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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. ^so it wasn't just me, that's reassuring :')


    The digest emails are annoying, I've never asked for this. So, each time we will reply to a thread we will follow it? There's no way to disable this? I have 29 pages to change manually, I'm fed up already. xD

  2. ^lmao ok my mistake xD


    edit: wait, no. actually my photo is 974 x1280! When I upload it, I had to crop it (ok) but it's still very bad in quality. Ok I guess I must upload it somewhere else and add the url.

  3. I was about to ask if you can change the background of the quote, which was the same colour than the thread but seems you did it already.

    How is @membername working now? Still no notifications when we cite someone? It's so much easier now, using @  instead of [member . it's a good thing.
    I've been logged in private but seems I'm not?
    Preview button?

    Besides that, I've got no questions for the moment. I really love the update. It's more professionnal, and our personal profile is so great, with our own banner. Oh, and the notifications, browse and activity systems are great.


    edit: the "hide users signature" is a jewel!!! thank you for this feature!!!

  4. I'm currently stopping the time with Quantum Break, between a Witcher III session. :D

    dang, the QB series is awesome. It's so amazing to have the story in another pov with the "real" faces of the pro/antagonists from the videogame (at least for episode 1, I can't tell for the rest). This is the future, this is all I ever needed!

  5. Royz's Tears album Type C has been sold! :)


    :D yea to me, and I got it this morning. In fact thursday, but I wasn't there to collect, so I've got a nice paper (uuh) to present to my local post by tomorrow and so on during 14 days.

    I couldn't go to my post office before monday so the wait was long.


    So, my feedback :



    Probably the best seller here in terms of communications. I've been kept posted all the time with nice emails, I was very satisfied. I knew from the beginning that he/she would be away for one week and couldn't send it but I didn't mind, I was informed so it was ok. Then, he/she send me a picture of the package and the tracking number, which was a nice move. Only the tracking was kinda shit, it was stuck for a long time in HK, then to the France's airport, it was very vague.

    I highly recommend their services. He/she was very nice, using my real name to talk to me (nice!).

    I would totally buy again!!!

  6. Don't forget the underground beast (I've got no idea for a good name, any ideas?), a strange creature derivated from 'The Elitist' I would say, who love only super underground bands who are recording their obscure crap in their garage and that no one knows, except him. And when these bands finally emerge and got better tools and recognition, it's suddenly shit and not as good as before, and you can see them whining everywhere on MH because of this on each new releases.



    For me, I think I'm somewhere between The Shadow, The Historian in a way (for my favourites, I could be an open bible xD) and The Casual (for the limited knowledge).

  7. Like @ghost, I love this album a lot! I actually prefer MR to the S/T. As @SwampMan stated, it's more complex and serious, less crazy but I prefer that way tbh.

    I read on the internets stuff like 'less crazy, more generic, it lost all of its appeal it's baaad'. I don't know, is it ok to reduce BM to its crazyness, isn't that too much? They can be better than asking for chocolato, and imo they prove it with MR. I can't say much for the lyrics tho, I don't have lyrics and translations in my album :(

    I'm very pleased with this album. RoR is ""old"" but still a banger tho. A perfect opening! I'm glad this song made it to the tracklist. I still need more listens to define my favourites.


    If you like this record, don't forget to buy it! I mean, for once that it's available on the same day worldwide for alot of countries. #FOXDAY

  8. I can't believe people like soushi ._.

    (Sou for me he the best Vocalist my opinion )


    Why not???

    Soshi is an amazing vocalist, he has a good voice, and as much as I love Sou, he was also better on live than Sou (vocally).

    It's a shame people stopped to listen to the band because of Soshi, because he did a great job actually. It's good to have preferences of course, but no need to bash Soshi because of that.

  9. ^super nice!!


    Oh, I forgot to post.
    I got this AWESOME RELEASE; seriously it's just better than ever.
    Such a shame there is no booklet at all. Only credits on the left and the the girl's names on the right. No photos, everything is just..super black. xD




    aaaand my HK package finally arrived BUT I wasn't at home so I'll have to pick it up monday morning to my post office >;<

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