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Posts posted by eiheartx




    .-. heh


    Her whole discography to be exact... I was pretty late getting to purchasing music, digitally and physically, but I remember first doing it physically because I listened to English artists for a good few years as a pre-teen and still have those few CDs from my old favourite musicians. What followed were already mentioned picks like Good Charlotte and Linkin Park.



    Same as beni, but just Let Go. At the time I bought it she wasn't popular at all (it was before the Complicated craze), so it was super cheap, even that the price was still in Francs (old french currency, before €). 78Fr, so it should be 12€.

  2. I took some time yesterday to watch some parts of their latest live DVD.
    And, dang, they are massive!
    Seriously, you may hate MEJ whatever you want but cannot deny they are very very veryyy great on stage. Tsu can sing and scream the same way on the records, MiA can play (how can they sound so massive with even one guitar tho??), Koichi and Meto are very energic.
    I'm totally impressed tbh, and I'm only a casual MEJ fan.
    They are successful, and I easily understand why (even if they aren't my cup of tea on all releases, they are good on what they do). The VENOMS.app songs are so great on stage, I'm in love <3 I'm also very fond of 人間 (but it was already the case when the single was out - dunno, I  love Tsudyingcat on this song). The ambiance and heavyness of this song is still the same, even on stage, I'm very happy about that.


    Just wanted to share my thoughts somewhere, I'm out, goodbye. x)

  3. It was (and still is) also possible to sign up casually without having to pre-order the game on their website, so I don't know where you got the information from that it was only accessible for the people who ordered it. You only had to register with your Playstation or Microsoft account and you were elligible to be selected for the beta and be sent a code.


    I read that they are blocking the beta now, because people preordered on the PSN, got the key, played the beta and cancelled their orders after. Not cool bro.

    But as Lestat stated, you could have register on the website without preordering the game. I don't know how is it working tho, but I suppose the priority was given for those who got their game preordered.

    I played it, a bit tho, it's totally awesome imo, but I've stopped playing because I want to keep the surprise intact for march 8. I just can't wait now, but I will wait.

  4. Aye nice thread, it's time to think and pick!
    My personal definition of my favourite VK albums of this decade: those that I would listen years and years after with the same intact pleasure.
    So there you go. All of these albums are, of course, in my possession (when I love something, I want to keept it).
    It's a rather small list tho.
    メガマソ - M of Beauty (2010) (shoutout to hiroki^)

    This one is special to me, and contains my favourite song (メグムミサダメキタゾラニナクノ). Plus, all songs are bangerz. When they passed major mid-2009, I was totally worried they would lost their sound and sparkle (we all know how bad it could be when you pass major, I've seen it for some - maybe now it's a good thing? But back in 07/08/09 it wasn't well received - I was part of a french VK forum btw- ofc, the band is thriving and that's good for them, but you could defo lost some things in the process), but chimes reassured me completely. You can't go wrong with this album, and if haven't heard it yet, you should defo give it a try!

    葵 & 涼平 incl. アヤビエメガマソ情景ならびに喉、指先。, Regular Edition (2012)


    What else to say? I'm a fan of Aoi's voice, and couldn't find myself pleased with what he was doing with it. So, this unit was welcomed like the Messiah (lol). Aoi is sublimed with Ryohei's compositions, like it was always the case. He's meant to sing his songs! Still waiting for the next tho, or even a complete アヤビエ's remake album (when I hear the two bonus tracks, 合鍵/勿忘草, 景 and 南極's result, it's litteraly shut up and take mi money!! Aoi sings better today than he did in the past - and that's normal - so I would totally sign for this!!).

    Megaromania - S/T, Compilation (2013)

    I know, it's a compilation, but I really like this release. I listen to it very often, and I enjoy all the songs. I love the way Megaromania sounded, Sui's voice, the synths. Too bad this band is no more today.

    MEJIBRAY - THE "420" THEATRICAL ROSES, Regular Edition (2014)


    Not a big MEJ fan, but dammit, this album! All songs are great, I really love all the songs (my favourite is defo 埋葬虫, so massive!). I precised the regular edition, because for once, the SE are totally worth it!

    D - KINGDOM, Type C (2014)


    A fabulous album, with many great songs. Vocals is top notch, songs are well composed and very "mature" (dunno how I would explain that, but I really feel it xD) and even the singles songs (who were so-so) are gladly enjoyable. The Type C is preferred, for its instrumentals.

    LycaonCamera obscure -カメラオブスキュラ-, Regular Edition (2015)


    Ending on a great album is still frustrating tho, but this one is top from head to toe. I still have a problem with bakane chorus but, I couldn't pick this album just because one song is bad. xD I preferred the regular edition, for its cover (really hate the limited edition cover ^^") and the SE's are not there either (that's a great thing, they suck xD).

    メガマソニシュタリ (2015)


    I try not to be biased and to pick all of their albums, but really, this one stands out so much for me. 6 months after its release I'm still 100% pleased with the result. Totally worth it, and I would gladly wait patiently for their return if their next album is as great and inspired like nishutari. Don't fail me my bbies, mummy's waiting for ya!!

    Thanks for reading!
    Can't wait to read yours.

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