Kasumi would stop selling his shit via his fucking webshop.

    I wish Phantasmagoria would come back again, I really love their 2010 era.

    I wish Sou would get his ass and barefoot on a band again.

    I wish marco would do a better music for my ears and taste, because I really miss JIVE and Kirio.

    I wish Shounenki would not disband!

  6. It wasn't really the story that people were outraged or criticized against, I mean sure the story wasn't that great or original in my opinion, but the main thing that people criticize that game for is Ubisoft's lack of QC Testing before release. Like that game launched with over a hundred bugs and most of them was stupid shit that could of been fixed easily before launch if they did a proper quality check to begin with but instead they decide they were just gonna release it regardless and fix it later after they took all of our money, which is honestly the worst thing ever. Some of the bugs were never fixed to this day and this is all just the console version of the game... you don't even want me to get started on the butchered and downgraded un-optimized PC port that they released that was clearly pandering towards the console market in their execution. The worse thing of all, even worse than the plethora of bugs was actually the lack of features in the game... This is an open world game and some of the stuff that they didn't implement is just strange, stuff that you would expect an open world game to have are just totally missing. This game was in development for 5 years and was supposed to deliver a "next gen" experience and instead totally crashed and burned except by the time everyone realized this Ubisoft had already raked in millions from preorders and day 1 purchases that were fueled by empty promises and 5 years of hype that was built up by there crooked marketing team and development team.


    Watch this video if you truly want to see how messed up shit was with that game (make sure annotations are turned on)



    I'm not trying to tell you what to do and I'm glad you had a fun experience with the game (i mean at least someone did...) but there is so many other superior open world games that you could be playing instead.


    /informative rant


    Ok. Well, I'm don't give 2 shit about graphics so I don't care for the downgrade. I'll not boycott a game because it's not on 2044p and 120fps. jdc. I had some bugs yea, but It's ok.

    Maybe everyone was expecting too much, idk? It's a new IP. Look at the first AC, it had some flaws too (like, the 9 assassinations using the same routine), and still you can enjoy it for its ambiance. But when you compare to the II, it's not the same thing. Who knows what episode 2 will be like.

  7. I've finished WATCH_DOGS' main story, and despite all the criticisms from the internet and everything, I loved this game, the concept and the characters. I'm looking forward for episode 2!

    Right now I'm trying to finish Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, I think I'm near the end (mission 21) but it's hard as fuck I'm struggling xD All done, I'm starting ep 2! I still have episode 2 and 3 to do before the release of the 4 xD

    And for now, I'm waiting for FarCry Primal and The Division like the Messiah lol 300% hyped (bye, life).

  8. I think every VK fan is well aware of this Ô so famous article. But what about today? is it still the same? We don't know what really happens behind close doors. And I don't really care either. I'm not going to throw away my VK cds or watch every suspicious move that I could find in my mind. Idk, maybe VK -"new VK"- is not for you anymore, and you should find something else to match your interest and go back later when the sound will change? You still have your oldies to listen to anw. The "stupid smiles" and colorful clothes were also there 10 years ago so I don't really get this point.

  9. ^yeah, me too!!
    What pisses me the most is that we haven't got THE album that we were all waiting for :/
    I know that TIMELESS wasn't supposed to be the last album at first (I guess? Do you think it was planned?) but considering that today it is, the goodbye album, with only 10 tracks, it's short for what it is :/ shiiit.
    I wish they would release a final live DVD with plenty of stuff in it...if only. I would buy it without hesitation.



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