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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. I know I'm reviving an old topic but nvm, I really want to share my impressions about this fabulous album (and not in a review thread, since I'm shit, so the news thread is my only option; or I could create an artist thread, idk...would you be interested by an artist thread then?).
    What I can feel about it, it's this kind of maturity from the songs. The work has been consistent! INZARGI, once again, kills everything with his gorgeous voice, this guy knows his job I'm always impressed by his approach and his technique (track 4 "とても小さくて、きっともう見えない。" is, is, wow). I know that megamasso is 100% Ryohei's compositions (alright, 95% in fact, since INZARGI writes sometimes), but this band wouldn't be what it is today without his voice (yes because, for the fun fact, if Ryohei didn't met INZARGI -and heard him singing his R&B tunes lmao fantastic-, he would have took the mic, and Ryohei, if he's kinda good for backing vocals, he can't sing for shit and he's not made for that -remember mizery in the dusk with his vocals?? ROFL 8DDDDD-). I hope he will stay there and not leave or whatever (in that case, I would prefer a disband I think). Sorry, I'm off topic.


    The keyboards are great too, well balanced all along, not too much, just what it needs, and this is what I want. Even track 3 "タイダルピ゚ンク", who sounded weird on the snippet, is great. It's a kinda dancing song, it reminds me these songs from matataku yoru. I'm a bit skeptical about track 6 "エインシャントソング", besides the fact that this woman, Ryu Miho, has a beautiful voice (and did you notice this superb keyboard in the background?), I would maybe have prefered a full featuring with the 2 vocalists (and not only INZARGI doing backing vocals). What will they do on live shows? Will they invite her to sing on occasions (DVD filming or tour finale?), or INZARGI will sing this song himself? That said, it's really an unusual approach. But now I'm curious to know how this song would sound with INZARGI only (this vicious circle xD). Maybe an idea of b-sides from the next singles releases eeeh? Oooh I know, a reverse track, with INZARGI doing Ryu's part, and vice versa! I would love that!
    The bonus track St.Sad is excellent, but this is not a surprise since all their bonus tracks were good and worthy the extra purchase (like Until , love you so...or センスオブスターゲーザー).
    Anw, as a fan, I'm 100% pleased by this release, so many catchy songs. I'm gonna put it on repeat for a long time.
    One word about the release packaging:


    - the limited edition earbook with the booklet, which contains alot of drawing proper to megamasso's image. High quality paper (not glossy tho), but no photo from the band :/ I hope they will do more earbook in the future for their albums (it seems that they like this 2CD concept).


    - the regular edition booklet, it's atrocious as fuck xD Regular paper. it's like they didn't give a flying fuck about this version lmao.

    - no DVD with the snowy blue PV :////
    ^Do you want to see pictures?
    Brace yourself then!
    Limited edition:


    Regular edition:



    the nightmare lmao

  2. Ah, I almost forgot, I received these games today!



    I'm a newbie for both of these licence but nvm, I'm gonna kill it!
    I'm really tempted to preorder Fallout 4 (the trailer is fantastic!) but I've decided first to try this vol 3, to have an idea of what this game is about. And since the goty edition was so cheap on Amazon France, let's go!

  3. I'm back home, I forgot my credit card at the toll like a cunt, I hate myself. I made opposition on it immediately, but now I'm without credit card for - I hope - not too long.
    And, like it  wasn't enough, my nishutari's are at the post office, waiting for me to PAY CUSTOM FEES I'M SO DONE ToT
    MOOD: :wan-14:
    I hope you monochromiums are fine. Happy to be back btw :lovely:

  4. I don't understand why people can't wait for the digital and physical copies of the album to be released? I know this album is very anticipated but it's most definitely worth the wait as opposed to listening to leaks and bad quality. 

    This may just be me but I'm against listening to leaks and I'll wait for my copy to arrive and not spoil my money. Patience seems to be a big aspect missing in this thread. 


    same as you, I will wait for my copy, I will not touch the MH rip or whatever. More you wait, better it is.

  5. I'm on vacation (without my nishutari's, mood: :-x), so I bought tons of shit, clothes, accessories etc.

    Each year at xmas, I get gift tickets from my company, so with it I bought an Xbox One + AC Unity (FarCry 4 is from Amazon; I'm glad I've waited for it so now I got it for the XB1 and the integral version). The next step will be to put an HDD to the machine, the games are so heavy! I still find this unbelievable, that you have to install heavy shit to play. nope.
    Aaaand I pre-ordered Syndicate too. the Steelbook version from Amazon. And I really want to buy Halo Master Chief Collection, but I've never played Halo before so idk.


    My mum is still mad at me for choosing to buy an XB1, she finds it useless as fuck, and doesn't understand my love for gaming.

  6. I was supposed to leave today for vacation, after I got my nishutari's (so I could bring it to me). Problem is, I still haven't got the package, and I won't leave my home before I get my package (I don't want to leave it on my mailbox during my absence; + we're talking about my bbies so it's a no). So I said to my mum that I will come wednesday instead, and she's mad at me because she booked a restaurant for tomorrow (so they will not be home). I'm so pissed right now, pissed about everything. the fucking postal service, my mum (who didn't listen, I already told her that I will come to her place only AFTER I received the package, and yet she decide to plan things).


    Current mood: :wan-47:

    Should I check my mailbox for the 4th time, again? ;-;

    alright I checked and still nothing. Tomorrow then, I hope.


    WTFFF. How did I got VENOMS so quickly and not my nishutari's @.@

  7. Ah finally we got snippets for the b-sides, even if their b-sides are always so-so for me (I still prefer their full albums tbh, I'm not into their singles at all).

    I would say A+B sounds legit, according to the release concept. C is more traditionnal. Idk what to think about the remix D, once again I love the verse, but I'm really curious to hear the chorus' remix, who knows, maybe I'll finally love the chorus lmao xD

  8. Lestat, I appreciate you in general, you seem to be a very nice person, but you're overreacting a bit (especially in the D topic).

    We are a forum. We are free of discussions and opinions.
    The problem begin when people think they have the truth in them/in their words/in their opinions and denigrate others' opinions (especially in the reviews threads). You like it because A+B? Good. You don't like it because A+B? That's good too. The end. Stop the overreactions.
    We don't need a safe day. We already have it, we just have people who obviously can't deal with others' opinions.
    Peace and safety. :lovely:

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