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Posts posted by eiheartx

    • D's one-man venues keep getting smaller and smaller. By March, they'll be curb-side next to Maria Cross

    This saddens me the most tbh.

    (before you start calling me an hater, let me remind you that I own every albums and EPs ok). I love D and their music, and I'm sad to see this plunge, which I understand, and sometimes not.

    Their comeback is for me the most frustrating moment of the year. They left with KINGDOM, which was a fabulous album (probably one of my most listened album of 2015), and after a long wait, they come back with 2 low-quality singles and an awful concept already done by them?? I don't understand. They've got a fabulous and unique voice, skilled musicians, they know how to write tunes, and they come back with this kind of songs? (oh I know, it's light and happy, we need to open our mind etc but we are talking about D, not a rookie band). Are they trying to appeal the new young vk public? I thought nonetheless they were doing good, according to the massive crowd from their latest live DVD?? Well, I guess it's like everything. The more you release bad stuff, the more the fans are leaving the boat.

    Even if I enjoyed both singles, in a whole it's totally disappointing. Where is D's savoir faire? I missed that. I don't care if they are surfing on the vampire kitsch / King & Queen stuff, at least it was good quality.


    tl;dr: the frustration is real.

    Wake up ffs!!

  1. At first I was like FINALLYYYY TAKE MA MONEEY and then wtf?? it's a bit frustrating (I mean, only 10 songs!! At least you could add the IN THE SUNLIGHT b-side  éè!!) but, I'll probably buy it (I mean, a full release to listen in my caaar!!). Tracks 8 and 10 are new songs?? I can't recognize the kanji xD ok thanks to Trombe, now I know :D


    ^I feel you Mihi. bloom beautifully is probably one of my favourite songs from them. his singing is.. <33 dammit, this EP <33

  2. Guys, it's up to preorder on CDJapan, with the following tracklists:

    DISC 1
    1 凛
    2 Fall...
    3 Royal Blood
    4 Metamorphose
    5 Lost in the mist of time.
    6 Continuation of dream
    7 As If Forever Exists.
    8 Night Dreamer
    9 Walking in the rain
    10 Over the Rainbow
    11 Call Back
    12 Flowers Bloom
    13 World In Flames

    DISC 2
    1 Foolish
    2 Sacred Xanadu
    3 Cross Peagent
    4 The Psalms and Lamentations
    5 Monochrome -vanished ray-
    6 Perseculation Complex
    7 Freedom
    8 Silent To My Pain
    9 Misery is nothing
    10 Chaotic Resistance
    11 Nightmarish...
    12 Schwarz Vrain
    13 Dedicate to Graveyard


    edit: my bad, I've just seen Trombe's post above, sorry. But now that I remember, I've seen the post but only with the picture...the tracklist was added later so x)


    Since Sacred Xanadu, Monochrome, Schwarz Vrain and Rin are on it, I bought it xD Now I'm just gonna cross my fingers to pass the customs :/

  3. 1: Do you buy multiple versions of releases, or buy at all? (Judgement-Free-Zone)
    yep, but only for megamasso, or some exceptions (like shounenki), and ofc if the band is active. For others active bands, I prefer to buy full albums or EP (D, MEJIBRAY). If the band has disbanded, I will choose the best-of in priority (or, in the case of Lin, the b-sides compilations, so I don't have to hunt for out of print singles to gather all the b-sides) or completing my collection if I can, with used cds ofc.

    2: Do you collect cheki or other non-music related items from bands?
    No. I used to own several poster of megamasso (an Avex thing, a giant poster) but I thrown everything in the bin. Before that, back in 2007, I used to buy things via Lj like a tons of flyers, I even bought a LiZ towel lmao. Today I'm just not interested in these things besides music (so no cheki, the trading cards stays in the cd case, etc).

    3: Follow them on Ameblo, Twitter?
    I follow them on twitter (megamasso and shounenki), even if I don't understand japanese xD. And D on facebook, even if I have MH for keeping me updated ofc.

    4: Would you follow them on the street?
    A big no.

    5: Dig through their trash? (Judgment-Free-Zone)
    No. If they do shit I will speak about dat mess. And I'm against the "I don't like this record but it's [insert band] so... it's great!" policy (I read it all the time, what a desolation).

    6: Does Visual Kei or other forms of your musical taste influence your style or personal life?
    No, jdc.

    7: Desire to move or visit Japan influenced by music?
    I would love to ofc, to see megamasso one day would be a dream come true; but I'm afraid I will not for reasons (money, ..). :///

    8: Do you read dirt-sheets of bands, like rumours, gossip, etc...?
    I read it on tanuki, but I don't care (and I'm not interested in the first place: I mean, what my favourites do with their dicks engage only them. I find it already gross to share your personal experience on forums like that....).

    9: Ever fantasize about being friends with band members? (JFZ)
    I haven't really think about that tbh.

    10: Do you want to be in a Visual Kei band (or any other kind of band)?
    holy crap no xD

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