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Status Updates posted by beni

  1. https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven~ Let's see what else we've got for more plug time! xD
  2. Never do that again precious MH. You hear/read me? <3 ;;

    1. eiheartx
    2. kai_desu


      We were just moved to a better/faster cloud server )= so it's good we were down for a bit!

    3. beni


      ishiki, exactly! I was super worried and feared for the worst so it's great to see it back up and running. Ahaha, lol, Metoichi. ;) eiheartx, too? ;; How did we cope!? kai, thank you for explaining. I'm sorry, I was just a bit too ecstatic to see it back up, aha. Thank you so much for all the work, effort and time you put into sorting it out! <3

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  3. Photography exam went butter than I had feared... even though my piece would have taken any other person an hour or two and not the full five hours. ='D

    1. yakihiko


      I'm happy to know you were okay, but next time don't miss the bread :)

    2. CAT5


      Pho has encountered his first beni-ism. ; )

    3. beni


      X'D lmao yakihiko-kun, thank you~ I shall try my best in my maths one coming up, ofc! Ahaha, get with the times Pho-kun. :P

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  4. Happy birthday lovely eiheartx!

    1. eiheartx


      ^thank you doombox!!! <33

    2. Tetora


      Happy Birthday!!!

    3. eiheartx


      ^thank you tetora!! <33

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  5. Please let us never have a News section like we've had today ever again...

    1. WhirlingBlack


      It was really weird, wasn't it? All these disbandments in the same day. I don't know how much of a fan you were of those bands, but I hope you're alright.

    2. yakihiko


      It wasn't worst than BORN, but is a strange pain to no longer see girugamesh or screw on the scene.

    3. beni


      @WhirlingBlack Too weird. 2016 has been an emotional roller coaster in every way and it's only the start of May. I have enjoyed songs/albums from all three bands, but it's mostly saddening to me for their fans. My heart goes out to the fans of any, if all (hopefully not ;;), of the bands. I found it horrifying just seeing not 1, but 3 disbandments in one sitting. I feel terrible for their fans. @yakihiko I so feel you. Such figures gone at the same time. : / I still can't believe BORN.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. So happy I make myself sign up on here. I haven't felt this well in a long time and it's all thanks to being accepted into such a welcoming community. Thank you.

    1. kyoselflove
    2. Metoichi


      you're lucky, you seem to be very appreciated :)

    3. beni


      ^ Thank you Original Saku, kyoselflove. <3 Metoichi, trust me, I'm never lucky. xD I just needed a lot of reassurance coming on here and I'm really grateful others understood. Everyone's appreciated, I'm no different apart from almost crying at recieving messages. xD

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  7. There are too many comments I want to like, damn it! (Still passed quota)

    1. doombox


      This happens to me all the time, too. XD

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      fun fact, I've never hit the limit before :x

    3. beni


      Trying to comment sensibly to get it back up (I'm guessing that's how it works ><). People here are too clever when commenting, I laugh and am impressed by too many comments haha. Wow Saku (am I allowed to shorten down names? ><), how!? I need to stay under control oops. I want more fun facts!

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  8. I talk way too much *sigh*

    1. Zeus


      i find it cute

    2. kyoselflove
    3. beni


      I've been told a lot that others hate talkative people so I try to tone it down but it never works.. Thank you for the reassurance. hope and kyo, <3 And Zeus-san, I'm pleasantly surprised. >.< Thought I'd irritate you most!

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  9. If it's true that the more we spend staring at a computer cuts down our life span, I really should already be dead.

    1. Jigsaw9


      wut if we're all dead and this is akshully heaven :o

    2. beni


      xD Life twist: MH has always been our grave since we joined.

    3. kyoselflove
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  10. *Looks to board statistics* I'm guessing many are getting drunk right now? xD

    1. PsychoΔelica


      You won't make me :P

    2. beni


      lmao. xD Guys haha.

    3. paradoxal


      i just woke up and i think i'm still drunk...

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  11. Anyone else free and up for a bit of plugging? (Tis Friday, a late night tonight for me, anyone else?) https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. beni


      ;; We should still be on even in a good few more hours. I'll sitll be on for another 5 or 6 hours or so. Can you make it? I'm sure some of the others will also stay that long or more so.

    2. DeithX252



    3. beni


      x'D I had to leave before Everval, oops. Pluggin' alone in the PLUGOCALYPSE.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  12. Hello again lovelies :'3 https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. beni


      XDD I am innocent, ahaha. :'P How did you know??

    2. kyoisKILLINGME


      because mostly your status is about plug xD so when i seen it

      i though about plug and i was right :D

    3. beni


      Oohhhhh, it literally is my status history lol. x'D Ahaha, yay, you're there! :'3

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  13. blackAferni; the ship is strong.

    1. beni


      SHIP IT HARD [2] Official.

    2. Aferni
    3. beni


      I was gonna go with 'Afernidoll' because that's even cuter sounding. xD And hi der, sorry, I ship loving peeps. <3

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  14. Happy birthday ender-chan, lovely. <3

    1. beni


      =3 <3 How are you enjoying your day? Aha, yep! Now I'm getting bored of my username, lmao. XD Tragic.

    2. doombox


      I'm having a blast. All my CDs came in from japan. ;v; I didn't know if there was a special reason for this one or not. :3 But I like this one! Even though it makes me want to sing Cypress Hill songs. lol

    3. beni


      =D So glad you're having fun. x3 And totally cool that they're straight from Japan!! So jelly~

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. What an amazing karaoke it's been!

    1. Tetora


      I listened to Round 1 maybe a few weeks ago? All nice. Shout-out to that 2PM banger!

    2. beni


      Ahh, I didn't even know if commenting was okay. xD I'll do so when I decide on my final choice, aha. Glad it's been fun! SO much talent, wish I could sing like that.

    3. diamondAss


      BLAME was really nice (wtf, that voice. amazing)! also that Dayu dude. it was somehow so sad to choose. if possible i would´ve given them both a vote :(

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  16. :[

    1. nick



    2. yakihiko



      ( ・ ω ・ )

      /  ⌒U、


    3. kyoisKILLINGME


      what happened D:

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  17. So... now that I'm obsessively 'collecting' anime on myanimelist, I've now discovered a mydramalist. Send help.

    1. beni


      Totes. xD Nah, not really, most of the sections still need organising, I'm watching about 15 at the moment though. ^^;;

    2. doombox


      Even though I will probably have the smallests lists in the world, you are making me want to try these sites out anyway. XD

    3. yakihiko


      There is a myhelplist too, this one helps you?

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  18. Happy birthday deathangel and leafwork <33

    1. deathangel
    2. nick


      Happy birthday both of you! Have a great day.

    3. yakihiko


      Happy bday to both

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  19. Whenever I see @emmny post, I think "Oh , there's @CAT5's nephew" #detachedauntie

    1. Chi


      but....I AM @CAT5'S SISTER @emmny

    2. emmny



    3. Tokage


      hello grandchildren

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  20. Update and announcement: The usual Sunday session of dubtrack will now be held all day, 24 hours: an open, full Sunday session day! 


    Find the room right here: https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/monochrome-heaven_145247137777434


    I hope to see more of you there!

    1. YuyoDrift


      Good cuz i'm asleep 23 hours on sundays lol

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  21. Plug session now underway~ https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. beni


      Not everyone attends those streams.

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  22. The time for Christmas avas is upon us and I am more than excited for this and anything Xmas related. Missed Halloween opportunity somakes the most of this one early. xD

    1. beni


      Embarrassing ava set. 8D

    2. Tetora
    3. PsychoΔelica


      Yes councellor Tetora :D

  23. Previous ava/gif made it look like I was in the wrong community. xD Mainstream J-pop ftw.

    1. beni


      I don't even know how I could get gif and sig confused but somehow, I did.

    2. CAT5


      lmao, if that's the case then i'm ALWAYS in the wrong community! Do you!

    3. beni


      That's too true. What's a Cat doing on the internet hmm? Actually, how!? This imagery humours me too much. xD

  24. 'Phenomenon' is way too addicting.

    1. shizukasou


      Yes! That and many other songs in the album <3 So happy they're back and kicking ass!

    2. kyoselflove


      That whole album is addicting.

    3. beni


      Too true guys, too true!

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