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Everything posted by beni

  1. It's probably because of Mizuhara in that one PV I want to check this out, aha.
  2. Happy birthday allisapp. So many good friends' birthdays this month!

    1. yakihiko


      Happy Birthday allisapp


  3. Saw this on another site and remembered this thread today. xD Thank you for the news. Much excite! I'm actually really digging this (no surprise really if you know me lol) so this is something I'll keep a eye on.
  4. beni

    ^ @@allisapp. Happy birthday @tsumetaixtaion, @schwarzschild, @yumechun, aaaaaaaaaaaand~ @fictioninhope! APOLOGIES FOR THE FROZEN GIF BUT SO PERF Happy birthday and have a wonderful day!
  5. beni

    Locked because, as noted and linked above, we already have an artist thread for this band. Thank you.
  6. Happy birthday fictioninhope-san. <3

  7. beni

    Happy birthday @yawn and @kayanyHycle.
  8. beni

    Hello and welcome to MH! For any questions or concerns, feel free to message users with a blue, red and green name. Join the chat at the top located as 'chateau de monochromium,' and look out for any announcements up top; Poll of the Week, mixtape trade-offs, best new tracks, contests and more. Also, join us at the plug for themed Sundays that'll also be linked in the announcements and posted in statuses found at the bottom of the index/home page. ^^ How about allowing us all get to know you a bit more with telling any favourites you might have in the VK scene? No need to worry with how you write, thank you for making an introductory post! See you around, take care and enjoy~
  9. ^ 'an okay'... x'D Her music is officially deceased now, I admit it, lol.
  10. beni

    ^ YASH @eiheartx! I was so worried when I didn't see your birthday wishes here for ages. ;-; Great to have you back! And thanks so much for the birthday wish (and wishes all round <3). Happy birthday to the lovely @freesia, @Pikachu and @OmegaChaos, as well as @Jesmesup and @visualxjrock.
  11. Happy birthday freesia!

    1. yakihiko


      happy birthday freesia /o/

    2. freesia


      Thanks again everyone ^_^

    3. paradoxal


      happy bday freesia (i'm so late to the party XD) !!!

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  12. beni

    Might be in. Missed the themed Sunday because gaming. @~@
  13. Happy birthday yakihiko-kun and Jiggly-san. x3 <3

    1. yakihiko


      Thanks ٩( 'ω' )و

    2. Jigsaw9


      ariiiigatooooo~ ;3

  14. beni

    Happy birthday @Kakoon, @toma., @theburiedmaiden, and... members @yakihiko and @Jigsaw9!! ENJOY, DUDES! <3
  15. From the ones listed (because I can't think of my other biases in game developers atm), but I really like NAMCO and Ubisoft due to a certain few games both have under their belts. But my favourite (that is, atm), is, as you can see in my sig, Square Enix. I don't care if they're Squaresoft or Square Enix, they have always released great games, and my favourite game franchise is from them so it's no contest for me. omg i forgot nintendo
  16. beni

    Happy birthday @DeadlyClaris, and to those of yesterday. Was too distracted last night.
  17. beni

    This is the best self discovery ever. Bless you. Holy hamburgers. x'D Thank you so much! Thank you ALL so very much! ;w;
  18. omg, the banners. Love you guys.

    1. nick


      Welcome to Colorful Heaven!

  19. beni

    I'd be up for either, leading toward the 80's since we haven't done that one yet. Depends on what everyone else wants. Thanks for doing this, you two.
  20. beni

    Happy birthday @Dolcify, @koharufuckyou, @Kagura, @yuugadevil aaaaaaaaaaaaaand... @robkun!! Happy birthday, you!
  21. hallelujah [2] completely missed this news previously. sounds good, will look forward to this.
  22. Instant EOTY material. Exciting!
  23. beni

    when you're conflicted at finding something hilarious or scary, eg; wtf is that gif even lol
  24. beni

    Happy birthday @Slimdoe, @セルもん, @Kirisseil, and dear @MaikoMizu, as well as the unlisted cool @The MAD Stallion. x'D Happy birthday, yolks~ Enjoy! Remember to always do as Ironman says.
  25. beni

    Sure thing. If it's drag, then it counts, traditional or not. I'll go over the details more so if this is wanted by the majority. And of course. Do it the way you want to do it. Take it in the way you want to do it; close up, full body shot, it's up to you depending on how you want to do it. You don't have to wear a whole attire as well as do the makeup and hair, you can just do either or both. The main thing is that you're comfortable while having fun.
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